Fall 2023 EGLS Meeting
On October 20-21, eight Wooster students attended the Fall 2023 Meeting of the APS Eastern Great Lakes Section at Cleveland State University. Senior Abrar Khondker and the Juniors Aeralyn Flynn and Gus Thomas presented posters on results from their summer REU at Wooster. Juniors Eric Johnson and Lily Baker presented research done at other REU…
Spring 2023 EGLS Meeting
On April 1st, two physics majors presented their Senior I.S. results at the Spring 2023 Meeting of the APS Eastern Great Lakes Section at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. Daniel Cohen-Cobos presented “Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Waves as an Analog for Gravitational Lensing” and Michael Scarberry “Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction and its Metal Complex Catalysts”. The seniors Daniel and…
March Meeting ’23 — Olivia’s Perspective
My favorite part of the March meeting was the poster session, where I got to meet physics students from all over and see the different research projects they were working on. I also really loved browsing the physics bookstore and sitting in on the ‘Physics of Superheroes’ talk. During the poster session, someone left an…
Views on the Way to Vegas
I’ve always loved looking out the window of the plane during flights, and I almost always request window seats, even though aisle seats are convenient in a lot of ways. But seeing the Earth from the air still gives me a sense of wonder. I flew out of Cleveland with wonderful late afternoon sun hitting…
March Meeting ’23 – Mahala’s Perspective
I’d be hard pressed to pick a favorite moment during my trip to the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas. I was there to experience as many things as possible, morning to night. My motto became “I know I’m not going to sleep while traveling, so I’m embracing the adrenaline instead.” However, the most exciting…