Wooster awarded NSF grant for summer research
Wooster Receives $325,000 Grant from NSF in Support of Summer Research Program WOOSTER, Ohio – The College of Wooster was awarded a grant of $326,132 on Tuesday from the National Science Foundation, extending support to the department of physics’ long-running and successful Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site.The three-year grant supports Wooster’s summer research program, which…
silver medal in the 2018 UPC
Wooster team earns a silver medal in the 2018 UPC
Physics Today news story on Wooster research
Observing geometric phases in the lab New analysis, simulations, and 3D printing expand the scope and appeal of a classical geometric phase. Richard J. Fitzgerald Falling cats and Olympic divers share the ability to twist, spin, and reorient themselves to land on their feet or make minimal splash. To accomplish that feat, they bend and…
Standard Model at 50
From Haidar Essili: All I can think of to describe my experience in the Standard model’s 50th anniversary conference is to repeatedly yell the word wow, until I have lost the will to do so. I am at a loss of words, but I will attempt to put my flustered speech in perspective. Imagine Albert Einstein dedicating…
Justine Walker’s senior thesis is a highlight of the world’s largest physics meeting
Scenes from the 2018 APS March Meeting