Category: Students

  • Variable stars with the Wooster observatory (Jr IS guest blog by Nate Moore)

    The night sky is full of wonder and splendor. Stars, many more than one can count by themselves, and what a great expanse it truly is, reaching beyond our visible universe. In the vast nothingness, there are things that we can still learn through observation. The first step to learning though is by making sure…

  • Picnic and Pie Fest 2017!

    Last weekend we had another excellent picnic and pie festival at my house. This event has been a tradition since my first summer in our REU program back in 2004. We have outdoor games, eat grilled veggie quesadillas and a variety of sides, and then we have the celebration of pie! This year’s pie festival…

  • Wooster Physics returns to Okinawa, Japan!

    Greetings Everyone! Last month, I accompanied recent graduate Michael Wolff ’17 to Okinawa, Japan, where Michael presented his senior independent study work as part of an international workshop-style conference for specialists in the field of optical nanofibers. Optical nanofibers are essentially very thin cylindrical glass tubes– so thin, in fact, that their diameters are comparable…

  • Commencement 2017

    Congratulations to the class of 2017! We caught up with a number of our senior physics majors for a group picture in the “organized chaos” following the commencement ceremony. Best wishes to all our graduates in your future endeavours, and be sure to keep in touch!

  • Posters on the Hill 2017

    Robin Morillo presented his I.S. research at Posters on the Hill The Council on Undergraduate Research chose Robin’s poster A Hill on fire: Using matches, 3D printing, and code as a forest fire analog to represent Ohio at the 21st Annual Posters on the Hill on April 26, 2017 in the Rayburn House Office Building in…