Tag: Physics

  • Physics harvests wind energy to detect faint signals

    Wooster Professor Devises Way to Harvest Wind Energy to Detect Faint Signals WOOSTER, Ohio – John Lindner, chair of the department of physics at The College of Wooster, has conceived a new use for one of our natural resources – the wind. By harvesting its clean energy, one can detect weak signals, as he and…

  • Sunshine and Water

    As promised, I have one more post from my recent research trip to Vienna, Austria.  First, a confession which will act as a bit of a spoiler, I had never heard of supernumerary rainbows until Dr. Leary joined the College and used a picture of one he had seen in Poland on his web page. Ever…

  • Wooster Physics in Vienna, Austria!

    After several years of being department chair, I am very much enjoying being on research leave this year.  A research leave is an opportunity for Wooster faculty to take a semester or a year just to focus on our research, without any teaching, committee work, or other kinds of administrative work.  It’s a time to meet…

  • A Physicist in Austria

    As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve just recently returned from a research trip to Vienna, Austria.  I was there for two and a half weeks, and fortunately, I had plenty of time to see some sights!  I first visited Vienna when I was in college and on a whirlwind tour of Europe (Marburg, Berlin,…

  • Maggie Lankford ’16 is a national Apker finalist for best physics research

    Lankford One of Seven Finalists for American Physical Society’s Apker Award WOOSTER, Ohio – Maggie Lankford, who graduated summa cum laude from The College of Wooster this past May, was selected as one of seven finalists for the American Physical Society’s LeRoy Apker Award, known as the preeminent honor for undergraduate research in physics in the United States.Lankford…