Category: Activities

  • Commencement

    The class of 2015 graduated in style on May 11.  Those of us who have been around a while (that would be just me, this year!) were surprised to find that faculty and students were lining up in the Oak Grove on the north side of Kauke and that Commencement itself was on the quad…

  • Wooster Physics in San Antonio!

    Welcome! Our goal is to use this site to share more information about what is going on in the department! Our annual attendance at the APS March Meeting seemed like a great place to start.Four students and I all traveled to San Antonio March 2 to 5 for the biggest gathering of physicists in the…

  • Solar System Model

    The scale of Wooster’s planet walk is approximately five billion to one. Disks engraved on 3.5-inch brass markers embedded along the west sidewalk of Beall Avenue through campus represent the planets (and circles represent planetary rings). The four terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are near the sun between Pearl and Stibbs Streets. Of the…