Author: Cody Leary

  • 2022 Nobel Prize Colloquium

    Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger are sharing the 2022 Nobel Prize in physics, for conducting groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states, where two particles behave like a single entity.  In an entangled pair, what happens to one of the particles determines what happens to the other particle, even if they are far apart.  These results…

  • Wooster physics reunion in Eugene, Oregon!

    I recently returned from a refreshing and productive leave at the University of Oregon in Eugene.  I received my own Ph D in the field of quantum optics at Oregon, and my leave was a great opportunity to continue work with prior colleagues.  However, I am excited to be back and interacting daily with Wooster…

  • A look back on 2017-18

    Congratulations class of 2018!  I’ve attached a few pictures of some of our seniors and professors who gathered for a quick photo on graduation day (pics courtesy of Zane Thornburg).  Special congratulations are in order for Avi Vajpeyi (far left in the second photo), who was selected to be one of the College’s commencement speakers…

  • Student blog reports from their Junior Independent Study self-designed projects

    This spring, each Wooster Junior physics major undertook a six-week scientific investigation of their own design, as a part of our junior independent study course. Watching their projects come to fruition over the course of the semester was a very rewarding experience for me, and I am happy to announce that each junior prepared a…

  • Walker’s Walker: Building a Passive Robot for Active Learning (Jr IS guest blog by Justine Walker)

    Walking – we all do it. But why do we walk so often? Why doesn’t everyone skip down the block to work? Aside from that being deemed as weird by society, walking is the most efficient way for people to move on earth due the gravity here. We’ve all experienced this in some way. You…