Conference Presentations and Reports
A * denotes a Wooster physics student and a † denotes a summer research student
- Aeralyn Flynn* and Theodore Kareta, The Orbital History of Comet P/2022 R1, Conferences for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics (CU*iP), West Lafayette, IN (January 2025)
- Taliah Lansing*, Hao Zhang, Niklas Manz, Michael Bush, Motion Management Techniques for Lung SBRT: Dosimetric and Treatment Efficiency Comparison, Conferences for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics (CU*iP), West Lafayette, IN (January 2025)
- Augustus Thomas*, Jeremy Buhler, Preliminary Profiling Results & Suggestions for Image Deconvolution, COSIfest 2024, Berkeley, CA (October 2024)
- Niklas Manz, Daniel Cohen-Cobos*, Kiyomi Sanders†, Laura DeGroot, Heather Guarnera, Cody Leary, and John Lindner, Chemical Reaction-Diffusion Waves Visualize Gravitational Lensing, Dynamics Days Europe, Bremen, Germany (August 2024)
- Niklas Manz, Daniel Cohen-Cobos*, Kiyomi Sanders†, Laura DeGroot, Heather Guarnera, Cody Leary, and John Lindner, Chemical Reaction-Diffusion Waves Visualize Gravitational Lensing, Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations & Chemical Instabilities, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2024)
- Kelsey McEwen* and Cody Leary, Determining the Motion of an Anisotropic Particle Around an Optical Nanofiber, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Flint, MI (April 2024)
- Tali Lansing*, Veran Stanek†, Daniel Cohen-Cobos*, Augustus Thomas†*, and Niklas Manz, Using a Light-Sensitive Reaction-Diffusion System to Visualize the Black Hole Horizon Effect, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Flint, MI (April 2024)
- Lily Baker*, Xiaolong Liu, Nileema Sharma, and Matthew Toole, Phase Analysis of Charge Density Waves in Kagome Superconductors, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN (March 2024)
- Kelly Kim* and Susan Lehman, Interevent Time Correlations for Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN (March 2024)
- Veran Stanek†, Tali G. Lansing*, and Niklas Manz, Visualizing a Black Hole Event Horizon using a Light-Sensitive Reaction-Diffusion System, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN (March 2024)
- Augustus Thomas†*, Mahala Wanner†, Daniel Cohen-Cobos*, and Niklas Manz, Using Reaction-Diffusion Waves to Visualize Electron Drift Velocity, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN (March 2024)
- Hannah Savoy†, Garrett Worden†, Nicholas Gaba*, and Paul Bonvallet, Swelling thermochemistry and temperature-dependent adsorption of swellable organically modified silica, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, MN (March 2024)
- Lily Baker* and Xiaolong Liu, Phase Analysis of Kagome Superconductors using STM, Conference on Women in Physics, Morgantown, WV (January 2024)
- Taliah Lansing*, Caleb Marshall, Thanassis Psaltis, David Gribble, Richard Longland, and Kiana Setoodehnia, Measuring the 86Sr(α,α) Cross Section to Constrain the Optical Model, Conference on Women in Physics, Morgantown, WV (January 2024)
- Lily Baker* and Xiaolong Liu, Phase Analysis of Charge Density Waves in Kagome Superconductors, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Cleveland, OH (October 2023)
- Aeralyn Flynn*† and Susan Lehman, Analyzing Avalanche Patterns on a Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Cleveland, OH (October 2023)
- Eric Johnson*, Narmin Ibrahimli, Ilhom Saidjaforzoda, and Necmi Biyikili, Ex-Situ Ellipsometry of Doped Gallium Oxide Thin Films Abstract, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Cleveland, OH (October 2023)
- Abrar Khondker*† and Laura DeGroot, Identifying Clumpy Galaxies: Insights from GALFIT and Non-Parametric Measurements, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Cleveland, OH (October 2023)
- Gus Thomas*†, Mahala Wanner†, and Niklas Manz, One-Dimensional Belousov-Zhabotinsky Chemical Wave System as an Electron Drift Analog, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Cleveland, OH (October 2023)
- Michael Scarberry*, Niklas Manz, and Sarah Sobeck, Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction and its Metal Complex Catalysts, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Rochester, MI (April 2023).
- Daniel Cohen Cobos*, Niklas Manz, and Heather Guarnera, Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Waves as an Analog for Gravitational Lensing, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Rochester, MI (April 2023)
- Michael Scarberry*, Niklas Manz, and Sarah Sobeck, Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction and its Metal Complex Catalysts, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Rochester, MI (April 2023).
- Karmellah Buttler*†, Laura DeGroot, Using Color Gradients to Study the Inside-Out Formation of Disk Galaxies at 0.8 ≤ z ≤ 1.0, American Physical Society, Las Vegas, NV (March 2023).
- Olivia Green*†, Cody Leary, A Two-Photon Investigation of Nonlinear Sample Properties, American Physical Society, Las Vegas, NV (March 2023).
- Kyla Koos*†, Cody Leary, A Modeling Interference of a Two-Photon State Using Optical Pulses, American Physical Society, Las Vegas, NV (March 2023).
- Susan Lehman, Slip Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile With Cohesion (oral presentation), American Physical Society, Las Vegas, NV (March 2023).
- Mahala Wanner†, Niklas Manz, Visualizing electron drift velocity (oral presentation), American Physical Society, Las Vegas, NV (March 2023).
- Karmellah Buttler*†, Laura DeGroot, Using Color Gradients to Study the Inside-Out Formation of Disk Galaxies at 0.8 ≤ z ≤ 1.0 (oral presentation), American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Southfield, MI (October 2022).
- Olivia Green*†, Cody Leary, A Two-Photon Investigation of Nonlinear Sample Properties, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Southfield, MI (October 2022).
- Aman Jissa*†, Cody Leary, Measuring the phase accumulation of a changing polarization state of light, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Southfield, MI (October 2022).
- Eric Johnson*†, Susan Lehman, Avalanche Occurrence on a Conical Bead Pile With Cohesion, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Southfield, MI (October 2022).
- John Schmidt*†, Paul Bonvallet, Experimentally Determining the Young’s Modulus for Compression of Swellable Organically Modified Silica, American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Southfield, MI (October 2022).
- Mahala Wanner†, Niklas Manz, Table-top Analogues Using Chemical Waves: Electron Drift Velocity (oral presentation), American Physical Society – Eastern Great Lakes Section, Southfield, MI (October 2022).
- Kiyomi Sanders†, Niklas Manz, Table-top Analogues Using Chemical Waves: Gravitational Lensing Effect, American Physical Society – Far West Section, Honolulu, HI (October 2022).
- Niklas Manz, Evolution towards the now accepted name Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations & Chemical Instabilities, Stonehill College, Easton, MA (July 2022).
- Melita Wiles*, Niklas Manz, Angular frequency of rotating spiral waves in a chemical reaction-diffusion systems, American Physical Society, virtual (March 2022).
- Paul Bonvallet, John Lindner, Brian Corbin†, D. Crow†*, Ryan Reffner†, Teresa Albon Reidl†*, Susan Lehman, and Paul Edminston, Measuring and Modeling the Swelling Force of Swellable Organically Modified Silica (SOMS), American Chemical Society, virtual (April 2021).
- Melita Wiles*, Susan Lehman, Adjusting Images of a Conical Bead Pile through Linear Transformations (oral presentation), American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, virtual (April 2021).
- Margaret McGuire*†, Chase Fuller*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Geographic Tongue as a Reaction-Diffusion System, American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, virtual (April 2021).
- Margaret McGuire*†, Chase Fuller*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Geographic Tongue as a Reaction-Diffusion System, Annual Research Day, UNC Adams School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC (March 2021).
- Bennett Anderson*†, Susan Lehman, Automated Measurement of the Profile of an Avalanching Conical Bead Pile (oral presentation), American Physical Society, virtual (March 2021).
- Melita Wiles*, Susan Lehman, Adjusting Images of a Conical Bead Pile through Linear Transformations (oral presentation), American Physical Society, virtual (March 2021).
- Fish Yu*†, Chase Fuller*†, Margaret McGuire*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Reaction-diffusion waves interacting with fractals, spirals, and concave & soft obstacles, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2020) – canceled.
- Melita Wiles*†, John F. Lindner, Energy Stability of Gravitationally Interacting Rods and Dumbbells, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2020) – canceled.
- Dustin Savelli†, Ariel Xie*†, Cody Leary, Transfer of Linear and Angular Momentum from Evanescent Fields of an Optical Fiber to Isotropic and Anisotropic Dipolar Spheres, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2020) – canceled.
- Brian P. Corbin*†, John F. Lindner, Paul A. Bonvallet, Logarithmic Expansion of Swellable Organosilica Material, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2020) – canceled.
- Sam Cavender†, Sam Nash*, Marc E. Manheim*, Niklas Manz, Reaction-Diffusion Waves as a Black Hole Event Horizon Analogue, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2020) – canceled.
- Bennett Anderson*†, Susan Lehman, Automated Measurement of the Profile of an Avalanching Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2020) – canceled.
- Cody C. Leary, M. G. Raymer, Brian J. Smith, Andrew H. Marcus, Interferometric extraction of the exchange symmetry of a biphoton joint spectral amplitude, Southwest Quantum Information and Technology, Eugene, OR (February 2020).
- Andrew Kunkel*†, Laura DeGroot, GDR2 Radial Velocity Analysis According to Spiral Density Wave Theory, American Atronomical Society, Honolulu, HI (January 2020).
- Maria Cook†, Laura DeGroot, Studying the Bulges of Distant Galaxies, American Atronomical Society, Honolulu, HI (January 2020).
- Megan Fisher*, D. Falconer, R. Moore, S. Tiwari, Improving the Forecasting of Drivers of Sever Space Weather with the New MAG4 HMI Vector Magnetogram Database, American Astronomical Society, Honolulu, HI (January 2020).
- Abigail Ambrose*†, Laura DeGroot, Using Gaia DR2 to Observe Stellar Streams and Dark Matter Distribution in the Milky Way, American Atronomical Society, Honolulu, HI (January 2020).
- Laura DeGroot, Swara Ravindranath, Mili Barai*, Nicholas Rosner*, Investigating the Radial Color Gradients in Galaxies – Do Galaxy Disks form inside-out?, American Astronomical Society, Honolulu, HI (January 2020).
- Melita Wiles*†, John F. Lindner, Energy stability of gravitational interacting rods and dumbbells, Conference for Women in Physics, Pittsburgh, PA (January 2020)
- Chase Fuller*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Chemical diode behavior in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction due to inhomogeneous diffusion (oral presentation), American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, Flint, MI (October 2019).
- Ariel Xi*†, Cody Leary, Optomechanical Spin-Orbit Coupling, American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, Flint, MI (October 2019).
- Yang (Fish) Yu*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Reaction-diffusion wavefronts around concave, spiral, fractals and soft obstacles, American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, Flint, MI (October 2019).
- Chase Fuller*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Chemical diode behavior in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction due to inhomogeneous diffusion (oral presentation), Annual Mathematics Conference: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems and their Applications, Miami University, Oxford, OH (September 2019).
- Margaret McGuire*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Reaction-diffusion models of 2D surfaces embedded in 3D space and a model of geographic tongue (oral presentation), Annual Mathematics Conference: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems and their Applications, Miami University, Oxford, OH (September 2019).
- Melita Wiles*†, John F. Lindner, Energy stability of gravitational interacting rods and dumbbells (oral presentation), Annual Mathematics Conference: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems and their Applications, Miami University, Oxford, OH (September 2019).
- Yang (Fish) Yu*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Reaction-diffusion wavefronts with concave, spiral, fractals and soft obstacles (oral presentation), Annual Mathematics Conference: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems and their Applications, Miami University, Oxford, OH (September 2019).
- Niklas Manz, Hannah Phillips, Connor Herndon, Abigail E. Ambrose*†, Flavio H. Fenton (online report), Dynamics of Table-top Fire Fronts, Article in SIAM News Online based on presentation at 2019 SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems in Snowbird, Utah (May 2019).
- Abigail Ambrose*†, Niklas Manz, Effect of match types on the fire propagation speeds in a match stick array, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Wooster, OH (March 2019).
- Daniel Blaikie*†, Spencer L. Kirn*, Niklas Manz, Propagation of light-sensitive reaction-diffusion waves in inhomogeneously illuminated systems, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Wooster, OH (March 2019).
- Rebecca Glaser†, Nathaniel Smith*, W.H. (Vincent) Hui*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Disruption and Recovery of Reaction-Diffusion Wavefronts Colliding with Obstacles, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Wooster, OH (March 2019).
- Carlos Owusu-Ansah*†, John F. Lindner, Spectral Stability of Gravitationally Interacting Rods, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Wooster, OH (March 2019).
- Joe Theiss and N. Manz, Discrete Tree Based Fire Simulation, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Wooster, OH (March 2019).
- Daniel Blaikie*†, Spencer L. Kirn*, Niklas Manz, Propagation of light-sensitive reaction-diffusion waves in inhomogeneously illuminated systems, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (March 2019).
- Rebecca Glaser†, Nathaniel Smith*, W.H. (Vincent) Hui*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Disruption and Recovery of Reaction-Diffusion Wavefronts Colliding with Obstacles, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (March 2019).
- Carlos Owusu-Ansah*†, John F. Lindner, Spectral Stability of Gravitationally Interacting Rods, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (March 2019).
- Kimberly Patterson†, John F. Lindner, Sliding on a Spinning Cuboid, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (March 2019).
- Katie Shideler*†, Susan Lehman, Using Pressure Sensors To Characterize Avalanche Dynamics On A Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (March 2019).
- Ryan Reffner†, Paul Bonvallet, and Regan Silvestri, Force generation and encapsulation of fluorophores in swellable organically modified silica, American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL (March 2019).
- Carlos Owusu-Ansah*†, John F. Lindner, Spectral Stability of Gravitationally Interacting Rods, American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, Toledo, OH (September 2018).
- Nathaniel Smith*, Rebecca Glaser†, W.H. (Vincent) Hui*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Reaction-diffusion wavefronts colliding with obstacles, American Physical Society – Ohio-Region Section, Toledo, OH (September 2018).
- Nathaniel Smith*, Rebecca Glaser†, W.H. (Vincent) Hui*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Effect of obstacles on the propagation of reaction-diffusion waves in a two-dimensional channel, Gordon Research Conference on Osc. & Chem. Inst., Les Diablerets, Switzerland (July 2018).
- Abigail Ambrose*†, Niklas Manz, Using Match Stick Arrays to Analyze Forest Fire Propagation along a Slope (oral presentation), Ohio Academy of Sciences, Bowling Green, OH (April 2018).
- Jack Mershon*, Chase Fuller*†, Niklas Manz, Modified Propagation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Waves in a Quasi-1D System (oral presentation), American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, East Lansing, OH (March 2018).
- Nathaniel Smith*, John Lindner, Niklas Manz, A Computational Simulation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Wave Behavior around Obstacles, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, East Lansing, OH (March 2018).
- Abigail Ambrose*†, Niklas Manz (oral presentation), Using Match Stick Arrays to Analyze Forest Fire Propagation along a Slope, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, East Lansing, OH (March 2018).
- Paul Bonvallet, Tyler Branscum†, and Zane Thornburg†*, Synthesis and Characterization of high-capacity swellable organically-modified silica, American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA (March 2018).
- Gabriel Dale-Gau*†, Susan Y. Lehman, A System of Pressure Sensors to Characterize Duration and Area of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Emma Brinton*, Michael Wolff*, Benjamin Jenkins*†, Cody Leary, Dynamics of a Small Dielectric Sphere Due to the Higher-Order Modes of an Optical Nano Fiber, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Haidar Esseili*†, Kyle McNickle*, Susan Y. Lehman, Use of Particle Image Velocimetry to Characterize the Dynamics of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Chase Fuller*†, Jack Mershon*, Niklas Manz, Effects of Fluid Flow on Chemical Excitation with Normal and Anomalous Dispersion Relations, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Susan Y. Lehman, Karin Dahmen, Louis McFaul, Effect of Cohesion on the Time between Avalanches On A Slowly-Driven Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Hannah Peltz Smalley†, John F. Lindner, Sliding on a Massive Spinning Asteroid, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Avi Vajpeyi*, John F. Lindner, Susan Y. Lehman, Denise Byrnes, Simulation of a Granular Flow Experiment Using GPU Parallelism (oral presentation), American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Justine Walker*, John F. Lindner, Kim Tritt (oral presentation), Dancing Our Way to Mars Through Physics, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA (March 2018).
- Nathaniel Moore*, Laura DeGroot, Local Analogs: Comparing a 12-inch to the Hubble, American Astronomical Society, Washington, DC (January 2018).
- Jack Mershon*, Nojan Aliahmed, Yadong Liu, Bhavya Sri Pakki, and Magilal Agarwal, Ultra-Thin Flexible Battery, CUR’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium, Alexandria, VA (October 2017).
- Zane Thornburg*, Karl Feierabend, and Susan Lehman, Investigating the Beer-Lambert Law in a Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopic Method, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Oxford, OH (October 2017).
- Avi Vaipeyi*, Andrew Miller, Pia Astone, and Sergio Fransca, Enhancing Long Transient Gravitational Wave Power Spectra with Filters, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Oxford, OH (October 2017).
- Hwan Bae*, Norah Ali†, and John F. Lindner, Hannay’s Hoop Beyond Asymptotics, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Oxford, OH (October 2017).
- Wan Hang Hui*, John F. Lindner, and Niklas Manz, The effect of obstacles on the propagation speed of Reaction-Diffusion waves, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Oxford, OH (October 2017).
- Chase Fuller*† and Niklas Manz, Effects of advection on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction: standing excitation waves in a quasi-1D system, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Oxford, OH (October 2017).
- Abigail Ambrose*† and Niklas Manz, Using Matches to Investigate Forest Fire Propagation Along a Slope, American Physical Society Ohio-Region Section, Oxford, OH (October 2017).
- Michael Wolff*, Cody Leary, Force on a dielectric spherical particle due to the higher-order modes of a few mode optical nanofiber, Optical Nanofibers and Applications, Okinawa, Japan (June 2017).
- Alexander Gould*† and Niklas Manz, BZ-Reaction diffusion wave speed around obstacles, Spring 2017 Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section, Ypsilanti, MI (May 2017).
- Robin Morillo* and Niklas Manz, A Hill on fire: Using matches, 3D printing, and code as a forest fire analog, CUR’s 21st Annual Posters on the Hill, Washington, DC (April 2017)
- Robin Morillo* and Niklas Manz, The Ring of Fire: The Effects of Slope upon Pattern Formation in Simulated Forest Fire Systems, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Jordan Dennis*†, Laura Grace*, and Susan Lehman, Period Doubling in Bubbling from a Submerged Nozzle, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Haidar Esseili*†, Avi Vajpeyi*†, and Susan Lehman, Tracking particles during avalanches on a conical bead pile, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Preston Pozderac*† and Cody Leary, Investigation of the Wave Propagation of Vector Modes of Light in a Spherically Symmetric Refractive Index Profile, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Zane Thornburg*† and Paul Bonvallet, Characterizing the Swelling of a Crosslinked Organosilicon Polymer, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Marc E. Manheim*, John F. Lindner, and Niklas Manz, Experimentally Modeling Black and White Hole Event Horizons via Fluid Flow, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Nathaniel Moore*† and John F. Lindner, Sliding on a spinning asteroid (geodesics on a rotating ellipsoid), American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Tessa Rosenberger† and John F. Lindner, Soliton creation, propagation, and annihilation in aeromechanical arrays of one-way coupled bistable elements, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Hwan Bae*† and John F. Lindner, Hannay’s hoop revisited beyond asymptotics, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 2017)
- Robin M.P. Morillo* and Niklas Manz, Burning up: The effect of slope upon forest fire propagation, Dynamics Days 2017, Silver Spring, MD (January 2017).
- Tyler Branscum† and Paul Bonvallet, Synthesis of Swellable Organically Modified Silica at Various Temperatures and Concentrations, Fall 2016 Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section, Bowling Green, OH (October 2016).
- Robin M.P. Morillo* and Niklas Manz, Matchstick Forests: Studying Fire Spread On Hills Using a Scaled Model, Fall 2016 Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section, Bowling Green, OH (October 2016).
- Jersson Pachar† and Niklas Manz, Effects of Advection on Reaction-Diffusion Waves, Fall 2016 Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section, Bowling Green, OH (October 2016).
- Preston Pozderac*† and Cody Leary, Comparison of Corrections to the Helmholtz and Schrodinger Equations using First Order Perturbation Theory, Fall 2016 Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section, Bowling Green, OH (October 2016).
- Zane Thornburg*† and Paul Bonvallet, Characterizing the Swelling of a Crosslinked Organosilicon Polymer, Fall 2016 Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section, Bowling Green, OH (October 2016).
- Cody C. Leary, Maggie Lankford*†, and Deepika Sundarraman*†, Polarization-based control of spin-orbit hybrid modes of light in biphoton interference, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA (June 2016).
- Spencer. L. Kirn* and N. Manz, Light-sensitive reaction-diffusion waves in a checkerboard-like illumination system, 47th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY, USA, (May 2016 )
- Spencer. L. Kirn* and N. Manz, Light-sensitive reaction-diffusion waves in a checkerboard-like illumination system, APS Ohio-Region Section, Dayton, OH, USA, (April 2016)
- Avi Vajpeyi*† and Susan Lehman, Improving Detection of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD (March 2016)
- Justine Walker*† and Susan Lehman, Changes in the Distributions of Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile with Cohesion, American Physical Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD (March 2016)
- Cody C. Leary, Maggie Lankford*†, and Deepika Sundarraman*†, Coupling of spin and orbital degrees of freedom in tunable Hong- Ou-Mandel interference involving photons in distinguishable and indistinguishable hybrid spin-orbit modes, SPIE Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing, Prague, Czechoslovakia (April 2015)
- Michael Bush*† and John Lindner, Balancing Newtonian gravity and spin to create localized structures, American Physical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX (March 2015)
- Nathan Johnson*† and Susan Lehman, Use of a magnetic field to modify and detect avalanche behavior on a conical bead pile, American Physical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX (March 2015)
- Ziyi Sang*† and John Lindner, Nonlinear dynamics of three gravitating rods, American Physical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX (March 2015)
- Catherine Tieman*† and Susan Lehman, New Analysis Techniques for Avalanches in a Conical Bead Pile with Cohesion, American Physical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX (March 2015)
- Nicolae Istrate*† and John Lindner, Stress-energy distribution for a cylindrical artificial gravity field via the Darmois-Israel junction conditions of general relativity, American Physical Society Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2014)
- Maggie Lankford*† and John Lindner, Order and chaos in the rotation and revolution of two massive line segments, American Physical Society Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2014).
- Brian Maddock*† and John Lindner, Computer simulation of the classical entanglement of U-shaped particles in three dimensions, American Physical Society Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2014)
- Paroma Palchoudhuri*†, Susan Lehman, and D.T. Jacobs, Effects of Cohesion On the Dynamic Response of A Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2014).
- Susan Lehman, Lilianna Christman*, Paroma Palchoudhuri*†, and D.T. Jacobs, Scaling Analysis And Tuning Parameters For Avalanches On A Slowly-Driven Conical Bead Pile, American Physical Society Meeting, Denver, CO (March 2014).
- Cody Leary, Thomas Gilliss, Deepika Sundarraman, Bimodal Houg-Ou-Mandel Interference in Symmetric and Asymmetric Optical Systems, Coherence in Quantum Optics 10, Rochester NY (2013).
- Theresa Albon*, Wilder Iglesias, Antal Jakli, and Shila Garg, Entanglement and Relaxation of Liquid Crystal Shaped Granular Media, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2013)
- Matt Schmitthenner*, P.K. Challa, J.T. Gleeson, Shila Garg, Elastic constants and material properties of novel shaped liquid crystals, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2013).
- Thomas Gilliss*, Deepika Sundarraman*†, and Cody C. Leary, Classical and Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference of Transverse Spatial Modes in a Parity-Based Interferometer, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2013)
- Elliot Wainwright*† and John F. Lindner, Stochastic Resonance in a Mechanical System, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2013)
- Theresa Albon*, Paul Edmiston, and Susan Lehman, Investigation of Forces Exerted During the Expansion of Nanomechanically Tensioned Organosilica Materials, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (February 2012)
- Norman Israel* and John Lindner, Pure Quantum Gravity Simulation in 1+1 Dimensions using Causal Dynamical Triangulation, American Physical Society, Boston, MA (February 2012)
- Karl Smith*† and John Lindner, String Theory (Knot Really), American Physical Society, Boston, MA (February 2012)
- Andrew Blaikie*†, R. Mike Winters*, and Deva O’Neil, Simulating the Electroweak Phase Transition: Sonification of Bubble Nucleation, 17th Annual Conference on Auditory Display, Budapest, Hungary (June 2011)
- R. Mike Winters*†, 1/f noise and auditory aesthetics: Sonification of a driven bead pile, 17th Annual Conference on Auditory Display, Budapest, Hungary (June 2011)
- Andrew Blaikie*†, R. Mike Winters*, and Deva O’Neil, Simulating Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Standard Model, American Physical Society, Dallas, TX (March 2011)
- Lilianna E. Christman*†, Amanda Logue*, Paul L. Edmiston, and Susan Y. Lehman, Characterization of the Morphology and Rapid Expansion of Swellable Organically Modified Silica, American Physical Society, Dallas, TX (March 2011)
- Lorenzo Dumancas*†, David Simpson*†, and D.T. Jacobs, Specific heat at the micellization and phase transitions in a triblock copolymer-water system, American Physical Society, Dallas, TX (March 2011)
- Alyse Marquinez*, Ingrid Thvedt*, S.Y. Lehman, and D.T. Jacobs, Scaling, clustering and avalanches for steel beads in an external magnetic field, American Physical Society, Dallas, TX (March 2011)
- Hosanna Odhner†, Alison Huff*, Kelly Patton*, D.T. Jacobs, Bryna Clover, and Sandra Greer, Micellization and phase transitions in a triblock copolymer-D2O system, American Physical Society, Dallas, TX (March 2011)
- Christine Welling†, B. P. Miller, W. N. Brandt, R. R. Gibson, M. C. Eracleous, and K. T. Lewis, Broad Absorption Line Variability in Radio-Loud Quasars, 217th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Seattle, WA (January 2011)
- Colin McGuire† and Sarah Schmidtke, Effects of temperature and pH on the fluorescence of 4-amino benzoic acid and its derivatives, 62nd Southeastern Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA (December 2010)
- Alison Huff*, Kelly Patton*, D.T. Jacobs, Bryna Clover, and S.C. Greer, Micellization and phase transitions in a triblock copolymer-water system, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- Amanda Logue*†, John F. Lindner, Jacob Lynn†, and Frank W. King*, Chaos and Order in the /. Body Problem, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- Larry Markley*†, Mary Mills*† and D.T. Jacobs, Self-organized Criticality or not in Spherical Bead Piles, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- Katsuo Maxted*†, John F. Lindner, and Barbara J. Breen, Two-dimensional, one-way coupled arrays, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- Heather Moore*, Lorenzo Dumancas*, Tyler Rhoades*, Mark Zimmerman*, and D.T. Jacobs, Percolation transition in spherical granular materials, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- Margaret Raabe*† and John F. Lindner, Escape from the 3 Body Problem, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- David Simpson*† and D.T. Jacobs, Specific heat at the micellization and phase transitions in a triblock copolymer-water system, American Physical Society, Portland, OR (March 2010)
- Mitchell P. Thayer† and Sarah J. Schmidtke, Environmental and structural effects on intramolecular charge transfer exhibited by 4-aminobenzoic acid and its derivatives, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (March 2010)
- Corey Atwood Stone*, Brendan Miller, M. Richards, and J. Budaj, Accretion Structure in AU Mon, American Astronomical Society Meeting #215, Washington, DC (January 2010)
- Mark D. Zimmerman*† and D.T. Jacobs, Percolation in Granular Material: Conduction through Silver/Glass/Air Mixtures, American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA (March 2009)
- Mike Winters*† and D.T. Jacobs, Self-Organized Criticality: Bead Pile Dynamics Across Bead Types, American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA (March 2009)
- Ingrid Thvedt*†, Martha Roseberry*, and Susan Lehman, Investigation into the Mpemba Effect: Variation in the Freezing Time of Water Dependent on Initial Temperature and Purity, American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA (March 2009)
- Patrick Odenthal†, John F. Lindner, Kelly M. Patton*, James C. Gallagher†, and Barbara J. Breen, Experimental observation of soliton propagation and annihilation in a hydromechanical array of one-way coupled oscillators, American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA (March 2009)
- Jacob Lynn†, Frank W. King*, and John F. Lindner, Chaos & Order in the /.-Body Problem, American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA (March 2009)
- Tsang-Min Huang, Thein Kyu, Shila Garg, Kathy McCreary*, Phase diagram of a binary liquid crystal mixture involving induced mesophase transitions, American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA (March 2008)
- Joseph Thomas* and Susan Y. Lehman, Does Hot Water Freeze Faster than Cold? Investigation of the Reproducibility and Causes of the Mpemba Effect, American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA (March 2008)
- Mark Wellons*, Frank King*†, and Todd McAlpine, Simulating a charged spherical pendulum in time-varying electric and magnetic fields, American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA (March 2008)
- Kelly Patton*, James Gallagher†, and John F. Lindner, Experimental Observation of Solitons Propagating in a Hydro-Mechanical Array of One-Way Coupled Oscillators, American Physical Society, New Orleans, LA (March 2008)
- Martha I. Roseberry*† and John F. Lindner, Precession and chaos in the Newtonian two-body problem in a spherical universe, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2007)
- Evan Heidtmann*† and John F. Lindner, The “Escape Set” elucidates chaos in the restricted three-body problem, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2007)
- Henry Timmers*†, Sarah Suddendorf*†, Angie Triplett*†, Nithya Venkataraman*†, and D.T. Jacobs, Correlation length of a near-critical, eight-arm star polystyrene in methylcyclohexane, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2007)
- Nathan Utt*† and D.T. Jacobs, Anomaly in the heat capacity of nitrobenzene and dodecane, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2007)
- Mary Mills*†, Andrew Kindschuh*, and D.T. Jacobs, Self-Organized Criticality in a Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Denver, CO (March 2007)
- John Gamble*† and Shila Garg, Dielectric Properties of Binary Mixtures of MBBA and 7CB, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2006)
- Megan Miller†, Tuan Nguyen†, Elizabeth Baker†, and D.T. Jacobs, Self-Organized Criticality in a Bead Pile, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2006)
- Ruth Shewmon†, Ryan Hartschuh*, and D.T. Jacobs, Anomaly in the heat capacity of triethylamine and water, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2006)
- Daniel L. Tremblay*† and Susan Y. Lehman, Low-Cost Cavity Ring-Down System For Measurement Of High Reflectivity Semiconductor Mirrors, American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD (March 2006)
- C.A. O’Brien†, L.M. Boone, and J.D. Hohertz*†, Simulating Particle Dynamics in Tangled Magnetic Field, 207th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Washington, DC (January 2006)
- L.M. Walker*†, K.L. Larson*†, and L.M. Boone, An INTEGRAL Archival Search for Microquasar Candidates, 207th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society,Washington, DC (January 2006)
- Angie Triplett*†, Nithya L. Venkataraman*†, and D.T. Jacobs, Correlation length of a near-critical, eight-arm star polystyrene in methylcyclohexane, American Physical Society (Los Angeles CA, March 2005)
- Stephen T. Poprocki*, Leann G. Erbsen†, and Susan Y. Lehman, Detection and Analysis of Quantum Dots from Atomic Force Microscope Images, American Physical Society (Los Angeles CA, March 2005)
- Daniel Shai*† and John Lindner, Precession of nearly circular orbits in the Newtonian 2-body problem perturbed by constant positive curvature, American Physical Society (Los Angeles CA, March 2005)
- Andy P. Brinck*†, Nithya L. Venkataraman*†, and D.T. Jacobs, The correlation length amplitude for eight-arm star polystyrene in methylcyclohexane near the critical point, American Physical Society (Montreal Canada, March 2004)
- Elizabeth Baker*† and D.T. Jacobs, Crystal Structure and Self-Organized Criticality in a Bead Pile, American Physical Society (Montreal Canada, March 2004)
- Kathleen McCreary*† and Shila Garg, Dielectric Anisotropy of Nematic Binary Mixtures, American Physical Society (Montreal Canada, March 2004)
- Katherine Olaksen*†, Nicholas Johann Harmon*†, and John F. Lindner, Nontrivial dynamics of two interacting point particles confined to a sphere, American Physical Society (Montreal Canada, March 2004)
- Shila Garg and Hanneke Hoekman*, Dielectric Anisotropy of A Nematic Binary Mixture, International Conference on 6th Ibero-American Workshop on Complex Fluids and Their Applications (Lisbon, Portugal, September 2003)
- B.C. Thomas*, J.F. Lindner, S.B. Hughes*†, D.J. Miller*†, and K. Wiesenfeld, The Flux Creep Automaton, American Physical Society (Austin Texas, March 2003)
- N. Venkataraman†*, C.J. Locke*, and D.T. Jacobs, The correlation length of an eight-arm polystyrene in methylcyclohexane near the critical point, American Physical Society (Austin Texas, March 2003)
- D. Merriman*† and S. Garg, Investigating the Elastic Properties of N4 Through Freedericksz Transitions, American Physical Society (Austin Texas, March 2003)
- J.R. Moffitt*, P. Macdonald†, and J.F. Lindner, Self-erasing perturbations of Abelian sandpiles, American Physical Society (Austin Texas, March 2003)
- C. Leidel†, N. Harmon*†, and J.F. Lindner, Optimal Exit: Solar Escape as a Restricted Three-Body Problem, American Physical Society (Austin Texas, March 2003)
- Tom Spears *† and Shila Garg, Dielectric Interactions in a Nematic Binary Mixture, American Physical Society (Indianapolis Indiana, March 2002)
- Joshua Martin* and Shila Garg, Binary Mixtures of Calamitic and Discotic Liquid Crystals, American Physical Society (March 2002)
- R. Hartschuh*† and D. T. Jacobs, Composition dependence for the near-critical heat capacity of triethylamine and water, American Physical Society (Indianapolis Indiana, March 2002)
- N. J. Harmon*† and J. F. Lindner, Optimizing Solar Escape: A 3-Body Problem, American Physical Society (Indianapolis Indiana, March 2002)
- J. A. Goetz, D. W. Brubaker*†, and C. A. Clerc†, Methanol Maser Emission in W75N and Orion Molecular Cloud 2 (OMC2), American Astronomical Society (Washington D.C., January 2002)
- Shila Garg, Kirstin Purdy*, Erica Bramley* and I. I. Smalyukh, O. D. Lavrentovich, Nucleation and Growth Dynamics Of Focal Conic Domains, International Conference on Pattern Formation and Self-Organization in Nonlinear Complex Systems (Beijing, China, June 2001).
- C. Egnatuk*† and D. T. Jacobs, Self-Organized Criticality in a Bead Pile, American Physical Society (Seattle Washington, March 2001)
- Amy Lytle* and Shila Garg, A Structural and Optical Study of Evaporated Droplets Containing DNA, American Physical Society (Seattle Washington, March 2001)
- E.R. Oby† and D.T. Jacobs, Heat Capacity of the Liquid-Liquid Mixture Perfluoroheptane and 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Near the Critical Point, American Physical Society (Seattle Washington, March 2001)
- Chris Templeman* and Shila Garg, Two-Dimensional Granular Couette Shearing Cell, American Physical Society (Seattle Washington, March 2001)
- Shila Garg, A. Christine Rauch* and D.T. Jacobs, Phase Transitions in a Nematic Binary Mixture, American Physical Society (Seattle March 2001)
- J. Moffitt*† and D. Ludwigsen, Self-sustained oscillation as a function of blowing pressure in a one mass lip reed model, 140th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (Newport Beach California, December 2000)
- H. Wagner† and D.T. Jacobs, Bead Pile System as a Model for Self-Organized Criticality, American Physical Society (Minneapolis Minnesota, March 2000)
- A. Lytle*† and D.T. Jacobs, Achieving Microkelvin Control at Room Temperature, American Physical Society (Minneapolis Minnesota, March 2000)
- Sean English* and Shila Garg, Liquid Crystalline Behavior of DNA Fragments, American Physical Society (Minneapolis Minnesota, March 2000)
- L. Ault*† and D. Colladay, Spin Expectation Values in Fermion Gases, American Physical Society (Minneapolis Minnesota, March 2000)
- Joshua Martin* and Shila Garg, Dendritic Growth in Nematic Liquid Crystals, American Physical Society (Minneapolis Minnesota, March 2000)
- Scott Hughes*†, John F. Lindner, and William Ditto, Chaotic Brownian Billiards, Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- Sridhar Chandramouli*†, Andrew Kuck*, and John F. Lindner, Scaling Laws for Noise Enhanced Propagation, Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- Hanna Coy†, Woodrow Shew*, and John Lindner, Taming Chaos, Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- Madhujit Ghosh*, Shaun McClellan†, and Donald Jacobs, Heat Capacity Anomaly in Succinonitrile and Water, Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- Rachel Costello*†, Donald Jacobs, Predicting Earthquakes from Sand Piles Using Self-Organized Criticality, Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- Chris Templeman*†, Shila Garg, Investigation of Electric Field Induced Wall and Zigzag Structures in the Nematic Liquid Crystal 5CB, Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- A. Christine Rauch* and S. Garg, Phase Separation of Binary Nematic Liquid Crystal Mixtures, Centennial Meeting, American Physical Society (Atlanta Georgia, March 1999)
- Shila Garg and Joshua Martin*, Spatiotemporal Chaos in MBBA, Int’l Conference on Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals (Waischenfeld, Germany September 1999)
- J. Bozeday*† and J. Lindner, Taming Chaos with Disorder in Arrays of Phase Locked Loops, American Physical Society (Los Angeles California, March 1998)
- K. Cruz† and D.T. Jacobs, Predicting Earthquakes from Sandpiles Using Self-Organized Criticality, American Physical Society (Los Angeles California, March 1998)
- K. Purdy†, E. Bramley*†, and S. Garg, Growth of Focal Conic Domains in a Smectic A Liquid Crystal, American Physical Society (Los Angeles California, March 1998)
- A. Kuck*†, M. Hayward*, and A.P. Andrews, Examination of the Fractal Dimension of Fatty Acid Aggregates, American Physical Society (Los Angeles California, March 1998)
- C.A. Williams*†, D.T. Jacobs, S.M.Y. Lau†, and Anindya Mukherjee, Turbidity in a Near Critical, Liquid-Liquid System, American Physical Society (Los Angeles California, March 1998)
- Shila Garg, Christopher Ditchman*, Nathan Schiffrik* and U. D. Kini, Electric Field Induced Transient Effects in a Nematic Liquid Crystal in the Presence of a Stabilizing Magnetic Field, 17th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France (July 1998)
- C. Ditchman*, Shila Garg, U.D. Kini, Electric Field Induced Transient and Static Modulated Phase in Nematic Liquid Crystals, American Physical Society (March 1997)
- W. Shew*† and A. Andrews, Surface Pressure Study of Lipid Aggregates at the Air Water Interface, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (November 1996)
- B. Prusha*†, K. Clay*†, and J. Lindner, Optimal Disorders for Taming Spatiotemporal Chaos, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (November 1996)
- S. Garg, S. Saeed*, S. Wild†, E. Bramley*†, and U. D. Kini, Frequency Dependent Threshold in the Bend Geometry of 5CB, 16th International Liquid Crystal Conference (June 1996)
- E. Bramley*†, R. Craig*, and S. Garg, Frequency Dependence of Bend Freedericksz Threshold in the Nematic Liquid Crystal 5CB, American Physical Society (March 1996)
- C. Spillmann*†, A. Flewelling*†, and A. Andrews, Macroscopic Self Assembly of Palmitic Acid as Studied by Surface Pressure, American Physical Society (March 1996)
- S. Saeed* and S. Garg, Frequency Dependence of Thresholds in the Modulated Phase of 5CB, American Physical Society (March 1996)
- C. Spillmann*†, A. Flewelling*†, and A. Andrews, Macroscopic Self Assembly of Palmitic Acid as Studied by Surface Pressure, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (October 1995)
- S. Wild† and S. Garg, Threshold Measurements in the Modulated Phase of 5CB, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (October 1995)
- A. Flewelling*† and D.T. Jacobs, Heat Capacity Anomaly in Triethylamine and Water, American Physical Society (March, 1995)
- Shila Garg, Salman Saeed*, and U.D. Kini, Effects of a Stabilizing Magnetic Field in the Electric Field Induced Transitions in 5CB, American Physical Society, San Jose (March 1995)
- S. Garg and K. Kelley†, A Nematic Liquid Crystal Subjected to an Oscillating Magnetic Field, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (October, 1994)
- J. Lindner and J. Hill†, Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Chaos of Coupled Duffing Oscillators, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (October, 1994)
- S. Garg and A. Ozgenc*, Nonlinear Effects in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals, Ohio Section/American Physical Society (October, 1994)
- Shila Garg, Karl Crandall* and Asad Khan*, Ratio of Elastic Constants of Diheptylazoxybenzene, 14th International Conference on Liquid Crystals (Pisa, Italy, June 1992).
- Shila Garg, Asad Khan*, and Karl Crandall*, Bend and Twist Elastic Constants of Diheptylazoxybenzene, Gordon Conference on Liquid Crystals (Wolfboro, New Hampshire, June 1991).
- Shila Garg, Karl Crandall*, and Mark Bricker*, Determination of the Bend and Twist Elastic Constants of the Liquid Crystal C7Using Freederickz Transition and Dynamic Light Scattering, Ohio Section/American Physical Society, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (April 1
- Force generation and encapsulation of fluorophores in swellable organically modified silica