The College of Wooster hosted the 2019 Spring Meeting of the Ohio-Region Section of the American Physical Society (OSAPS, now called the Eastern Great Lakes Section – EGLS), in conjunction with the Ohio Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (OSAAPT) and the Society of Physics Students (SPS) Zone 7, with the theme “Frontiers in Nonlinear Science”.

Spacetime Coordinates
2019 March 29-30 | 40.8111° N, 81.9336° W, 330 m |
Friday-Saturday | The College of Wooster, Wooster OH 44691, USA |
Optional PDF files to download: Two-page schedule and program
Friday (Details at APS website)
10:00am 1:00 pm | OSAPS Executive Committee Meeting (Ruth W. Williams Hall 289, Carlson Family Conference Room) |
10:00am 5:00 pm | Registration (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) |
1:00 pm 1:15 pm | Welcome Address: Sarah Bolton, President, The College of Wooster (Wishart Hall 001, Lean Lecture Hall) |
1:15 pm 2:00 pm | Plenary Talk: Stephen Morris, University of Toronto, Consider the Icicle (Wishart Hall 001, Lean Lecture Hall) |
2:00 pm 2:45 pm | Plenary Talk: Swara Ravindranath, Space Telescope Science Institute, Galaxies across cosmic time – What shapes galaxies and their evolution? (Wishart Hall 001, Lean Lecture Hall) |
2:45 pm 3:00 pm | Coffee Break (Wishart Hall) |
3:00 pm 3:45 pm | Plenary Talk: Richard Field, University of Montana, The Luck of Good Timing in Science: 60th anniversary of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction (Wishart Hall 001, Lean Lecture Hall) |
3:45 pm 4:30 pm | Plenary Talk: Taviare L. Hawkins, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, Updates in Microtubule Mechanics (Wishart Hall 001, Lean Lecture Hall) |
4:30 pm 4:35 pm | Group Photo (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) |
4:35 pm 5:00 pm | Coffee Break (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) |
4:35 pm 5:20 pm | Kiril A. Streletzky, Zone 7 Councilor, Cleveland State University, Info session about SPS, ΣΠΣ, and PhysCon 2019 (Severance Hall 135) |
5:00 pm 6:30 pm | Poster Session (Ruth W. Williams Hall 140) |
6:45 pm 7:30 pm | Banquet Dinner (Kittredge Hall) |
7:30 pm 8:30 pm | Public Plenary Talk: John Pojman, Louisiana State University, Order Out of Chaos: How Molecules Can Organize Themselves (Kittredge Hall) |
9:00 pm 10:30pm | SPS Physics Race (Taylor Hall 111) |
Saturday (Details at APS website)
8:00 am 9:30 am | APS and AAPT Registration and Continental Breakfast (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) |
8:30 am 9:15 am | Plenary Talk: Stéphane Coutu, Penn State University, Experimental Particle Astrophysics (Ruth W. Williams Hall 060, Gault Lecture Hall) |
9:15 am 9:30 am | Coffee Break (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) AAPT Business Meeting (Ruth W. Williams Hall 045, Martha C. Chase Classroom) |
9:30 am 11:00am | AAPT Session: Jeremy Secaur, Elyria High School, The Step Up 4 Women program (Ruth W. Williams Hall 045, Martha C. Chase Classroom) |
9:30 am 11:00am | APS Contributed Talks in Parallel Sessions: 1: Applied Physics & Materials Science (Severance Hall 238) 2: Astro & Particle Physics (Severance Hall 135) 3: Condensed Matter & AMO (Ruth W. Williams Hall 260) 4: Bio, Computational, & Education (Ruth W. Williams Hall 160) |
11:00am 11:15am | Coffee Break (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) |
11:15am 12:00pm | Plenary Talk: Tom Greenslade, Kenyon College, Bringing Early Physics Apparatus and Demonstrations into the Twenty First Century (Ruth W. Williams Hall 060, Gault Lecture Hall) |
12:00pm 12:15pm | Closing Remarks (Ruth W. Williams Hall 060, Gault Lecture Hall) |
12:15pm 1:00 pm | Lunch (Ruth W. Williams Hall, Knowlton Café) |
- Participants need to register via the APS website. Online registration will be available during the conference via the APS website
(no Friday banquet or Saturday lunch).
APS members | $60 |
Non-members | $70 |
High school teacher/retired/student | $0 |
Presenter Information
- Poster
Posters should be vertical, 3 feet wide by 5 feet high or smaller. We encourage you to hang your posters using the provided magnets early Friday afternoon and to stand by your poster during the poster session. If possible, please keep your poster hanging through the end of the conference on Saturday. - Talk
Talks should be presented using video projection from your personal laptop or other mobile device. Please bring a VGA or HDMI adaptor. All contributed parallel talks will last 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions, including time for projection switch over. Plenary talks will last 40 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. - Undergraduate Poster Award
An award ($100) for outstanding undergraduate poster presentation will be presented at the banquet. The posters are judged during the poster session with the criteria of poster design, clarity of presenter responses, and evidence of best practice in concordance with the norms of the field. More information can be found on here. - Student Travel Support
Students who are making presentations as first authors may apply for travel support from OSAPS. Applications are due by March 22, 2019.
- If you have any questions, please contact the organizers.
- Niklas Manz
- John Lindner