Category: Faculty

  • A Physicist in Austria

    As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve just recently returned from a research trip to Vienna, Austria.  I was there for two and a half weeks, and fortunately, I had plenty of time to see some sights!  I first visited Vienna when I was in college and on a whirlwind tour of Europe (Marburg, Berlin,…

  • Commencement Weekend

    It was a beautiful weekend for Commencement this year.  With the record number of majors (20 physics majors!!) graduating, we tried hard to get some group photos, but of course we knew it was hopeless to get absolutely everyone looking into a camera all at the same time. Sunday of commencement weekend, we were able…

  • Wooster Physics in Okinawa, Japan!

    During the week before spring break, I had the opportunity to visit the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) on a research collaboration.   OIST is a graduate university in Japan that accepts only Ph.D. candidates in the sciences, and is located on Okinawa, a subtropical island in the East China Sea, a few hundred miles from…

  • Physics research is an astrobite-of-the-day

    Chaos Among the Stars by Caroline Huang Title: Simple nonlinear models suggest variable star universality Authors: John F. Lindner et al.,

  • Wooster Physics in Prague, Glasgow, and Oxford!

    Greetings!  I have recently returned from a semester-long research leave, thanks to Wooster’s generous faculty leaves program.  During my leave, I split my time between Wooster and the Universities of Glasgow and Oxford in the United Kingdom, in addition to a week-long conference in Prague, Czech Republic. In Wooster, I continued work in my lab with Clare Boothe Luce scholar Maggie Lankford…