Tag: Adventure

  • March Meeting Update – Days 2 & 3

    I knew when I posted the Day 1 update from the March Meeting that it would be pretty hard to keep up daily updates, and I was right!The students arrived on Tuesday morning, and Drew did a great job with his poster at the Tuesday afternoon poster session Drew ready for visitors to his poster…

  • March Meeting – Seeing Optics Everywhere

    I spent only part of Day 4 at the meeting in Baltimore.  After some sessions in the morning, I got to tour some of the Johns Hopkins engineering facilities and hear more about the research that Elliot Wainwright is doing there. Then I took the train down to Washington DC in the afternoon so that I…

  • March Meeting 2016 – Day 1!

    I’m at the March Meeting in Baltimore this week — Day 1 was today, which is so appropriate since it is both Einstein’s birthday and Pi Day!  They were giving away pie at the APS booth in celebration. The March Meeting is the largest gathering of physicists in the world, so it’s always bursting with…

  • Guest Blog – Spencer Kirn ’16

    This summer I have been working with Dr. Chris Crawford at the University of Kentucky. We have been trying to design a cosine theta coil, which is a magnetic coil that has a uniform magnetic field on the inside, but no field on the outside. Beyond this, we also wanted to create this magnet using…

  • Wooster Physics in Prague, Glasgow, and Oxford!

    Greetings!  I have recently returned from a semester-long research leave, thanks to Wooster’s generous faculty leaves program.  During my leave, I split my time between Wooster and the Universities of Glasgow and Oxford in the United Kingdom, in addition to a week-long conference in Prague, Czech Republic. In Wooster, I continued work in my lab with Clare Boothe Luce scholar Maggie Lankford…