Category: Activities

  • Wooster Physics returns to Okinawa, Japan!

    Greetings Everyone! Last month, I accompanied recent graduate Michael Wolff ’17 to Okinawa, Japan, where Michael presented his senior independent study work as part of an international workshop-style conference for specialists in the field of optical nanofibers. Optical nanofibers are essentially very thin cylindrical glass tubes– so thin, in fact, that their diameters are comparable…

  • Posters on the Hill 2017

    Robin Morillo presented his I.S. research at Posters on the Hill The Council on Undergraduate Research chose Robin’s poster A Hill on fire: Using matches, 3D printing, and code as a forest fire analog to represent Ohio at the 21st Annual Posters on the Hill on April 26, 2017 in the Rayburn House Office Building in…

  • More on Amsterdam!

    As promised, I’m posting a bit more about my trip to Amsterdam and the Netherlands in general.  I was able to work a little sight-seeing in during the working part of my visit.  And, I was able to time my visit with my children’s spring break, so my family were able to come and join me…

  • Wooster Physics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands!

    As regular blog readers know, I am currently on a research leave for the year.  A good part of my leave has been spent in Wooster, but I believe it is important to spend a significant time outside of Wooster as well in order to get fresh ideas and perspectives to inform my research and…

  • March Meeting 2017 – Guest Blog by Michelle Bae ’19

    March Meeting 2017 — New Orleans! The hotel lobby. Quoting Jackie here, “Not a dump.” When we arrived at the hotel I had a mini scream-out-of-excitement inside. Yes, because it was fancy and was my first time seeing a bathtub since winter break, but mostly because there was a sign for the times for the APS…