REU Social Activities

We strive to promote a close-knit scientific community during our summer research period.

Summer 2005 REU group at a weekly picnic

Weekly Picnics

We bring sack lunches to one of our local parks. This promotes interaction beween students and faculty.

Weekly Seminars

Students and faculty present their progress as oral scientific presentations every Friday morning.

Weekend Activities

Movie and dinner at Easton Town Center in Columbus and Tower City Center in Cleveland.

Poster Session

At the end of the research period, students present their projects as posters for the campus community with pizza & pop.

A Major Outing

We have visited Cedar Point Amusement Park and attended a Cleveland Indians baseball game.

Musical Theater

Our campus hosts the Ohio Light Opera each summer. Students can sign up for ushering and see the shows at no cost.

Wayne county

Wooster is the seat of scenic Wayne county.