Current Faculty
Laura DeGroot, Cody Leary, Susan Lehman, Niklas Manz (chair)

Laura DeGroot, Assistant Professor of Physics, B.S. at Michigan State University in 2009; M.S., Ph.D. at University of California in 2011, 2015. Computational astrophysics, galaxy morphology.

Cody Leary, Associate Professor of Physics. B.S. at University of Puget Sound in 2003; M.S., Ph.D. at University of Oregon in 2004, 2010. Experimental and theoretical quantum optics.

Susan Lehman, The Victor J. Andrew Professor of Physics. B.A. at Goshen College in 1993; M.S., Ph.D. at University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) in 1996, 1999. Experimental condensed matter, nanostructures, and optoelectronics.

Niklas Manz, Associate Professor, The William F. Harn Professor of Physics. B.S., M.S. at Technical University Braunschweig, Germany, 1991, 1997; Ph.D. at University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2002. Spatio-temporal pattern formation and nonlinear phenomena.
Emeritus Faculty

John Lindner, Professor of Physics, The Moore Professor of Astronomy, Emeritus. B.S. at University of Vermont 1978-1982; Ph.D. at California Institute of Technology 1982-1988. Nonlinear dynamics, celestial mechanics, neural networks.

Shila Garg, The William F. Harn Professor of Physics, Emeritus. B.S. at University of Madras (India) in 1970; MS at University of Sussex (Great Britain) in 1972; Ph.D. at University of Kent at Canterbury (Great Britain) in 1975. Static and dynamic instabilities in liquid crystals, nonlinear flow effects in liquid crystals.

Don Jacobs, Victor J. Andrew Professor of Physics, Emeritus. B.A., M.A. at University of South Florida in 1971, 1972; Ph.D. at University of Colorado in 1976. Experimental investigations into critical solution points in binary liquid mixtures, polymer-solvent systems, and self-organized criticality.
Recipient of the 2000 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution from the American Physical Society.

Budd Roswell Russell, The William F. Harn Professor of Physics, Emeritus. University of Kansas; Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Former Faculty
(> 1 Semester)






























