Middle School Science Fair Judging

It was a great honor to come over to Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Wadsworth, Ohio on January 27! Physics club had a blast judging some awesome middle school science fair projects and getting to discuss science with 7th and 8th graders. As judges, we had a rigid set of guidelines to follow to judge the projects fairly. Some of the criteria includes making sure the topic of the project is appropriate, the scientific procedure was done properly, and the scientific reasoning as to why the experiment worked the way it did.

During this judging experience, we were paired with another volunteer to judge the students’ posters. One student learned how salt lowers water’s freezing temperature and its real-world application when gritting the roads with salt. Another student did cool bath bomb experiments and learned the chemical reasoning behind the fizzing of a bath bomb in water.

In addition to this, Physics club was able to discuss with the kids about what intrigued them into conducting their experiments. The kids talked about their personal connections to their projects and how they can build upon their experiments in the future! As judges, we were in awe seeing how passionate these kids were! Overall, it was such a fun experience getting to reminisce about the iconic middle school science fair! We can’t wait to see what they will do next!

Participating students: Lily Baker, Karmellah Buttler, Al Cawley, Aeralyn Flynn, Nina Hanus, Eric Johnson, Tali Lansing, and Sanjana Venkataraman.

Guest Blog by Sanjana Venkataraman.

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