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Two notes from Psychology Major Christopher Causey ’85 (link to article):
“Independent Study is the “art of incrementalism.”
“It’s easy to get paralyzed by the size and scope of a project like I.S.,” he said. “I gained the confidence and ability to think about the project not in its entirety, but as a series of steps. Learning to view challenges as incremental processes has really helped me throughout my career. It’s been an efficient, effective way to achieve meaningful impact.”
- Lily Baker,
- Sahil Bindal,
- Karmella Buttler,
- Al Cawley,
- Aeralyn Flynn,
- Nina Hanus*,
- Eric Johnson,
- Tali Lansing,
- Madelyn Noll,
- Augustus (Gus) Thomas,
- Yohannes Abateneh, Mechanics of an Absorptive Anisotropic Particle Under The Influence of An External Electromagnetic Field
- Nick Gaba, Effects of Solvent and Polymer Properties on the Enthalpy of Swelling of Swellable Organically-Modified Silica
- Aman Jissa, Investigating the dynamics of avalanches on a bead pile using functional analysis
- Abrar Khondker, GALFIT Decomposition of Disk Galaxies in the Extended Groth Strip
- Juhyeong (Kelly) Kim, Interevent Time Correlations for Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile
- Aidan Mason, Fabricating a Flow Chemistry System to Investigate Reaction-Diffusion Waves in Advected Belousov-Zhabotinsky Systems
- Kelsey McEwen, Determining the Trajectory of an Anisotropic Particle in an Electromagnetic Field
- Luke Wilson, Relativistic and Asymmetric Diffusion Models using Partial Differential Equations
- Whitford (Dean) Brown, Improving the Accuracy of GALFIT in Measuring the Morphological Properties of Multi-Component Disk Galaxies
- Harrison Clayman, Probability Analysis of Time Intervals Surrounding Large Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile
- Daniel Cohen Cobos, Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Waves to Model Gravitational Lensing
- Olivia Green, A Two-Photon Investigation of a Material’s Nonlinear Susceptibility
- Davis Patterson, An Investigation of Criticality: Characterizing motion on a Conical Bead Pile
- Raisa Raofa, Analysis of Nonlinear Phase Accumulation from Transformations of the Polarization States of Light in Connection to Quantum Information
- Michael Scarberry, The Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction and its Photo-Sensitive Metal Complex Catalysts
- John Schmidt, Modelling Stable Equilibrium Orientations of a Submerged Dipolar Particle in an Electromagnetic Field
- Connor Streeter, Studying the Halo of the Nearby M104 Galaxy through Galaxy Decomposition using GALFIT
- Bennett Anderson, Isotropic Particle Trajectories Around a Light Emitting Optical Nanofiber
- Shivam Bhasin, Testing the Accuracy of GALFIT to Measure the Morphological Properties of Galaxies
- William Hilbert, Designing an Apparatus for Creating 1D Standing Waves Using Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Systems
- Jonathan Logan, Measuring a Nonlinear Phase Accumulation for Cyclic and Non-cyclic Adiabatic Transformations of the Polarization State of Light
- Lillian Miller, Determining Growth and Evolution Methods for Galaxies in the GOODS-S Field with 0.8 < z < 1.2
- Ben Stern, Investigating a Material’s Nonlinear Susceptibility Using Entangled Photons
- Melita Wiles, Angular frequency of rotating spiral waves in a chemical reaction-diffusion system
- Haoge Yan, Studying the halos of nearby galaxies in the HERON Survey through galaxy decomposition using GALFIT
- Mili Barai, Measuring properties of entangled photons using the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect
- Megan Fisher, Creating an Event Horizon Analogue using the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
- Yuchen Gan, Free-Fall Spinning-Planet Tunnel Transportation Network
- Daniel (Dani) Halbing, The Effect of Varying Paneling Characteristics on Soccer Ball Flight
- Mattaeus (Matt) Klonowski, Understanding the Swelling Mechanism of Stimuli Responsive Organically-Modified Silica
- Craig Klumpp, A Case of Heartburn: Replicating the Heart’s Electrical Signals with Fire
- Andrew Kunkel, Examining Light-Matter Interactions Through Two Photon Entanglement
- Gentaro Nakata, Propellant-less Space Travel with Tethers: Swimming in Space using an Asteroid’s Gravity Gradient
- Carlos Owusu-Ansah, The trajectory of an Anisotropic Particle Near a Light-Transmitting Optical Nanofiber
- Katherine (Katie) Shideler, Energy Conservation: Harnessing Excess Thermal Energy and Converting to Electricity by Use of the Thermoelectric Effect
- Handeul Son, Investigation of Fire Propagation using Discrete Tree Simulations
- Henry Whyte, Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile
- Yang (Fish) Yu, Alien Sunsets on Tumbling Asteroids
- Xinchen (Ariel) Xie, Exoplanets Sunsets
- Abigail Ambrose, Using the Gaia DR2 to Observe Stellar Streams & Dark Matter Distribution in the Milky Way
- Adam Deeley, Studying Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile
- William (Christian) Julius, Phase Memory of Photons
- Nicholas (Nicky) Rosner, Quantification of Disk Galaxy Formation through Ultraviolet Light at 0.8 < z < 1.2
- Hwan (Michelle) Bae, Watching Sunsets in Exoplanet Skies
- Daniel Blaikie, Propagation of Light-Sensitive Reaction-Diffusion Waves in Inhomogeneously Illuminated Systems
- Carson Bullock, Orbital Debris Proliferation and the Evolution of the Space Sustainability
- Haidar Esseili, Spacetime Engineering: Time-Slowing Space-Expanding Lunchbox
- Chase Fuller, Spiraling into Control: Spiral Density Wave Structure of GAIA DR2 Galactic Radial Velocities
- Wan Hang (Vincent) Hui, Determining the Accuracy of GALFIT in Morphology Measurement of Galaxies from Image Analysis
- Ben (Benji) Jenkins, The Decomposition and Analysis of the NGC720 Galaxy
- David Morrow, An Investigation of Angle of Repose and Surface Activity of a Conical Bead Pile
- Samuel (Sam) Nash, Using Belousov-Zhabotinsky Waves as an Analogue to the Event Horizon of a Black Hole
- Joseph (Joe) Theiss, Slope’s Effect on Discrete Tree Fire Simulations
- Emma Brinton, Exploring the Dynamics of a Small Dielectric Sphere Due to the Higher-Order Modes of an Optical Nanofiber
- Gabriel Dale-Gau, Employing a system of pressure sensors to characterize avalanche dynamics over a conical bead pile
- Collin Hendershot, Attacking the Curve: A study of the effect of concavity on aerodynamic forces associated with high speed automobiles
- Kyle McNickle, A Visual Investigation of Criticality: Avalanche Classification on a Conical Bead Pile
- Jack Mershon, Modified Propagation of Anomalous Belousov-Zhabotinsky Waves in a Quasi-1D System
- Nathaniel Moore, Local Analogues: Comparing the 12-inch Telescope to the Hubble
- Nathaniel Smith, A Computational Simulation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Wave Behavior Around Obstacles
- Zane Thornburg, An Investigation into the Lambert-Beer Law in Incoherent Broad-band Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
- Avi Vajpeyi, Studying Universality with Physics Engines: Accelerating Granular Flow on GPU with OpenCL and CUDA
- Justine Walker, Dancing Our Way to the Cosmos: A Study in How Extraterrestrial Travel Will Change the Mechanics of Dance
- Hero Endo, Transient Absorption of CdSiP2 and ZnGeP2
- Alex Gould, Chaos in the Moons of Pluto
- Roy Hadfield, C//
- Dylan Hamilton, Simulating Turbulent Wind Flow in Vertical Axis Windmills
- Marc Manheim, On the Creation of a Lab Sized Event Horizon Analogue
- Robin Morillo, The Effects of Slope Upon Propagation Speed and Pattern Formation in Forest Fires
- Preston Pozderac, Blinded by the Light: An Investigation of the Wave Propagation of Vector Modes of Light in a Spherically Symmetric Refractive Index Profile
- Ziyi Sang, Understanding Mental causation in the Enlightenment of Top-down Causation within the Physical
- Michael Wolff, Optical Tractor Beam: Force on a Small Microbead
- Michael Bush, A Comparative Analysis of Photon and Electron Wave Functions in Spherically Symmetric Potentials
- Mitch Gavin, Building a Setup to Investigate Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Systems
- Laura Grace, Period Doubling in Bubbling from a Submerged Nozzle
- Colm Hall, Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of Stellar Data Sets
- Nate Johnson, Charge Carrier Characteristics of Doped Semiconductor Heterostructures
- Spencer Kirn, Excitation Waves in Planar, Inhomogeneously Illuminated Systems
- Drew King-Smith, Manipulation of Polarized Transverse Spatial Modes to Induce Non-Linear Structures using the Geometric Phase
- Matt King-Smith, Analog Quantum Simulator
- Maggie Lankford, The Production and Manipulation of Hybrid Spin-Orbit Modes of Light Under Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Conditions
- Yash Lohia, Modal Analysis of Light Propagating Through Structurally Disturbed Optical Fibers
- Noah Megregian, Stochastic Resonance in a Mechanical Bistable System
- Calvin Milligan, Strange Nonchaotic Pendulum
- Diego Miramontes Delgado, Creating Quasi Two-Dimensional, Curved Molds with 3D-printing Technology
- Paroma (Popi) Palchoudhuri, An Experimental and Mathematical Study of Avalanche Behavior in a Critical Conical Bead Pile
- Graham Schattgen, Air Powered One-Way Arrays
- Nate Stone, Critical Systems: An Exploration of Cohesion and the Moments of Distribution
- Catherine Tieman, A Simulation of Phases in the Pyrochlore Lattice
- Shawn Bowman, Modeling the Optical Emission Line Profiles of Active Galactic Nuclei: Working Towards a Continuous Optical Classification Scheme Beyond Type1/Type2
- Nicolae Istrate, Theoretical Resonance Calculations for the Isobaric Analogs 133Sn and 133Sb
- Evan Hagedorn, Understanding the Origin of Swelling Force in Organically Modified Silica
- Min Sung Kim, Stopping Power Analysis of 37K, 44Cl, and 71Br Incident on a He: CO2(9:1) Gas Target
- Brian Maddock, Modifying the Virasoro-Shapiro Amplitude to Correspond to the Glueball Trajectory
- Saul Propp, Relativistic Perturbations and Ontological Implications: Exploring the Zitterbewegung and Laying the Groundwork for a Quantum Ontology
- Jairaj Ranchod, Archimedes Drill Propulsion
- Joseph Smith, Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals and the Behavior Induced by Adding Polystyrene Microspheres to 5CB
- Amanda Steinhebel, Solitons and Their Symmetries: A Mathematical Analysis
- Elliot Wainwright, Avalanches on a Critical Conical Bead Pile: Exploration of Tuning Parameter Space and Mathematical Foundations
- Ben Harris, Establishing Methods to Track Surface Avalanches on a Bead Pile
- Vanessa Logan, Worlds as Real as Ours: Image Processing and Differential Photometry of Transiting Exoplanets
- Danielle Shepherd, Go With the Flow: Developing Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations According to the Navier-Stokes Equations
- Prakrit Shrestha, Universe From Scratch: Exploring Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions using the Causal Dynamical Triangulation Method
- Deepika Sundarraman, The Manipulation of Transverse Spatial Mode and Polarization Degrees of Freedom of Light
- Ian Wilson, The Effects of Magnetic Cohesion and Drop Height on a Conical Bead Pile
- Theresa Albon, The Entanglement and Relaxation of Liquid Crystal Shaped Granular Media
- Dan Axe, Effects of Temperature on the Expansion Force of Osorb®
- Andrew Blaikie, //: Study of the Gravitational Interaction between two line Masses
- Lily Christman, The Effects of a Magnetic Field On a Conical Bead Pile
- Lorenzo Dumancas, Optimization of BEEM Techniques Through the Analysis of GaN Nanowires and Au: GaAs
- Tom Gilliss, Manipulation of Transverse Photonic Degrees of Freedom Via Classical and Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference
- Sam Mermall, The Motion of a Flapping Flag: Chaos or Noise?
- Duncan Price, Liquid Body Armor and Shear Thickening Fluids
- Tyler Rhoades, Differential Photometry of Transiting Exoplanets
- Michael-Erik Ronlund, Sorting Spacial Wavefunctions of Photons By Parity
- Syne Salem, Spacetime: Engineering and Metaphysics
- Matt Schmitthenner, A Theoretical and Experimental Pattern Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Convection in a Liquid Crystal System
- Karl Smith, Electrons Aligned and Felines Undefined: Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and Perturbing the Spin-Orbit Interaction in Electrons
- Andrew Sopher, Head For Safety: A quantitative analysis of headgear effectiveness in soccer
- Philip Wales, ξ.Spring Dot
- Mohammad Saif Ahmad, Parity-based Measurement and Control of the Spatial Wave Function of Photons
- Patrick Butler, Air Drag and External Ballistics
- Matt Damon, Progress toward Using an Optical Tweezer to Make Scattering-based Size Measurements
- Norman Israel, Quantum Gravity: Exploring the Causal Dynamical Triangulation Approach
- Sarah-Beth Loder (Chemical Physics), Experimentally and Computationally Determining the Theoretical Aqueous pKa of Three UV-absorbing Benzophenone Derivatives
- Alyse Marquinez, The Rocket Science Behind the Political Science: Comparing Space Visions fo the Presidents from 1993-2011 and the Rocket Technology That Helped Characterize Them
- Katsuo Maxted, A Cyclic Aero-mechanical Array of One-way Coupled Oscillators
- Larry Markley, Perturbing Spacetime
- Margaret Raabe, Manipulation of a Photon’s Spatial Wave Function in Optical Fibers
- Kemal Ramic, Monte Carlo Simulations of the Clumpy Torus in Active Galactic Nuclei
- David Simpson (Chemical Physics), Analysis of the Correlation Length Amplitude of Nitrobenzene and Dodecane Binary-Fluid Solution
- Louisa Catalano, Tighten Up: A Preliminary Study of Knots
- Roger Klein, A Study of the Structure/Function Relationship of NicF in the Bordetella bronchiseptica Nicotinic Acid Degradation Pathway
- Amanda Logue, Understanding the Expansion of a Swellable Silicate
- Alex Saines, // Order and Chaos in the Rotation and Revolution of Two Line Segments
- Daniel A. Sullivan, Determining the clumpy nature of the toroidal region: An analysis of X-ray emissions from active galactic nuclei
- Ingrid Thvedt, Exploration of the Effects of Cohesive Forces in a Bead Pile
- Corwin Atwood-Stone, Accretion Features of AU Mon
- Alison Huff, Examining the Characteristics of 17R4 Using Refractive Indices and Dynamic Light Scattering
- Heather Moore, Continuous Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy
- R. Michael Winters, The Two-Higgs Doublet Model and Sonification: Using Sound to Understand the Origin of Mass
- Averell Gatton, The Brain vs. Rule 137: Using Spacetime Patterns to Classify the Complexity of Cellular Automata
- Matt Gorski, The Consistent Histories Interpretation as a Solution to the Quantum Measurement Problem
- Evan Heidtmann, A Differential Equations Model of Insulin Spherulite Growth and a Surprising Connection to Algebraic Topology
- Frank King, /.
- Mary Mills, Self-Organized Criticality and the Effect of Pseudo-Randomly Dropping Beads Over a Bead Pile
- Martha Roseberry, Finicky Freezing: Investigations into the Causes of the Mpemba Effect
- Henry Timmers, The Construction of a Continuous Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer
- Mike Zappitello, A Fractal Model of Protein Aggregation
- Mark Zimmerman, Percolative and Conductive Properties of Spherical Mixtures
- Mateo Chinchilla, Percolation via Electrical Conduction
- John Gamble, Foundations of Quantum Decoherence
- Howard Henry, Self-Organized Criticality: An Investigation of Pseudo-Random Bead Drop Dynamics
- Kirsten Larson, An Optical Study of the Infrared/Radio Correlation of Galaxies
- Kelly Patton, Experimental Observation of Solitons Propagating in a Hydro-Mechanical Array of One-Way Coupled Oscillators
- Joseph Thomas, When Does Hot Water Freeze Faster than Cold? Investigaton of the Reproducibility and Causes of the Mpemba Effect
- Mark Wellons, A Simulation of a Charged Pendulum in Electric and Magnetic Fields
- Mike Davis (Chemical Physics), An Investigation of Dielectric Permittivity as Related to Concentration in Mixtures of 7CB and MBBA
- Stephen Poprocki, Bayesian Source Direction Determination for Gravitational-Wave Bursts
- Jon Rosch, The Effects of Compression on Conducting Spheres as They Pertain to Studying Granular Percolation
- Danny Shai, Monte Carlo Studies of the Globally-Coupled Ising Model
- Sarah Suddendorf, Good to the Last Drop: Percolation Through Hypercubic and Random Lattices for Integer, Fractional, and Fractal Dimensions
- Danny Tremblay, Creation of a Two-Dimensional Negative-Index-Material
- Nathan Utt, Heat Capacity Anomaly in a Nitrobenzene+Dodecane Mixture
- Lisa May Walker, Spacetime Whirlpools
- Jeremy Hohertz, Simulation of Synchrotron Radiation from Relativistic Particles in Tangled Magnetic Fields
- Andrew Kindschuh, Self-Organized Criticality: An Investigation of Energy Dissipation and Bead Pile Dynamics
- Kathy McCreary, Characterization of BEEM Performance
- Katherine Olaksen, Physics and Free Will: Models of Top-Down Causation in Physics
- Angie Triplett, Simulating the Path of a Fastpitch Softball Pitch
- Andy Brinck, Comparison of High and Low Flux States of the Microquasar XTE J1748-288
- Austin Carter, Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
- Mark Lightfoot, Measuring the Coexistence Curve of 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- Saleh Satti, Phase Transitions and Dielectric Anisotropy in Nematic Binary Mixtures: Comparing 7CB and MBBA Mixtures to 5CB and MBBA Mixtures
- Daniel Utley, Measuring the Reflectivity of Semiconductor Mirrors Using Light-Intensity Ring-Down in a Half-Symmetric Resonator
- Katie Frato, Experimental Studies of Signal Noise in Gene Regulation in the Inducible Antibiotic Resistance Pathway of Escherichia coli
- Nick Harmon, Chaos on S2:The Newtonian Two-Body Problem on the 2-Sphere
- Tom Spears Searching for Possible Correlations of γ-Ray and X-Ray Emissions from Active Galactic Nuclei
- Nithya Venkataraman, The Turbidity and Correlation Length Amplitude of 8-arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane Near The Critical Point
- Clinton Braganza, The Turbidity of 8-Arm Polystyrene in Methylcylochexane in the One-Phase Region Near the Critical Solution Point: A Small Step in Determining the Effects of Polymer Architecture on Critical Amplitudes
- Daniel Brubaker, A Mechanical System Designed to Exhibit Bistable Stochastic Resonance
- Christie Egnatuk, Kaluza-Klein Theory
- Nick Hanson, Two-Dimensional Clustering Transitions in Vibro-Fluidized Hard Spheres
- Ryan Hartschuh, Measuring the Coexistence Curve of 8-Arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane
- Bradley Lignoski, Decoherence, the Classical Appearance of the Quantum World and Quantum Evolution
- Jeffrey Moffitt, Self-Erasing Perturbations of the Abelian Sandpile Automata
- Rebecca Urban, Dynamics of a Steel Bead Pile Exhibiting Self-Organized Criticality
- Sara Connolly (Chemical Physics), Synthesis and Deformation of Smectic-A Liquid Crystals
- Matthew Krivos, Effect of a Dropped Bead’s Kinetic Energy on the Self-Organized Critical Behavior of a Bead Pile
- Christopher Locke, The Turbidity of an 8-arm Star Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane Near the Critical Temperature
- Joshua Martin, The Investigation of Possible Candidates for a Calamitic and Discotic Mixture and the Physical Properties of the Eutectic Mixture N4
- David J. Miller, The Flux Creep Automaton
- Derek Somogy, Ammonia Emission in Star Forming Region S235 A/B
- Lauren Ault, Cosmological Nucleosynthesis
- Drew Bouchard, Neutral Dielectric Anistropy in a Binary Liquid Crystal Mixture
- Rachel Mary Costello, Visualization of Objects in the Vicinity of a Black Hole
- Scott Hughes, An Investigation Using Cellular Automata and Differential Equations to Model Magnetic Flux Creep Through a Type II Superconductor, Represented by an Array of Coupled Josephson Junctions, Using a Standard Square Lattice, as Well as a Non-traditional 6-Fold Symmetric Lattice
- Amy Lytle, A Structural and Optical Study of Evaporated Droplets Containing DNA
- Chris Templeman, Kinematics of Granular Material in a Two-Dimensional Couette Shearing Cell
- Geoffrey Bonvallet, Placement of Bright S88B Objects on a Hertzprung-Russell Diagram Using Visible Light Measurements
- Sridhar Chandramouli, Noise Enhanced Propagation in an Array of Schmitt Triggers
- Sean English, The Formation of Complex Lenses from Evaporated Droplets Containing DNA
- Andrew Nowicki, Measurement of the Turbidity of the Critically Composed Binary Fluid Mixture Succinonitrile and Water in the One-Phase Region Near the Critical Solution Point Using Light Scattering
- Timothy Sir Louis, Self-Organized Criticality in a Bead Pile
- Zakir Thaver, Chaos in the Brain: A Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Electroencephalograms
- Joshua Bozeday, Noise Enhanced Propagation in an Electronic Array
- Madhujit Ghosh, Measurement of the Heat Capacity of the Binary Fluid Mixture of Succinotrile and Water Near the Upper Critical Consolute Point Using Adiabatic Calorimetry
- Manon Grugel, Λ
- Andrew Kuck, Noise Enhanced Propagation
- A. Christine Rauch, A Study of the Phase Transitions of Mixtures of the Nematic Liquid Crystals 5CB and MBBA
- Paul Rebillot, Static Traversable Wormholes and the Violation of Null Energy Conditions
- David Walkenhorst, Reducing Viscous Drag Using Microbubbles
- Jason Darfus, Photometric Measurements of Variable Stars as a Tool to Determine Astronomical Distances
- Jodee Jones, Kinematic Parameters Important to Biological Motion: A Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis
- Jonathan Keim, Classical Electron Theory For a Non-point Charge
- Bryan Prusha, Nonlinearity and Computation: Implementing Logic as a Nonlinear, Dynamical System
- Woody Shew, Taming Chaos in an Array of Pendulums
- Erica Bramley, Electro-optics of a Smectic A Liquid Crystal Doped with Nanoparticles
- Delaney DeMay, Examining the Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Phases of a Physiological Mixture
- Christopher Ditchman, Investigation of Transients and Static Modulated Phase in the Nematic Liquid Crystals 5CB and CCH-7
- Noah Johnston, An Exploration of the Ueda Oscillator Using Analog Computers to Map the Three Dimensional Phase Space to Two Dimensions: A Look into the Future, Using the Techniques of the Past
- Francesca Mascarenhas, Hearing the Shape of a Sound: The Physics of Colliding Bars
- Anindya Mukherjee, Illuminating an Endpoint
- Ali Rauf, Predicting Earthquakes
- Christopher Spillmann, The Kinetics of Palmitic Acid Self-Assembled Aggregates
- Darwin Keith-Lucas, η: An experiment measuring the turbidity of the binary fluid methanol-cyclohexane, determining the elusive exponent η
- Ali Özgenç, The Kinetics of Fatty Acid and Phospholipid Solid Self Assembly
- Salman Saeed, Frequency Dependence of the Modulated Phase in 5CB
- Cyrus Screwvala, The Chaotic Tumbling of Hyperion: Moon of Saturn
- Ronald Craig, Flexoelectric Effect in the Nematic Liquid Crystal 5CB (4-cyano-4′-n-pentylbiphenyl)
- Anne Flewelling, Phase Transitions in a Monolayer of Phospholipids: Using the Langmuir Balance Technique
- Paul Hall, The Turbidy of the Binary Fluid Mixture Methanol-Cyclohexane Near the Critical Point: the Measurement of the Fisher Critical Exponent η
- Priyavadan Mamidipudi, Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Modulated Phase of 5CB
- Andrew Martin, An Automated Analysis of Swimming Behavior in Paramecium Tetraurelia
- Jared Ripps, An Investigation into the Structure of Agarose Using Laser Light Scattering
- William Antel, Chaotic Dynamics on Rippled Surfaces
- John Cuff, Electric-Field-Induced Freedericksz Transition in the Nematic Liquid Crystal 5CB
- Rohan Defonseka, Measurement of the Heat Capacity Anomaly of the Binary Fluid System Triethylamine-Water Near the Critical Solution Point Using Adiabatic Calorimetry
- Michael Hunter, Spatiotemporal Chaos on a Sphere of Duffing Oscillators
- Stephen Nichols, Study of the Effects of an Electric Field on Agarose Gel by Neutron Scattering
- Joshua Fagans, The Fourth Dimension Unveiled: A Preliminary Reconnaissance of Four Dimensional Objects from Mathematics and Physics
- Peter Hourigan, New Nematic-Smectic-A Transition Instability in Di-Heptyl-Alkyl Azoxybenzene Liquid Crystal Focusing on Anchoring Breaks and Transitions
- Nikfar A. Khaleeli, Adiabatic Calorimetry Measurement of the Heat Capacity of the Binary Fluid Triethylamine-Water Near the Critical Point
- Asad Khan, The Chaotic Behavior of a Single-Mode Semiconductor Injection Laser Coupled with an External Feedback Cavity
- Linda D. King, An Investigation of the Excess Volume Effect of the Binary Liquid Mixture Perfluoromethylcyclohexane + Isopropyl Alcohol
- Taka Kumashiro, Quantum Metaphysics: A Dialogue in Search of Knowledge
- Christopher J. Levy, Self-Organized Criticality in a Conical Sandpile
- Mark McKinney, Chaos in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals
- Joseph Neff, Signal Recognition Using Chaos and Control Algorithms
- Christopher Hamilton, Controlling Chaos with Weak Perturbations Using the Dynamics of Chaos in a Dripping Faucet as a Base
- Erich P. Ippen Jr., Numerical Simulation of Chaotic Resonance
- David H. Kime, The Venus Puzzle: Tectonics and Terrestrial Planets
- Richard C. Bailey, A Study of Electro-Optic Properties of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals as a Function of Sample Curing Time
- Mark L. Bricker, A Dynamic Light Scattering Study of a Nematic Liquid Crystal in the Presence of a Magnetic Field
- Alice D. Churukian, Chaos in a Dripping Water Faucet
- Karl A. Crandall, Determining the Bend Elastic Constant of the Liquid Crystal Di-Heptyl-Alkyl Azoxybenzene (Using Freedericksz Transition)
- Douglas A. Halverson, A New Method for the Experimental Investigation of Self-Organized Criticality
- Andrew O. Mellinger, Multiple Time Dimensions
- Victor T. Norton (Chemical Physics), The Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction: a computer simulated study of bromate oscillators and autocatalysis
- Jonathan F. Partee, Adiabatic Calorimetry Measurement of the Heat Capacity of Triethylamine-Water Near the Critical Point
- Thomas M. Taczak, BumperPool: A New Region for Chaotic Billiards
- Dennis Kuhl, The Excess Volume Effect of the Binary Liquid Mixture Perfluoromethylcyclohexane + Isopropyl Alcohol
- Susan Leitholf, Ion Beam Mixing in a Bismuth Silicon Bilayer
- Karen McEwen, Avalanches in an Hourglass
- Naseem Rahman, Electrical Properties of an Infinite Grid of Resistors
- Bryan R. Johnson , Calculating a Dimension of a Strange Attractor
- John M. Mandryk, Using Energy Relationships for the Verification of the Modeling of a Vaulting Pole Based on the Elastica Theory of Euler
- Donald L. Mosteller, A Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Study of Brownian Motion
- John G. Scudder, Escape! A Computer Solution to the Restricted Three-Body Problem
- Craig E. Selby (Chemical Physics), Coexistence of the Binary Fluid Perfluoromethylcyclohexane-Isopropyl Alcohol
- Supratik Burman, An Analysis of the Wave/Particle Nature of Statistically Independent Photons
- Sergio DeSouza-Machado, A Computer Simulation Study of Deterministic Dissipative Systems Exhibiting Chaotic Behavior
- Gregory D. Elfring, An Introduction to Fractal Geometry and its Applications
- Todd Ewers (Chemical Physics), Observation of Phase Transitions in Ceramics, Cyclobutanes, and Cycloheptanes by DSC Methods
- Vonda Fairbanks, The Excess Volume Effect of Methanol-Cyclohexane in the One-Phase Region
- Ashok Mittal, A Study of Brownian Motion Using Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
- Palani Sakthivel, Coefficient of Expansion of a Thin Aluminum Film
- Stephen G. Stafford, Turbidity Measurements in the Near Critical Region for the Binary Mixture Polystyrene Diethyl Malonate
- Kevin P. Andrews, The Coexistence Curve of the Binary Fluid Triethylamine-Water
- John B. Fanselow, Adiabatic Calorimetry Measurement of the Heat Capacity of a Near Critical Binary Fluid
- Scott R. Gunselman, The Physics of a Racquetball Racquet: The Sweet Spot
- Daniel O. Hogenboom, A Study of Brownian Motion Using Light Scattering
- Ashok Mittal, A Study of Brownian Motion Using Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
- Terrence B. Khoo, A Study of the Proper Order Parameter for Binary Liquid Mixtures
- Mike LaVilla (Chemical Physics), Cyclic Voltammetry Study of the Vitamin B12 Complex TRNS-Aqua Cobalt III
- Scott P. McLean, A Biomechanical Analysis of the Power Generating Phases of the Front Crawl Stroke
- George F. Miller, A Technique for Determining the Contact Time of a Golf Club-Ball Collision and its Relationship to Club Velocity
- Eric Parker, High Resolution Stand-Alone Video Processor
- Anna C. Ploplis, Turbidity of Polystyrene-Diethylmalonate Near the Critical Point
- Solomon Ngubane, Heat Capacity of a Binary Fluid Mixture: Methanol-cyclohexane
- Bill Andrew (Chemical Physics), A Test of the Lorentz-Lorenz Relation in an Isobutyric Acid and Water Binary Fluid
- Charles Partee, Heat Capacity of a Binary Fluid
- Raheel J. Rae, Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra
- Kent A. Thurston, An Analysis of Optical Spectra of Cataclysmic Variable H2252-35
- Polly Groth, Empirical Strain Modeling in California: Use of Very Long Baseline Interferometry
- Douglas A. Iams, An Analysis of Simultaneous Optical and Ultraviolet Spectra of SCO X-1
- Polly Wardwell, The Coexistence Curve of Methanol-Isooctane
- Robert Cohn (Chemical Physics), Effects of Acetone Impurity in a Near-Critical Mixture of Methanol and Cyclohexane
- Jeffrey B. Parker, The Design and Testing of an Apparatus for the Measurement of the Ultrasonic Properties of Liquids
- Arvind Ahuja (Chemical Physics), Thermal Expansion of Bovine Femur as a Function of Temperature
- Steven E. Hoell, Photographic Studies of Vortex Dynamics in HE II
- Ann Mowery (Chemical Physics), Light Scattering in a Near-Critical Binary Fluid Mixture
- Lori Pederson, An Investigation of the Heat Capacity of the Binary Fluid Mixture Nitroethane-3-Methylpentane Near its Critical Point