Hiking to conference
Last weekend, I attended a conference in Germany. I used the opportunity during my sabbatical to return to this conference series, which I attended the last time in 2002. The conference takes place in a small village in the Harz, a Mittelgebirge (I didn’t know that this is an English word!) in Northern Germany. Because I had…
March Meeting — Guest Blog by Carlos Owusu-Ansah ’21
I thought the March APS meeting was fantastic. It felt great to present our research findings to people who cared about what Dr. Lindner and I were working on at the College. I attended fun talks about astronomical phenomena and learned many cool things about the evolution of our solar system. It is easy to…
March Meeting 2019 Boston
I’m currently in Boston for the 2019 March Meeting, which is as exciting, overwhelming, and exhausting as usual! You may remember last March Meeting, we were in LA, which was naturally nice and warm. Boston welcomed the March Meeting with one of the first big snow storms of the season — about 8 inches of…
Wooster in Boston
As mentioned earlier, I’m at the APS March Meeting in Boston this week. There’s so much to say about all the talks that I’ve been to, etc, but in this post I’m just going to tell you about all the amazing Wooster connections! First off, of course, we have five students here this year from…
Wooster awarded NSF grant for summer research
Wooster Receives $325,000 Grant from NSF in Support of Summer Research Program WOOSTER, Ohio – The College of Wooster was awarded a grant of $326,132 on Tuesday from the National Science Foundation, extending support to the department of physics’ long-running and successful Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site.The three-year grant supports Wooster’s summer research program, which…