Typical Summer Research Projects

Laura DeGroot
- Quantifying the inside-out formation of disk galaxies at z = 0.8 – 1.2
- Studying the evolution of galaxies using bulge-disk decompositions of simulated and observed galaxies
- Studying the halos of nearby galaxies in the HERON Survey through galaxy decomposition using GALFIT
Paul Bonvallet
Cody Leary
- Entangled spin-orbit photon modes
- Quantum “memory” in photons
- Unified dynamics of electrons and photons
- Optical “tractor beam”
Susan Lehman
Niklas Manz
- Black-hole horizon analogue
- Light-sensitive BZ waves in non-homogeneously illuminated systems
- RD spiral waves on non-planar surfaces
- Stationary waves (Effect of fluid flow on 1D RD waves)
- Acoustical and optical investigation of the Trevelyan Rocker

Past Summer Research Projects
These are our recent undergraduate research assistants and their projects.
- Elliott Candela, Mt. Holyoke ’24, Testing GALFIT using Sersic 2D Simulated Galaxies and the Kormendy Relation
- Aeralyn Flynn, Wooster ’25, Analyzing Avalanche Patterns
- Abrar Khondker, Wooster ’24, Identifying Clumpy Galaxies: Insights from GALFIT and Non-Parametric Measurements
- Nico Martinelli, Denison University ’25, Using Video Analysis to Track Velocity of Avalanching Beads on Conical Bead Pile
- Aidan Mason, Wooster ‘ 24, Effects of Laminar Flow on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
- Liv McClintock, North Carolina State University ’25, Optimizing the synthesis of 5-phenyldipyrromethane for the preparation of Porphyrin-PYBOX hybrid
- Duyen (Rachel) Nguyen, Franklin & Marshall ’24, Determine the Best Method of Identifying Galaxies
- Joshua Patel, Berea College ’26, Determining the Global and Local Angles of Repose on a Bead Pile
- Hannah Savoy, St. Olaf ’25, Absorption Capacity of SOMS at Low and Room Temperatures
- Veran Stanek, Rochester Institute of Technology ’26, Modeling a Black Hole Event Horizon with a Light Sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky System
- Gus Thomas, Wooster ’25, One-Dimensional Belousov-Zhabotinsky Chemical Wave System as an Electron Drift Analog
- Garrett Worden, Lorrain County CC ’25, Exploring the Enthalpy of Swelling by Swellable Organically Modified Silica via Calorimetry
- Karmellah Buttler, Wooster ’25, Using Color Gradients to Study the Inside-Out Formation of Disk Galaxies at 0.8 z 1.0
- Olivia Green, Wooster ’23, A Two-Photon Investigation of Nonlinear Sample Properties
- Olivia Heinen, St. Olaf College ’23, Video Analysis Parameter Optimization for Avalanching Beads on a Conical Pile
- Aman Jissa, Wooster ’24, Measuring the Phase Accumulation of a Changing Polarization State of Light
- Eric Johnson, Wooster ‘ 25, Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile: Improving Video Acquisition and Analyzing Inter-event Time
- Kyla Koos, Baldwin Wallace University ’24, Modeling Two-Photon Interference Using Optical Pulses
- Debra Lacey, Wellesley College ’24, Using Simulated Images to Test Galfit’s Parameter Analysis
- Kiyomi Sanders, University of Hawai’i ’22, Table-top Analogues Using Chemical Waves: Gravitational Lensing Effect
- Michael Scarberry, Wooster ’23, Temperature Effects on the Young’s Modulus of SOMS
- John Schmidt, Wooster ’23, An Experimental Determination of the Young’s Modulus for Compression of Swellable Organically Modified Silica
- Mahala Wanner, Ohio University ’24, Table-top Analogues Using Chemical Waves: Electron Drift Velocity
- Bennett Anderson, Wooster ’22, Conical Bead Pile: Feel the Pressure
- Jayne Blinkhorn, Wooster ’21, Encapsulation of Benzoic Acid Inside SOMS
- Samuel (Bo) Cavender, Georgia College ’20, On the Horizon
- Maria Cook, Lorain County Community College ’20, Studying the Bulges of Distant Galaxies
- Brian Corbin, Hiram ’20, SOMS Force Generation: Force Analysis of Swelled Osorb
- Chase Fuller, Wooster ’19, Let’s GP-Do It! GPU Acceleration
- William (Christian) Julius, Wooster ’20, It’s strange … Non Chaotic Motion
- Andrew Kunkel, Wooster ’22, Spiral Structure of the Milky Way According to Density Wave Theory
- Margaret McGuire, Wooster ’20, What a Mouthful: Geographic Tongue as a Reaction-Diffusion System
- Emmanuel Ogundipe, Grinnell College ’21, Video Processing & Analysis of a Conical Pile
- Dustin Savelli, Lorain County Community College ’21, The Transfer of Linear and Angular Momentum Between the Evanescent Electromagnetic Fields of a Nanofiber and Matter or … TRACTOR BEAMS!
- Melita Wiles, Georgia Tech ’22, Celestial Mechanics: Stability of Gravitationally Interacting Rods
- Xinchen (Ariel) Xie, Wooster ’21, Optomechanical Spin-Orbit Coupling
- Yang (Fish) Yu, Wooster ’21, Reaction-Diffusion Wavefronts Interacting with Spirals & Fractals
- Joshua Ballard-Myer, Georgia College ’20, Analysis of an Experimental Setup for BZ Waves in a Quasi 1-D RDA System
- Daniel Blaikie, Wooster ’19, Propagating Excitation Waves Over an Illuminated Two Dimensional System
- Duncan Crow, Wooster ’19, Force Exertion and Spectroscopic Properties of Swellable Organically Modified Silica
- Tanaka Chingonzo, Wooster ’21, Digitizing the History of the BZ Reaction in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and LaTeX
- Montana Ferita, Westminster ’21, Characterizing System Spanning and Non-system Spanning Avalanches
- Rebecca Glaser, SUNY Geneseo ’19, Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Waves Interacting with Convex Obstacles
- Ben Hessman, Wooster ’20, Sliding on a Spinning Asteroid
- Carlos Owusu-Ansah, Wooster ’21, Spectral Stability of Slash-Slash Equilibrium
- Kimberly Patterson, Agnes Scott ’20, Sliding on a Rotating Cuboid
- Ryan Reffner, Lorain County Community College ’19, Force Generation and Encapsulation of Fluorophores in Swellable Organically Modified Silica
- Katie Shideler, Wooster ’21, New Ways of Analyzing Pressure Sensor Data
- Charles Walker, Haverford ’20, GPU Accelerated Granular Flow Simulation
- Norah Ali, Hiram ‘19, Experimental Realization of the Hannay Hoop-and-Bead Anholonomy
- Abigail Ambrose, Wooster ’20, Forest Fire Propagation Along a Slope
- Daniel Blaikie, Wooster ‘19, Spectroscopic and Optical Investigation of Organic Solutes in a Solid Matrix
- Gabe Dale Gau, Wooster ‘18, A Device to Measure the Area of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile
- Haidar Esseili, Wooster ‘19, Bead Pile: Particle Image Velocimetry
- Chase Fuller, Wooster ‘19, Effects of Advection on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction: Standing Excitaiton Waves in a Quasi-1D Reaction-Diffusion-Advection System
- Ian George, Kenyon ‘18, Pancharatnam Phase of Non-separable Modes
- Vincent Hui, Wooster ‘19, Modelling of Reaction-Diffusion Waves with Various Boundaries
- Benjamin Jenkins Wooster ‘19, Optical Fibers and Superpositions of E-Fields
- Polly Michel, Ohio State ‘20, Living with a Binary: A Study of Pluto’s Moons
- Mijiti Mierkamili, Wooster ‘19, Creating a Timeline for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky History Website
- Hannah Peltz Smalley, Wellesley ‘18, Chaos of a Slider on a Spinning Ellipsoid
- Anna Tomkins, Agnes Scott ‘18, Gravitational Equilibria of Rotating and Revolving Rods
- Hyuga Uchida, Wooster ‘19, Investigation of Polymer Synthesis in SOMS Nanoreactors
- Hwan (Michelle) Bae, Wooster ‘19, Geometric Phases and Anholonomy: Things That Don’t Return after 360° Rotations
- Angelica Berner, Arizona State ’19, Creating Strange, Non-chaotic Behavior
- Tyler Branscum, Lorain Community College, Ohio University ‘18, Synthesis and Analysis of High-Swell, Silica-based Gels
- Jordan Dennis, Wooster ‘19, Blowing Bubbles: The Route to Chaos
- Haidar Esseili, Wooster ’19, Bead Pile Video Analysis: Tracking a Needle in a Needle Stack
- Alex Gould, Wooster ‘17, Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Waves around Obstacles
- Nate Moore, Wooster ‘18, Sliding on a Tumbling Asteroid: Geodesics on a Rotating Ellipsoid
- Sam Nash, Wooster ’19, Waiting for the Big One: Inter-event Time
- Jersson Pachar, Wittenberg ‘18, Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Systems
- Jacob Paul, Ursinus College ‘17, Alignment of a Down Conversion System for Coupled Photon Experiments
- Preston Pozderac, Wooster ’17, Radial Solutions of the Finite Spherical Well for Electrons and Photons
- Alishan Premani, Wooster ‘18, The Expressions of Light: Simulating Modes in a Circular Dielectric Wave Guide
- Tessa Rosenberger, University of Dallas ’19, Aeromechanical One-Way Array
- Zane Thornburg, Wooster ‘18, Bond, Si-O-Si Bond: Characterizing the Swelling of Osorb Using Computational Chemistry and Spectroscopy
- Avi Vajpeyi, Wooster ’18 Improving Detection of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile
- Justine Walker, Wooster ’18 Changes in the Distributions of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile with Cohesion
- Michael Bush, Wooster ’16 Impact of geometry on Newtonian gravity of point particles
- Nathan Johnson, Wooster ’16 Scaling the Pile: the effect of cohesion on slip-avalanche statistics
- Andrew King-Smith, Wooster ’16 Single photon counting using spontaneous parametric down conversion
- Maggie Lankford, Wooster ’16 Lasers, photons, interference, and our magic box
- Yash Lohia Wooster ’16 Stochastic resonance in a mechanical bi-stable system
- Ziyi Sang, Wooster ’17 /// Gravitational interaction of three massive rods
- Catherine Tieman, Wooster ’16 Shaping up and scaling the bead pile: geometry analysis and interevent time scaling
- Carlos Gonzalez-Mendoza, Wooster ’16 Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals: Experiment and Simulation
- Nicolae Istrate, Wooster ’15 Creating an artificial gravity field using U-I junction conditions
- Andrew King-Smith, Wooster ’16 Enhancing the Optical Tweezers Experiment in Preparation for the Addition of an Optical Spanner
- Matthew King-Smith, Wooster ’16 Building an Array of One-way Coupled Oscillators
- Maggie Lankford, Wooster ’16 // The Gravitational Interaction of Two Line Segments
- Brian Maddock, Wooster ’15 Classical Entanglement: From Spheres to Rods to Staples
- Nate Mathewson Wooster ’16 Stochastic Resonance in a Mechanical Bi-stable System
- Paroma Palchoudhuri Wooster ’16 Effect of Drop Height and Cohesion on Avalanches in a Conical Bead Pile
- Brian Maddock, Wooster ’15 The Journey Around the Sphere: The Creation of an Optical Rotator
- Duncan Price, Wooster ’13 The Ultimate Shield: Perturbing Spacetime
- Jairaj Ranchod, Wooster ’15, Astrophotography, Image Processing, and the College Observatory
- Prakrit Shrestha, Wooster ’14, Aero-mechanical Array of One-Way Coupled Oscillators
- Amanda Steinhebel, Wooster ’15 1-Dimensional Photonic Parity Sorter Through Interacting Interferometers
- Deepika Sundarraman, Wooster ’14, The Magic ‘U’ box: Bimodal Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference in an Interferometric Optical System
- Elliot Wainwright, Wooster ’15, Stochastic Resonance in a Mechanical System
- Phil Wales, Wooster ’13, ξ. Body Problem
- Theresa Albon, Wooster ’13, Expansion Forces Produced by Swelling SOMS
- Tom Gilliss, Wooster ’13, Cohesion Forces in a Bead Pile
- Vanessa Logan, Wooster ’14, Active Galactic Nuclei in the Optical Spectrum
- Matt Schmitthenner, Wooster ’13, // Body Problem
- Karl Smith, Wooster ’13, String Theory (Knot Really)
- Ian Wilson, Wooster ’14, Stochastic Resonance in a Mechanical System
- Andrew Blaikie, Wooster ’13, Simulating Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Standard Model
- Lily Christman, Wooster ’13, The Physics of Swellable Organically Modified Silica
- Alexander Chartrand, Mount Union College ’11, Relativistic Hotspots in Double-Lobed Radio Sources
- Lorenzo Dumancas, Wooster ’13, The Heat Capacity and Self-Aggregating Behavior of the Triblock Copolymer 17R4 in H2O
- Gerhardt Funk, Centenary College ’13, Numerical Analysis of the Oblique Parameters in the Two Higgs Doublet Model
- Alyse Marquinez, Wooster ’13, Self-Organized Criticality: A Magnetized Bead Pile
- Colin McGuire, High Point University ’12, Effects of Temperature and pH on the Fluorescence of 4-amino Benzoic Acid and its Derivatives
- Hosanna Odhner, Bryn Mawr ’13, The Coexisting Phases of Poly(Propylene Oxide)-Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Poly(Propylene Oxide) in D2O
- Tyler Rhoades, Wooster ’13, Electrical Percolation in Conductive and Non-conductive Beads
- Michael-Erik Ronlund, Wooster ’13, Mass Transfer in Algol Binaries
- Christine Welling, Dickinson College ’12, Broad Absorption Line Variability in Radio Loud Quasars
- Alison Huff, Wooster ’10, Examing 17R4 in Water: Refractive Indices and DLS
- Erin Ford, Kenyon ’11, Validating Old Wives’ Tales: The Mpemba Effect
- Amanda Logue Wooster ’11, /.
- Katsuo Maxted, Wooster ’12, Computational and Experimental One-way Coupling
- Larry Markley, Wooster ’12, Self-organized Criticality: Energy Dissipation vs Ballistic Model and Coefficients of Friction
- Heather Moore, Wooster ’10, Electrical Percolation Through One-Millimeter Insulating and Conducting Spheres
- Conrad Moore, Bucknell University ’10, Warp Drive, Time Machines and the Einstein Tensor
- Margaret Raabe, Wooster ’12, Escape from the 3 and 4-body Problems
- David Simpson, Wooster ’12, Cp of Poly(Propylene Oxide)-Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Poly(Propylene Oxide) Triblock Copolymer in H2O
- Mitchell Thayer, Ohio Northern ’12, Structural and Environmental Effects on Intramolecular Charge Transfer
- Henry Timmers, Wooster ’09, The Construction of a Continuous-Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer
- Alison Huff, Wooster ’10, A Charged Pendulum in an Electric Field
- Thomas Linz, Kenyon ’09, Perturbing Spacetime
- Jacob Lynn, New York University ’09, Order and Chaos in the 2.5-Body Problem
- Patrick Odenthal, University of Portland ’09, Experimental Observation of Soliton Annihilation in a Hydro-Mechanical Array of One-Way Coupled Oscillators
- Richard Sampson, Columbia University ’10, Electrical Characterization of Quantum Dots Using Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy
- Ingrid Thvedt, Wooster ’11, It’s getting hot in here – or is it? An Investigation into Mpemba Effect
- Mike Winters, Wooster ’10, Self-Organized Criticality: Bead Pile Dynamics Across Bead Types
- Mark Zimmerman, Wooster ’09, Percolating Electrons Through Steel Shot and Glass Beads
- COREY ATWOOD-STONE, Wooster ’10, Celestial Clock: Tracking the Sun, the Moon, the Center of the Milky Way and the Earth’s Velocity Vector with Respect to the CMB
- JAMES DANIELS, Wooster ’10, A Closer Look at Multiple Time Scales in Transistor Amplifiers
- JAMES GALLAGHER, Ohio Northern University ’10, Constructing an Array of One-Way Coupled Bistable Oscillators
- MATTHEW GORSKI, Wooster ’09, Top-down Causation and Cellular Automata
- ERIC HARDIN, SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY ’08, Investigating the Inner Structure of Non-radial β-lactoglobilin Spherulites
- KASEY KELLY, Kenyon College ’10, Visualizing Curved Spacetime: Light Geodesics in Kerr-Newman Spacetime
- FRANK KING, Wooster ’09, Charged Spherical Pendulum in Electric and Magnetic Fields
- DANIEL SHAI, Wooster ’07, Construction of a Ballistic Electron Emission Microscope
- IAN STEWARD, John Carroll University ’08, Measuring Reflectivity with a Ring-Down Cavity
- JEREMIAH ZBLEWSKI, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point ’07, Spectral and Computation Studies of Hydrogen Bonding of Uracil and Cytosine with Methanol
- EVAN HEIDTMANN, Wooster ’09, The Escape Set: Chaos in the Restricted Three-Body Problem
- ANDREW HERSHBERGER, Case Western Reserve University ’09, Modeling Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells of the Inner Ear
- KEVIN HOYLE, Ohio Northern University ’09, Dynamics of Noisy One-Way Coupled Oscillators
- MARY MILLS, Agnes Scott College ’09, Self-Organized Criticality in a Zirconium Bead Pile
- MARTHA ROSEBERRY, Wooster ’09, Precession & Chaos in a Spherical Universe
- HENRY TIMMERS, Wooster ’09, Finding the Turbidity of 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- NATHAN UTT, Wooster ’07, Heat Capacity of a Triethylamine-Water Mixture
- MIKE ZAPPITELLO, Wooster ’09, Measuring the Coexistence Curve of an 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- JOHN GAMBLE, Wooster ’08, Dielectric Permittivity in Binary Nematic Mixtures
- KIRSTEN LARSON, Wooster ’08, The Search for Microquasars in High Galactic Latitudes
- MEGAN MILLER, Wells College ’06, Self-Organized Criticality and the Energy Dissipation Model as Observed in a Bead Pile
- CHRISTINE O’BRIEN, College of Dupage ’07, Modeling Magnetic Confinement of a Relativistic Particle
- KELLY PATTON, Wooster ’08, A Study of Quantum Dots through Atomic Force Microscopy
- RUTH SHEWMON, MIT ’08, Using Heat Capacity to Observe Non-critical Phase Transitions of the Binary Fluid Mixture Triethylamine-Water
- SARAH SUDDENDORF, Wooster ’07, The Turbidity and Correlation Length Amplitude of 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane Near the Critical Point
- DANNY TREMBLAY, Wooster ’07, Measuring Ultra High Reflectivities Using Light Intensity Cavity Ring-down
- LISA MAY WALKER, Dickinson College ’07, Searching for Microquasars using the INTEGRAL Satellite
- MARK WELLONS, Wooster ’08, Measuring the Coexistence Curve of an 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- JOSEPH DARTEZ, University of Dallas ’06, Chaos and Fractal Structure in Solar Escape: A Restricted Three-Body Problem
- ANNIE ERBSEN, Guilford College ’06, Characterization and Imaging of Self Assembled InAs Quantum Dots by Atomic Force Microscopy
- JEREMY HOHERTZ, Wooster ’06, Jet Emission Models for Microquasars
- MARK LIGHTFOOT, Wooster ’05, Measuring the Coexistence Curve of an 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- TUAN NGUYEN, University of Oklahoma ’06, Self-Organized Criticality: Deviations from Pure SOC Power Law
- KINGA PARTYKA, Rutgers University ’07, A Computational Study of CO Oxidation on Pt(111) and Ru(0001) Surfaces
- STEPHEN POPROCKI, Wooster ’07, Accurate Measurement of Quantum Dots by Atomic Force Microscopy
- JON ROSCH, Wooster ’07, Analysis of X-Ray Emissions from Microquasars
- DANNY SHAI, Wooster ’07, A Reduced Mass Variation of the Newtonian Two-Body Problem on the 2-Sphere
- ANGIE TRIPLETT, Wooster ’06, Finding the Turbidity of an 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- BRYAN WHITING Wooster ’06, Alloy Chemisorption of Carbon Monoxide
- ELIZABETH BAKER, Bucknell University ’06, Self-Organized Criticality: Cliff Phenomena
- ANDY BRINCK, Wooster ’05, The Turbidity and Correlation Length of 8-Arm Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- ADAM COHEN, Bucknell University ’06, The Automated Measurement of the Coexistence Curve of 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- GREG DALLINGER, Wooster ’05, Computational Study of the Oxidation of CO on the Pt(111) Surface
- SETH HOPPER, Earlham College ’04, Vector and Parallel Processing in Computational Physics
- KATHLEEN McCREARY, Wooster ’06, Dielectric Properties of a Nematic Binary Mixture
- KATHERINE OLAKSEN, Wooster ’06, Chaotic Sphere: Two Particles Interacting on a 2D Spherical Universe
- JOE VANFOSSEN, Baldwin-Wallace College ’04, Self-Erasing Perturbations: BTW Scalar Sandpiles and Superpiles
- AUSTIN CARTER, Wooster ’05, Testing Yang-Yang Theory Using the Heat Capacity of Triethylamine and Water
- HANNEKE HOEKMAN, Wooster ’05, Dielectric Properties of a Nematic Binary Mixture
- CHRISTINE LEIDEL, Ohio Northern ’05, Optimal Exit: Solar Escape as a 3-Body Problem
- PATRICK MACDONALD, Notre Dame ’04, Invariant Seeds on a Cellular Automaton Sandpile
- DAVID MERRIMAN, Wooster ’04, Investigating the Elastic Properties of a Liquid Crystal: the Χa of N4
- MICHELLE SESTAK, Baldwin Wallace ’04, Methanol Maser Search of Star Forming Region S 235 A/B
- MATTHEW SIROCKY, Mount Union ’03, The Basics of Astrophotometry for The College of Wooster
- BRAD THOMAS, Wooster ’04, The Flux Creep Automaton
- REBECCA URBAN, Wooster ’03, Self-Organzied Criticality-Looking Into Energy Dissipation
- NITHYA VENKATARAMAN, Wooster ’04, The Relationship Between the Correlation Length Amplitude of a Star vs. Linear Polymer in Methylcyclohexane
- DAN BRUBAKER, Wooster ’03, An Investigation of OMC-2 at Microwave Wavelengths
- CLINTON BRAGANZA, Wooster ’03, The Correlation Length of a Critical Mixture of Perfluoroheptane and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane
- COREY CASTO, Ohio Wesleyan ’03, Spectral Variability in LMCX-4 Caused by the Hatchett-McCray Effect
- CHRISTIAN CLERC, University of Dallas ’04, Observations of the 44 GHz Methanol Maser 70 61 A+ Transition in the Molecular Cloud W75N
- NICK HARMON, Wooster ’04, Modeling of the Circular Planar Restricted Three-Body Problem
- RYAN HARTSCHUH, Wooster ’03, The Heat Capacity of Triethylamine-Water: Testing Yang-Yang Theory
- ANNA LARUE, Smith College ’04, Exploring Neutral Dielectric Anisotropy in a Binary Liquid Crystal Mixture
- AMY LYTLE, Wooster ’01, Turbidity in a Binary Fluid Mixture: Measuring the Critical Exponent h
- DAVE MERRIMAN, Wooster ’04, The Long and Circuitous Route to the Procurement of an Observatory for the Department of Physics: A View of Prospects in Three Space
- DAVID J. MILLER, Wooster ’02, Using Cellular Automata and Differential Equations to Model Magnetic Flux Creep Through a Type II Semiconductor
- TOM SPEARS, Wooster ’04, Phase Transitions, Dielectric Anisotropy and Intermolecular Interactions in Binary Mixtures of the Nematic Liquid Crystals 5CB and MBBA
- CHRISTIE EGNATUK, Wooster ’03, Self-organized Criticality in a Bead Pile
- SUSAN KOST, CARNEGIE MELLON (’03) and BRAD LIGNOSKI, Wooster ’03, Morphology and Relative Size Distribution of PAH Molecules in S235A
- JOSHUA MARTIN, Wooster ’02, Electrohydrodynamic Pattern Formation in a Nematic Liquid Crystal Mixture
- BETH MASIMORE, JUNIATA COLLEGE ’02, Phase Transitions in Binary Mixtures of Nematic Liquid Crystal
- JEFF MOFFITT, Wooster ’03, The Development of a Three Mass Lumped-Element Model for the Lip Reed
- ANDREW NOWICKI, Wooster ’00, Heat Capacity and Turbidity Near the Critical Solution Point of the Liquid-Liquid Mixture Succinonitrile and Water
- EMILY OBY, DENISON UNIVERSITY ’02, Heat Capacity of a Binary Fluid Mixture Near the Critical Point
- MICHAEL ROBERTS, MONMOUTH COLLEGE ’01, Measuring Upper Lip Stiffness of Brass Instrument Players
- DEREK SOMOGY, Wooster ’02, Optical Properties of Liquid Crystal DNA Lenses
- LAUREN AULT, Wooster ’01, Spin Expectation Values in Fermion Gases
- MATT BARTOW, BALDWIN WALLACE ’01, Classical Lattice Electrodynamics
- SCOTT HUGHES, Wooster ’01, Spatiotemporal Visualization
- AMY LYTLE, Wooster ’01, Turbidity Near the Critical Point in a Liquid-Liquid Mixture
- JOSH MARTIN, Wooster ’02, Spatiotemporal Chaos in MBBA
- ALAN MCMULLEN, RIDGEWATER ’01, 3D Visualization of Hydrogenic States and Rydberg Wave Packets
- ANDY NOWICKI, Wooster ’00, Heat Capacity of Succinonitrile and Water Mixture Near the Critical Temperature
- DANELL OWENS, BALDWIN WALLACE ’00, Phase Transitions of the Liquid Crystal Mixtures 5CB and C7
- HANNA WAGNER, OHIO NORTHERN ’00, Power Spectral Density in Avalanche Dynamics for a Model Bead Pile System
- MEGHAN WILLS, Wooster ’02, Monostable Stochastic Resonance in Arrays