Upcoming Talks
Time: Thursday at 11 a.m. (unless noted)
Location: Taylor 111 (unless noted)
Location: Taylor 111 (unless noted)
- Swara Ravindranath, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, Search for Life beyond our Solar System, Thursday, 20 February 2025
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, Tuesday, 6 May 2025
- CoW students, “I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences“, 28 August 2025
- Physics Department Safety Training, Tuesday, 2 September 2025
- 2025 Physics Nobel Prize Brown Bag Lunch October 2025, noon, Taylor 114
Past Talks
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty, 23 January 2025
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments,Tuesday, 3 December 2024
- Senior I.S. oral progress reports (round 2) and poster session, 21 November 2024
- Senior I.S. oral progress reports (round 1), 14 November 2024
- Ray Leisy, Wayne County Historical Society, The Fantastic Comptons, 7 November 2024
- Chief David Johnson, US Navy, “Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) Program“, 31 October 2024
- 2024 Physics Nobel Prize Brown Bag Lunch 17 October 2024, noon, Taylor 114
- Scott Crawford, Washington University in St. Louis, “Engineering Dual Degree Program” Tuesday 24 September 2024
- Physics Department Safety Training, Tuesday, 3 September 2024
- CoW students, “I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences“, 29 August 2024
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, Tuesday 30 April 2024
- Senior I.S. oral progress report, 25 April 2024
- Amanda Steinhebel, NASA, “Clear as a Beall: Silicon Detector Development from a Wooster Alum“, Thursday 11 April 2024
- Total Solar Eclipse Event, Monday 8 April 2024, Academic Quad (1 p.m. – 5 p.m.)
- Deborah Kent, University of St. Andrews, “Only the shadow knows: insights from historical eclipse expeditions“, Thursday 4 April 2024, Lean Lecture Hall
- APS March Meeting Experience Brown Bag Lunch, noon, Taylor 114
- “Chasing Shadows: Exploring the Mysteries of Solar Eclipses with Earth Sciences, Physics & Philosophy“, joined seminar between Philosophy, Physics, and Earth Sciences, Thursday 28 March 2024
- Sophomore and Junior student research reports , Thursday 30 November 2023
- Senior I.S. oral progress reports, Tuesday 28 November 2023
- Scott Crawford, Washington University in St. Louis, “Engineering Dual Degree Program” Tuesday 24 October 2023
- Mike Crescimanno, Youngstown State University, “Optical nonlinearity of ultrastrongly coupled organic cavity polaritons“, 17 October 2023
- Sara Port, Nasa Glenn Research Center, The Planetary Wonders of Our Solar System and NASA’s Upcoming Missions to Explore Them, 26 September 2023
- Tyler Nordgren, “Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy Outreach in America’s National Parks“, Lowry 201, 19 September 2023
- Physics Department Safety Training, 29 August 2023
- CoW students, “I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences“, 22 August 2023
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, Tuesday 2 May 2023
- Joseph Smith ’15, “Career Paths of Physics Degree Holders“, Marietta College, Thursday 6 April 2023
- Clinton Braganza ’03, Nithya Venkataraman ’04, and Asad Khan ’93, “A scientist, a VP, and a CEO walk into a cleanroom…” Kent Displays, Thursday 23 February 2023
- STEM seminar: Not the Science Type, Lean Lecture Hall, Tuesday 7 February 2023
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty, Thursday 26 January 2023
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty, Thursday 26 January 2023
- Senior I.S. oral progress report, Session 2, Tuesday 6 December 2022
- Senior I.S. oral progress report, Session 1, Tuesday 29 November 2022
- Cody Leary, The College of Wooster, “2022 Nobel Prize in Physics Colloquium“, Tuesday 25 October 2022
- Scott Crawford, Washington University in St. Louis, “Engineering Dual Degree Program” Tuesday 18 October 2022
- Physics Department Safety Training, Tuesday 6 September 2022
- CoW students, “I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences“, Tuesday 30 August 2022
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, 11 a.m. Tuesday 3 May 2022
- Andrew DeGroot, “From Astro to Industry: One Data Scientist’s Technical Journey“, Thursday 14 April 2022
- Ganesh Pokharel, University of California at Santa Barbara, “Vanadium based kagome metals RV6Sn6 (R=Y, Gd): synthesis and characterization“, Wednesday 9 March 2022
- Megan Nieberding, Ohio State University, “Using online homework to study student behavior and study habits“, Monday 7 March 2022
- Christopher Shamie, Vice President, Hybrid Drives, eAxles, and PMO; Schaeffler Group USA, Thursday 3 March 2022
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty, Thursday 10 February 2022
- Senior I.S. oral progress report, Session 2, Tuesday 7 December 2021
- Emily Safron, Louisiana State University, “Star Formation and Long-Period Exoplanets” Wednesday 8 December 2021, 4 p.m.
- David Stark, Haverford College, “Illuminating Galactic Fuel Supplies & Star Formation Efficiencies with MaNGA, HI-MaNGA & Future Surveys” Monday 6 December 2021, 3 p.m.
- Laura DeGroot, The College of Wooster, “Quantifying the Inside-Out Formation of Disk Galaxies using Morphological Analysis” Friday 3 December 2021, 12 p.m.
- Senior I.S. oral progress report, Session 1, Tuesday 30 November 2021
- Eli Visbal, The University of Toledo, “Uncovering the First Billion Years of the Universe” Tuesday 26 October 2021
- Preston Pozderac ’17, Ohio State University, “Relativistic Laser Plasma Interactions” Tuesday 19 October 2021
- Scott Crawford, Washington University in St. Louis, “Engineering Dual Degree Program” Tuesday 28 September 2021
- CoW students, I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, Tuesday 7 September 2021
- Physics Department Safety Training, Thursday 2 September 2021
- Junior IS Oral Presentations, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday 20 April 2021, via Teams
- Matteo Luisi, Presentation of Research, “The Impact of High-Mass Stars on their Environment” 1:15 p.m. Wednesday 3 March 2021, via Teams
- Robin Bjorkquist, Presentation of Research, ”How to Build a Virtual Calorimeter” 1:15 p.m. Monday 1 March 2021, via Teams
- Sophomore Majors Departmental Information Session, 1:00 p.m. Thursday 11 February 2021, via Teams
- Senior IS Fall Semester Presentations, Session 2, 11:15 a.m. Thursday 19 November 2020, via Teams
- Senior IS Fall Semester Presentations, Session 1, 11:15 a.m. Tuesday 17 November 2020, via Teams
- CoW students, I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, 1 p.m. Monday 7 September 2020, via Teams
- Eli Visbal, The University of Toledo, Revealing the First Billion Years of the Universe, 11 a.m. Thursday 16 April 2020
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Colloquium, 1 p.m. Tuesday 28 April 2020
- Amanda Steinhebel ’15, University of Oregon and CERN, Friday 24 April 2020
- Matthew Vossler, M.S., Cleveland Clinic, Medical Physics as a Potential Career, 11 a.m. Thursday 27 February 2020
- Intro to the major, Information Session, 11 a.m. Thursday 20 February 2020
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty, 11 a.m. Thursday 23 January 2020
- Senior I.S. progress reports, Sr IS Oral Presentations, 11 a.m. Thursday 5 December 2019, Taylor 111
- Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, Jr IS Oral Presentations, 11 a.m. Tuesday 3 December 2019, Taylor 111
- Emily Griffith, Ohio State University, Abundance Ratios in GALAH DR2 and their Implications for Nucleosynthesis, 11 a.m. Thursday 7 November 2019, Taylor 111
- Lydia Kisley, Case Western Reserve University, Physics at the Ultimate Concentration Limit… Measuring One Molecule at a Time, 11 a.m. Tuesday 22 October 2019, Taylor 111
- Paul Voytas, Wittenberg University, Weak interaction through nuclear beta decay, 11 a.m. Thursday 3 October 2019, Taylor 111
- Physics Department Safety Training, 11 a.m. Tuesday 24 September 2019, Taylor 111
- Scott Crawford, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 3-2 Engineering Dual Degree program, 11 a.m. Thursday 26 September 2019, Taylor 111
- Jared Miles, Wright Patterson AFB, Atomic localization and Refractive index engineering, 11 a.m. Tuesday 17 September 2019, Taylor 111
- Megan Fisher ’21, Matt Klonowski ’21, Mili Barai ’21, Maya Lapp ’20, I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, 11 a.m. Thursday 5 September 2019, Taylor 111
- Abigail Ambrose ’20, Melita Wiles ’22, Handeul Son ’21, Fish Yu ’21, Carlos Owusu-Ansah ’21, I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, 11 a.m. Thursday 29 August 2019, Taylor 111
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, 11 a.m. Tuesday 30 April 2019, Taylor 111
- Eleni Kontou, University of York, Are There Singularities in Our Universe?, 11 PM Monday 29 April 2019, Taylor 111
- Timothy Dolch, Hillsdale College, MI, The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves Pulsar Timing Array, 11 a.m. Thursday 18 April 2019, Taylor 111
- Josh Bozeday ’99 (Physics-CS double major), My Professional Life After Wooster: From Software Engineering to Teaching High School Physics, 11 a.m. Thursday 28 March 2019, Taylor 111
- Martin Weinhous, Cleveland State University (Director of Graduate Programs in Medical Physics), Medical Physics: A Brief Discussion of the History, Profession, Science & Practice, 11 a.m. Thursday 7 March 2019, Taylor 111
- Zachary P. Sefcovic, NOAA Cleveland Weather Forecast Office, Today’s Forecast: A Discussion of Meteorology in Northern Ohio and Beyond, 11 a.m. Thursday 21 February 2019, Taylor 111
- Kelly M. Patton, University of Washington, Neutrinos from Presupernova Stars, 4 p.m. Monday 20 February 2019, Taylor 111
- Yunhua Ding, Northern Michigan University, Testing Relativity with Precision Experiments, 4 p.m. Wednesday 18 February 2019, Taylor 111
- Jessica Bickel, Cleveland State University (Co-PI Soft Matter REU), Imaging atoms: Examining how molecules and atoms self-assemble on surfaces, 11 a.m. Thursday 7 February 2019, Taylor 111
- Physics Faculty, The College of Wooster, Overview of Departmental Research, 11 a.m. Thursday 17 January 2019, Taylor 111
- CoW students, I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, 11 a.m. Tuesday 3 September 2019, Taylor 111
- Senior I.S. progress reports by Michelle Bae, Carson Bullock, Chase Fuller, Vincent Hui, David Morrow, 11 a.m. 4 December 2017, Taylor 111
- Senior I.S. progress reports by Daniel Blaikie, Haidar Esseili, Benji Jenkins, Sam Nash, Joe Theis, 11 a.m. 27 November 2017, Taylor 111
- Susan Lehman and John Lindner, Nobel meeting 2018, Groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics, 11 a.m. Tuesday 13 November 2018, Taylor 114
- Melanie Osborn, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 3-2 Engineering Dual Degree program, 4 p.m. Thursday 6 November 2018, Taylor 111
- Pearl Sandick, University of Utah, Supersymmetry, WIMPs, and the Search for Dark Matter, 11 a.m. Tuesday 6 November 2018, Taylor 111
- Physics Club, Preparing your REU and other applications, 11 a.m. Thursday 1 November 2018, Taylor 111
- Andrew DeGroot, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Data Scientist or: How I Machine Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Big Data, 11 a.m. Tuesday 30 October 2018, Taylor 111
- Stephen FitzGerald, Oberlin College, The Quantum Mechanics of Hydrogen Storage and Isotope Separation, 11 a.m. Tuesday 23 October 2018, Taylor 111
- Stéphane Coutu, Penn State University, Extreme Particle Astrophysics, 11 a.m. Tuesday 2 October 2018, Taylor 111
- CoW students, I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences I (Katie Shideler, Megan Fisher, Abigail Ambrose, Carson Bullock), 11 a.m. Tuesday 4 September 2018, Taylor 111
- Sheila Bailey, Space Environment and Experiments Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center, Space Photovoltaics, 11 a.m. Tuesday 28 August 2018, Taylor 111
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments, 11 a.m. 1 May and 3 May 2018, Taylor 111
- Mike Winters ’10, Georgia Tech, Sonification for Science and Beyond, 1 p.m. MONDAY 16 April 2018, Taylor 111
- Thijs Heus, Cleveland State University, How big is a cloud? On the size, shape and organization of cumulus clouds, 11 a.m. Thursday 5 April 2018, Taylor 111
- Jutta Luettmer-Strathmann, University of Akron, Motor proteins: Designing a molecular walker, 11 a.m. Thursday 29 March 2018, Taylor 111
- Intro to the major, 11 a.m. Thursday 22 February 2018, Taylor 111
- Danielle Shepherd ’14, From IS to IndyCar, 11 a.m. Thursday 15 February 2018, Taylor 111
- Peter Hoekje, Baldwin Wallace University, The beauty of distortion: non-linear physics of music, 11 a.m. Thursday 1 February 2018, Taylor 111
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty (Cody Leary, John Lindner, Laura DeGroot), 11 a.m. Thursday 25 January 2018, Taylor 111
- Research opportunities with CoW Physics faculty (Susan Lehman, Niklas Manz), 11 a.m. Thursday 18 January 2018, Taylor 111
- Senior I.S. progress reports by Avi Vajpeyi, Nate Moore, Collin Hendershot, Nate Smith, and Justine Walker, 11 a.m. 5 December 2017, Taylor 111
- Senior I.S. progress reports by Jack Mershon, Emma Brinton, Kyle McNickle, Gabe Dale-Gau, and Zane Thornburg, 11 a.m. 28 November 2017, Taylor 111
- Mark Foster, University of Akron, Very High Resolution Chemical Information About Polymer Surfaces using Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, 11 a.m. Tuesday 14 November 2017, Taylor 111
- Dan Gauthier, The Ohio State University, Securing the internet in the age of quantum computers, 11 a.m. Thursday 9 November 2017, Taylor 111
- Alexandria Volkening, The Ohio State University, How the zebrafish got its stripes, 11 a.m. Tuesday 24 October 2017, Taylor 111
- Ali Khaledi-Nasab, Ohio University, Emergent stochastic oscillations and signal detection in tree networks of excitable elements , 11 a.m. 3 October 2017, Taylor 111
- Abigail Ambrose ’20, Michelle Bae ’19, Justine Walker ’18, Benji Jenkins ’19, Summer Research Experiences II , 11 a.m. 5 September 2017, Taylor 111
- Carson Bullock ’19, Avi Vajpeyi ’18, Jack Mershon ’18, Chase Fuller ’19, Summer Research Experiences I , 11 a.m. 29 August 2017, Taylor 111
- Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Self-Designed Experiments , 11 a.m. 2 May and 4 May 2017, Taylor 111
- Veronica Dexheimer, Kent State University Phase Transitions in Dense Matter, 11 a.m. Tuesday 18 April 2017, Taylor 111
- Mark Tinsley, West Virginia University Collective behavior in coupled oscillatory chemical systems, 11 a.m. Thursday 6 April 2017, Taylor 111
- Bryan Prusha, Class of 1998, iOS App Engineer at Apple, Inc., Opportunity and Ability: What Happens After Graduation? My Experience in Physics and Computers, 11 a.m. Thursday 30 March 2017, Taylor 111
- Christopher Kelly, Wayne State University, Nanoscale Membrane Curvature Revealed by Polarized Localization Microscopy, 11 a.m. Thursday 2 March 2017, Taylor 111
- Laura DeGroot, Denison University, Deconstructing Galaxies: Morphological Implications for Galaxy Formation and Evolution , 4 p.m. Monday 6 February 2017, Taylor 111
- Nate Tompkins, Brandeis University, How the Leopard Got Its Spots (Testing Turing’s Theory of Morphogenesis in Chemical Cells), 4 p.m. Monday 30 January 2017, Taylor 111
- Bart Schenk, NobleTek, Physics Based Careers in a Digital World , 11 a.m. Thursday 2 February 2017, Taylor 110
- Arnaldo Vargas, Indiana University, Signals for Lorentz and CPT Violation in Atomic Spectroscopy Experiments, 3 p.m. Friday 9 December 2016, Taylor 111
- Seth Hopper, Instituto Superior Tecnico, CENTRA, Lisbon, Portugal, Gravitational wave astronomy: A new window to the universe, 3 p.m. Monday 5 December 2016, Taylor 111
- Physics Phun at PhysCon, 11 a.m. Tuesday 15 November 2016, Taylor 111
- Brian Clark, The Ohio State University, Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Astrophysics with Radio Detectors, 11 a.m. Tuesday 4 October 2016, Taylor 111
- Johannes Pollanen, Michigan State University, Superfluids and low-dimensional electrons: On the road to hybrid quantum systems, 11 a.m. Tuesday 20 September 2016, Taylor 111
- I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, Round II, 11 a.m. Tuesday 13 September 2016, Taylor 111
- I don’t know what you did last summer: Physics majors share summer research experiences, Round I, 11 a.m. Tuesday 6 September 2016, Taylor 111
- Junior I.S. self-designed presentations, 11 a.m. Tuesday 3 May 2016, Taylor 111
- Audrey Mithani, Tufts University, Did the Universe Have a Beginning?, 3 p.m. Friday 1 April 2016, Taylor 111
- Tess Oliver, West Virginia University, Inverting the Rate Equation to Understand Charge Dynamics in Light Based Technologies, 3 p.m. Wednesday 30 March 2016, Taylor 111
- Rob Owen, Oberlin College, An Entirely New Kind of Astronomy, 11 a.m. Thursday 11 February 2016, Taylor 111
- Senior Independent Study Fall Semester Oral Reports Round 2, 11 a.m. Thursday 10 December, Taylor 111
- Senior Independent Study Fall Semester Oral Reports Round 1, 11 a.m. Tuesday 1 December, Taylor 111
- Erzsebet Regan, Assistant Professor of Biology, The College of Wooster, Principles of dynamical modularity in biological regulatory networks, 11 a.m. Tuesday 20 October, Taylor 111
- Niklas Manz, Assistant Professor of Physics, The College of Wooster, The Wave Lab at The College of Wooster, 11 a.m. Tuesday 22 September, Taylor 111
- “Tell me what you did last summer” – Physics student summer research experiences, 11 a.m. Tuesday 1 September, Taylor 111
- Junior I.S. self-designed presentations, 11 a.m. Tuesday 28 April, Taylor 111
- Mellita Caragiu, Professor of Physics, Ohio Northern University, Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) as a tool in the study of surfaces, 11:00 a.m. Thursday, April 16, Taylor 111
- C. Wesley Walter, Denison University, Atomic Negative Ions: Correlation and Dynamics Probed with Lasers, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 7, Taylor 111
- CUWiP Roundtable Discussion, 11:30 a.m. Thursday 5 February, Taylor 109C
- Robot Mania, 4 p.m. Friday 5 December, Taylor 205
- Junior I.S. self-designed presentations, 11 a.m. Tuesday 2 December, Taylor 111
- Nicholas Mauro, Lawrence University, Racing against the (thermodynamic) clock: How thermodynamics is always against (us and why we like it that way), 4 p.m. Monday 24 November, Taylor 111
- Senior Progress Reports 1, 11 a.m. Tuesday 18 November, Taylor 111
- Laurel Winter, Nat’l High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Characterizing Materials at Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields, 4 p.m. Wednesday 19 November, Taylor 111
- Senior Progress Reports 2, 11 a.m. Thursday 20 November, Taylor 111
- Niklas Manz, Henri Begleiter Neurodynamics Laboratory, SUNY Medical Center, Excitation Waves in Heterogeneous Systems, 4 p.m. Friday 14 November, Taylor 111
- David R. Nelson, Solomon Professor of Biophysics at Harvard University, Polymers and Biophysics, 4 p.m. Monday 20 October, Taylor 111
- Adam Fritsch, The College of Wooster, Nuclear Alpha Clustering and Statistis on Students in Physics, 11 a.m. Thursday 16 October, Taylor 111
- Nelia Mann, The College of Wooster, Strings and the Strong Force: Another Look at Particles and Interactions, 11 a.m. Thursday 2 October, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Majors I don’t know what you did last summer, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 18 September, Taylor 111
- Oleg Lavrentovich, Kent State University, Statics and Dynamics of Colloidal Particles in Liquids, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 4 September, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Junior Independent Study Projects, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 29 April, Taylor 111
- Dale Force, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cassini Radio Science: The Glenn Contribution, 7:00 p.m. Thursday 27 March, Taylor 111
- Savan Kharel, University of Tennessee, From Scattering of Gluons to Quantum Gravity, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 26 February, Taylor 111
- Adam Fritsch, Michigan State University, Pushing the Envelope of Science: Exploring Nature on the Nuclear Scale, 4:00 p.m. Monday 24 February, Taylor 111
- Benjamin Shank, Stanford University, The Universe’s Missing Mass (and What You Can Do About It), 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 19 February, Taylor 111
- Nelia Mann, Reed College, Old Quantization from a Modern Perspective, 3:30 p.m. Monday 17 February, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Fall Senior Independent Study Progress Reports, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 3 December, Taylor 111
- Prakrit Shrestha ’14, Wooster Physics Major, Fermilab and the Beam Loss Monitoring System, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 18 November, Taylor 111
- Riina Tehver, Denison University, Modeling Nature’s Nano-Machines, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 5 November, Taylor 111
- Patrick Durrell, Youngstown State University, Searching for Virgo’s Intracluster Globular Clusters, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 15 October, Taylor 111
- Sarah Wingfield, Wolfram Research, Inc., An Overview of Mathematica for Education and Research, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 24 September, Taylor 111
- Vanessa Logan ’14 and Danielle Shepherd ’15, Summer Research Experiences, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 17 September, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Junior Independent Study Progress Reports, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 30 May, Taylor 111
- Peifang Tian, John Carroll University, Shedding light on brain function: imaging 3D spatiotemporal hemodynamics of single cortical vessels in vivo using two-photon laser scanning microscopy, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 3 April, Taylor 111
- Yumi Ijiri, Oberlin College, Probing magnetic nanoparticles for data storage, biomedical and other devices, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 28 February, Taylor 111
- Karen Lewis and Cody Leary, Wooster Physics Research, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 14 February, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Senior Independent Study Progress Reports Round III, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 4 December, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Senior Independent Study Progress Reports Round II, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 29 November, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Senior Independent Study Progress Reports Round I, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 27 November, Taylor 111
- T.E. Sheridan, Professor Physics, Ohio Northern University Arrangement Phases of Small Clusters, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 8 November, Taylor 111
- Jim Gleeson, Professor of Physics, Kent State University Liquid Crystals in Every Shape and Size, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 4 October, Taylor 111
- Andrew Blaikie ’13, Lily Christman ’13, Tom Gilliss ’13 and Duncan Price ’13 Summer Resarch Experiences, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 6 September, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Oral Presentations Round 1, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 1 May, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Junior I.S. Oral Presentations Round 2, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 3 May, Taylor 111
- John Feldmeier, Youngstown State University, Cosmic Castaways, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 19 April 2012, Taylor 111
- Aaron Santos, Oberlin, Coarse-grained Models of Nanoparticles: An Attempt to Make Nano-LEGOS, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 5 April 2012, Taylor 111
- Jan Kemetko, Kenyon, Wiggle, Jiggle, Dance, and Giggle: Brownian Motion of Particles in Confined Geometries, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 23 February 2012, Taylor 111
- Joe VanFossen, KSU, Heavy Ion Collisions–A Trillion Degrees in the Shade, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 2 February 2012, Taylor 111
- Antal Jákli, LCI KSU, Current Trends in Liquid Crystals Research, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 19 January 2012, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors and Seniors, Fall Independent Study Presentations, Round 4, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 8 December 2011, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Fall Independent Study Presentations, Round 3, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 6 December 2011, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Fall Independent Study Presentations, Round 2, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 1 December 2011, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Fall Independent Study Presentations, Round 1, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 29 November 2011, Taylor 111
- Thomas Greenslade, Kenyon College, A Physicist Looks at Early Photography, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 27 November 2011, Taylor 111
- Brian Arbic, Michigan, Predicting the maelstrom: the physics of the ocean, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 27 October 2011, Taylor 111
- Edward Caner, CWRU, Physics Careers and Entrepreneurship in Northeast Ohio and Beyond, 4:00 p.m. Thursday 13 October 2011, Taylor 111
- Asad Khan, CTO, Kent Displays Inc. Physics and Science at Wooster: From Graduate School to Consumer Products and Beyond, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 27 September 2011, Severance 009
- Kevin Cavicchi, Akron, Research in Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron, 4:00 p.m. Thursday 22 September 2011, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Round 2, Junior Independent Study Oral Presentations, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 2 May 2011, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Juniors, Round 1, Junior Independent Study Oral Presentations, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 26 April 2011, Taylor 111
- Elizabeth Schoene, Oregon, Laser and Atoms and Demons, Oh My!, 3:00 p.m. Friday 22 April 2011, Taylor 111
- Nicole Moore, Beloit, Focused Intensely: Modeling Lasers in Optical Tweezers and Novel Microscopes, 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 20 April 2011, Taylor 111
- Demian Cho, Kenyon, Neutron Stars in Gambier, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 12 April 2011, Taylor 111
- Terry Sheridan, ONU, Waves in one-dimensional dusty plasma rings, 11:00 a.m. Thursday 24 February 2011, Taylor 111
- Cody Leary, Warsaw, Measurement and Control of a photon’s spatial wavefunction, 3:00 p.m. Friday 21 January 2011, Taylor 111
- Adam Clausen, Lawrence, What happens at the Big Bang?, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday 14 December 2010, Taylor 110
- Wooster Physics Seniors, Senior Independent Study Fall Presentations, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 7 December 2010, Taylor 111
- Taviare Hawkins, Massachusetts, Amherst, A Day by Day Study of Microtubule Rigidity, 3:00 p.m. Monday 6 December 2010, Taylor 110
- Sarah Nichols, Lawrence, Multiphoton Biological Imaging: Femtosecond Laser Microscopy Techniques, 3:00 p.m. Friday 3 December 2010, Taylor 110
- Shannon O’Leary, Inducing Transparency using a Noisy Laser and a sub-microGauss Magnetic Field , 3:00 p.m. Monday 29 November 2010, Taylor 110
- Gregory Mack, Ohio Wesleyan University, Dark Matter: Mother Natures’s Big Secret, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 29 September 2010, Taylor 111
- Nicholas Harmon, The Ohio State University, Wooster Physics and Mathematics ’06, Exploring New Materials for Spintronics, 11 a.m. Thursday 23 September 2010, Taylor 111
- Taviare Hawkins, Mount Holyoke College, Biomechanics of Cellular Microtubules, 3:00 p.m. Thursday 4 March 2010, Taylor 110
- Jason Stalnaker, Oberlin College, Counting the Cycles of Light: Using Optical Frequency Combs to Study Atoms, 11 a.m. Thursday 28 January 2010, Taylor 111
- Karen Lewis, Dickinson College, Unveiling the Monster: Using Spectroscopy to Unravel the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei, 3 p.m. Monday 16 November 2009, Taylor 111
- Todd Johnson, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Molecular and Atomic Spectroscopy using Frequency Combs, 3 p.m. Wednesday 11 November 2009, Taylor 111
- Maryam Farzaneh, Denison University, Thermal profiling of optoelectronic devices by thermoreflectance microscopy, 3 p.m. Friday 6 November 2009, Taylor 111
- David Bradley, Vassar College, Acoustic Wave Scattering: Where Concert Halls and Fractals Collide, 11:00 am Tuesday 20 October 2009, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Student Researchers, Summer Research Symposium,
11 a.m. Thursday 15 October 2009, Taylor 111 - Kathy Harper, Denison University, Expert-Novice Differences in Physics Problem Solving and Their Implications for Instruction, 11 a.m. Tuesday 7 April 2009, Taylor 111
- Kathy-Anne Soderberg, University of Chicago, Quantum Computing with Atoms and Ions,
- Brendan Miller, Penn State University, X-ray Insights into Jets and Outflows in Radio-Loud Quasars, 3 p.m. Wednesday 18 February 2009, Taylor 111
- Deva O’Neil, University of California, Santa Cruz, Extending the Standard Model: How Many Higgs Are Out There?, 3 p.m. Monday 16 February 2009, Taylor 111
- Jeff Groff, Gettysburg College, Markov Chain Models of Calcium Puffs and Sparks, 3 p.m. Friday 13 February 2009, Taylor 110
- Ben Schumacher, Kenyon College, The Private Lives of Quantum Particles, 11 a.m. Thursday 12 February 2009, Taylor 111
- Suzanne Taylor, University of New Mexico, Getting to the Source of Anomalous Refraction, 3 p.m. Wednesday 11 February 2009, Taylor 111
- Physics Seniors Class of ’09, The College of Wooster, Senior Independent Study Progress Reports, 11 a.m. Tuesday 2 December 2008, Taylor 111,
- Wooster Physics Student Researchers, Summer Research Symposium, 11 a.m. Tuesday 30 September 2008, Taylor 111
- Brad Trees, Ohio Wesleyan University, The Josephson Effect and Solid-State Devices: A Wealth of Interesting Physics, 11 a.m. Tuesday 15 April 2008, Taylor 111
- Dan Homan, Denison University, Extragalactic Radio Jets: Cosmic Fountains from Supermassive Black Holes, 11 a.m. Thursday 21 February 2008, Taylor 111
- Chris LaSota, Kenyon College, Non-Quantum Entanglement, 3 p.m. Friday 8 February 2008, Taylor 111
- Kristin Domike, The College of Wooster, Physics of Materials in Medicine: Two Examples from Research, 3 p.m. Friday 1 February 2008, Taylor 111
- Elizabeth Freeland, School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Fermilab Lattice Collaboration, Pushing the Limits of the Standard Model with Lattice QCD, 11 a.m. Tuesday 22 January 2008, Taylor 111
- Woodrow Shew, National Institutes of Health, Experiments on dynamos: Bringing Earth’s core into the lab, 3 p.m. Wednesday 5 December 2007, Taylor 111
- Physics Seniors Class of ’08, The College of Wooster, Senior Independent Study Progress Reports, 11 a.m. Tuesday 4 December 2007, Taylor 111
- Amy Sullivan, University of Colorado, Boulder, 3D Polymer Etch A Sketch: Optical Circuits and Lenseless Imaging, 4 p.m. Wednesday 28 November 2007, Taylor 111
- Amy Lytle, University of Colorado, Boulder, Extreme Nonlinear Optics: Understanding and Manipulating High-Order Harmonic Generation, 4 p.m. Monday 26 November 2007, Taylor 111
- Wooster Physics Student Researchers, Summer Research Symposium, 11 a.m Tuesday 2 October 2007, Taylor 111
- Joshua Martin, Brandeis University, A Tethered Polymer Model of Chromatin Organization, 11 a.m Thursday 27 September 2007, Taylor 111
- Woodrow Shew, National Institutes of Health, Remnants of Rat Thoughts: Experimental Measurements of Neuronal Networks, 11 a.m Tuesday 4 September 2007, Taylor 111
- Kristin Domike, University of Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory, Biological Physics: Understanding Disease Through the Study of Protein Aggregation, 10 a.m Friday 15 June 2007, Taylor 111
- Scott Hughes, Washington University, The Amazing World of High Energy Astrophysics, 10 a.m Friday 1 June 2007, Taylor 109c
- Dan Gibson, Denison University, Atomic Negative Ions: Sensitive Electron Interferometers or Stock Market Predictors, 4 p.m. Thursday 26 April 2007, Taylor 111
- Jeffrey Dyck, John Carroll University, Thermoelectric Materials: From Solid State Cooling to Harvesting Waste Heat, 11 a.m Tuesday 3 April 2007, Taylor 111
- Derek Wilke, Penn State University, Tuning the Upper Critical Field in MgB2, 4 p.m Monday 19 February 2007, Taylor 111
- Physics Seniors, The College of Wooster, Senior I.S. Progress Reports 2, 11 a.m. Thursday 7 December 2006, Taylor 111
- Physics Seniors, The College of Wooster, Senior I.S. Progress Reports 1, 11 a.m. Thursday 30 November 2006, Taylor 111
- Physics Student Researchers, Summer Research 2006, 11 a.m. Tuesday 26 September 2006
- Todd McAlpine, University of Kansas, Experimental Characterization of W-OPIC Semiconductor Lasers, 3 p.m. Thursday 29 June 2006
- Amy Lytle, University of Colorado, Boulder, Extreme Nonlinear Optics: Coherent X-Rays from Lasers, 10 a.m. Friday 9 June 2006
- Malcolm Rickard, University of Colorado, Boulder, Electronic Electrooptic Effects in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, 3 p.m. Tuesday 6 June 2006
- Daniel Styer, Oberlin College, 105 Years of Quantum Mechanics, 11 a.m. Thursday 27 April 2006
- Christopher LaSota, Kenyon College, Boolean Networks, Cellular Automata, and Biological Development, 11 a.m. Thursday 13 April 2006
- Douglas Armstead, SUNY Oneonta, Long Time Relaxation in Chaotic Billiards, 3 p.m. Wednesday 1 March 2006
- Adelé Poynor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Water at a Hydrophobic Surface, 2 p.m. Friday 24 February 2006
- Physics Seniors, The College of Wooster Senior I.S. Progress Reports, 11 a.m. Thursday 8 December 2005, Taylor 111
- Ryan Hartschuh, Collaborative Center in Polymer Photonics, The University of Akron,Spectroscopic Techniques for Characterization of Nanostructured Materials, 11 a.m. Thursday 28 April 2005
- Markus Böttcher, Ohio University, The most violent active galaxies in the Universe, and other research opportunities at Ohio University, 11 a.m. Thursday 10 March 2005
- Wooster Student Researchers, The College of Wooster, A Festival of Research, 7 December 2004
- Sergio DeSouza-Machado, The University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Infrared Remote Sounding of the Earth’s Atmosphere, 11 a.m. Thursday 21 October 2004
- Corbin Covault, Case Western Reserve University, New Connections in High Energy Astrophysics, 11 a.m. Thursday 30 September 2004
- Leo Pantelidis, Swarthmore College, Dynamics of the Heisenberg Model, 4 p.m. Wednesday 14 April 2004
- Lauren Jones, Gettysburg College, The Source of Far Infrared Radiation in Spiral Galaxies, 2 p.m. Friday 9 April 2004
- Jeff Loats, Oregon State University, 20 Ways to Catch a Gamma Ray: Nuclear Band Mixing in Erbium 166, 2 p.m. Friday 13 February 2004
- Susan Thompson, University of California at Chapel Hill, Variable White Dwarf Stars, 4 p.m. Monday 9 February 2004
- Matt Mewes, Indiana University, Testing Relativity, 3 p.m. Friday 6 February 2004
- Oleg Lavrentovich, Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University, Emerging Topics in the Optics of Liquid Crystals, 4 p.m. Thursday 21 October 2004
- Lowell Boone, University of California at Santa Cruz, They Came from Outer Space! An Introduction to Astrophysics with the STACEE Gamma-Ray Telescope, 4 p.m. Thursday 26 June 2003
- Don Driscoll, Case Western Reserve University, Cryogenic Dark Matter Search, 3 p.m. Monday 21 April 2003
- Paul Bloom, University of Colorado, Measurements of Branching Fractions and Charge-Parity Violating Asymmetries in B Meson Decays to η’ K, 4 p.m. Monday 8 April 2003
- Jackie Milingo, Gettysburg College, Planetary Nebulae and Their Role in the Chemical Evolution of Our Galaxy, 4 p.m. Friday 7 March 2003
- Susan Lehman, National Institute of Science and Technology at Boulder, Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy: Detecting Nanomoles of Water to Improve Growth of Nanoscale Devices, 4 p.m. Monday 20 January 2003
- Bonnie Valant-Spaight, Pathfinder Energy Services, Fundamentally Incomplete: Pushing the Boundaries of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, 4 p.m. Friday 17 January 2003
- Rellen Hardtke, University of Wisconsin at Madison, The Search for Gamma-Ray Burst Neutrinos from the Earth’s South Pole, 4 p.m. Wednesday 15 January 2003
- Wooster Student Researchers, The College of Wooster, Summer Research, 1 October 2002
- Geoffrey A. Bonvallet, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spectroscopic Analysis of MH-HID Lamps, 11 a.m. Wednesday 21 July 2002
- Rick Batman, Kent State University, Computational Method of Studying Polymer Mixtures Next to Surfaces, 6 June 2002
- Mauro Alves, Oregon State University, Simulated Static Line Broadening in PAC Spectra, 2 p.m. Mondauy 3 June 2002
- Alice Churukian, Kansas State University, Interactive Engagement in an Introductory Physics Course: Learning Gains and Perceptions, 4 p.m. Wednesday 17 April 2002
- John Lindner, The College of Wooster, Climbing Kilimanjaro, 11 a.m. Thursday 11 April 2002
- Todd Coleman, University of Wisconsin, Phenomenology of Heavy-Light Mesons, 3:30 p.m. Monday 8 April 2002
- Stacy Palen, University of Washington, The Magellanic Perspective: A Survey of Stellar Corpses in Our Satellite Galaxies, 3 p.m. Friday 1 March 2002
- Monwhea Jeng, University of California at Santa Barbara, Scaling, Universality, & Self-Similarity in Disordered Systems, 3:30 Thursday 28 February 2002
- Tatiana Sergan, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University, Negative Birefringence Films from Non-traditional Materials for Viewing Angle Improvement of Liquid Crystal Displays, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday 27 February 2002
- Ben Schumacher, Kenyon College, Quantum Information and Quantum Computing, 11 a.m. Thursday 11 January 2002
- Dan Stinebring, Oberlin College, Using Pulsars to Probe the Interstellar Medium, 11 a.m. Tuesday 4 December 2001
- Wooster Student Researchers, The College of Wooster, Summer Research Symposium, 16 October 2001
- Rocky Kolb, University of Chicago and Fermilab, The Alarming Phenomenon of Particle Creation in the Early Universe, 11 a.m. Tuesday 1 May 2001
- Rocky Kolb, University of Chicago and Fermilab, The Quantum and the Cosmos, 8 p.m. Monday 30 April 2001