A * denotes a Wooster student and a † denotes a summer REU student
- Jeffrey S. Horner, David J. Kemmenoe, Gustav J. Bourdon*, Scott A. Roberts, Edward R. Arata, Jaideep Ray, and Anne M. Grillet, Predictive dynamic wetting, fluid–structure interaction simulations for braze run-out, Computers and Fluids 290, 106567 (2025)
- Ziyang Ye, Laura Signor, Molly Cohan*, and Andrea D. Pickel, Metal surface effects on single upconverting nanoparticle luminescence and thermometry signals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 13(1), 116-124 (2025).
- Niklas Manz, Zach Rewinski, Fazly Ataullakhanov, and Vilmos Gáspár, Finding the Eponym for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, (under review in Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science)
- Niklas Manz and Ian McCullough, Eponyms in Science – how long can they get?, (under review in Scientometrics).
- Niklas Manz and Yvonne Manz, Spiral Waves on Hemispheres, in Stefan C. Müller and Kinko Tsuji (Eds.), Do you know what you see? – Understanding marvelous patterns in complex systems, Springer International Publishing, (accepted for publication).
- Niklas Manz and Aidan Mason*, Anomalous Wave Behavior in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, in Stefan C. Müller and Kinko Tsuji (Eds.), Do you know what you see? – Understanding marvelous patterns in complex systems, Springer International Publishing, (accepted for publication).
- Niklas Manz, Yurij Holovatch, John Tyson, Julian Hirniak, an early proponent of periodic chemical reactions, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 137(5), 2507-2538 (2024).
- Chase A. Fuller*†, Daniel Cohen-Cobos*, John F. Lindner, and Niklas Manz, Light-Sensitive Diffusion Diodes for Reaction-Diffusion Waves, International Journal of Unconventional Computing 19(1), 1-15 (2024).
- Daniel Cohen-Cobos*, Kiyomi Sanders†, Laura DeGroot, Cody Leary, Heather Guarnera, John F. Lindner, and Niklas Manz, Chemistry Does General Relativity: Reaction-Diffusion Waves Can Model Gravitational Lensing, Frontiers in Physics 11, 1315966(1-10) (2024).
- Richard J. Field, Robert M. Mazo, Niklas Manz, Science, serendipity, coincidence, and the Oregonator at the University of Oregon, 1969 – 1974 (Editor’s Pick), Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32(5), 052101(1-10) (2022).
- Susan Lehman, Lilianna Christman*, Don Jacobs, Nathan Johnson*†, Paroma Palchoudhuri*†, Catherine Tieman*†, Avi Vajpeyi*†, Elliot Wainwright*, Justine Walker*†, Ian Wilson*, Michael LeBlanc, Louis McFaul, Jonathan Uhl, Karin Dahmen, Universal aspects of cohesion, Granular Matter 34, 35 (2022).
- Xinchen Xie*, Hwan Bae*, John F. Lindner, Alien suns reversing in exoplanet skies (Editor’s choice: planetary & solar system science), Scientific Reports 12, 8426 (2022).
- Margaret K. McGuire*†, Chase A. Fuller*†, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Geographic Tongue as a Reaction-Diffusion System, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, 033118(1-9) (2021).
- Yang F. Yu*†, Chase A. Fuller*†, Margaret K. McGuire*†, Rebecca Glaser†, Nathaniel J. Smith*, Niklas Manz, John F. Lindner,Disruption and recovery of reaction-diffusion wavefronts interacting with concave, fractal, and soft obstacles, Physica A 565, 125536(1-15) (2021).
- Paul A. Bonvallet, John F. Lindner, Brian Corbin†, Duncan Crow*†, Ryan Reffner†, Theresa Albon Riedl*†, Susan Y. Lehman, Paul Edmiston, Modeling and measuring the absorption-induced expansion of swellable organically modified silica, AIP Advances 10, 065136(1-13) (2020).
- Niklas Manz, The Twists and Turns of a Dynamic, Nonlinear Career Path, Career Path Story in ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Chemist Magazine (2019).
- Niklas Manz and Flavio H. Fenton, Patterns and Humans, in Kinko Tsuji and Stefan C. Müller (Eds.), Spirals and Vortices, Springer International Publishing, 217-224 (2019).
- Nathaniel J. Smith*, Rebecca Glaser† , Vincent W. H. Hui*, John F. Lindner, Niklas Manz, Disruption and Recovery of Reaction-Diffusion Wavefronts Colliding with Obstacles, Physica A 517, 307-320 (2019).
- Hwan Bae*, Nora Ali†, John F. Lindner, Hannay’s Hoop Beyond Asymptotics, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 083107(1-6) (2018).
- Dashiell L. P. Vitullo, Cody C. Leary, Patrick Gregg, Roger A. Smith, Dileep V. Reddy, S. Ramachandran, and Michael G. Raymer, Observation of Interaction of Spin and Insrinsic Orbital Angular Momentum of Light, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 083601 (2017).
- Tessa Rosenberger†, Graham Schattgen*, Matthew King-Smith*, Prakrit Shrestha*, Katsuo J. Maxted*, John F. Lindner, A wind-powered one-way bistable medium with parity effects, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27, 023114(1-5) (2017).
- Cody C. Leary, Maggie Lankford* and Deepika Sundarraman*, Polarization-based control of spin-orbit vector modes of light in biphoton interference, Optics Express 24 (3), 14227-14241 (2016).
- Cody C. Leary, Maggie Lankford* and Deepika Sundarraman*, Polarization-Based Control of Spin-Orbit Hybrid Modes of Light in Biphoton Interference, in Conference on Laser and Electro Optics 2016 and 2016 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Jose, CA (2016).
- Donald T. Jacobs, Resource Letter: Self-Organizing Physics, American Journal of Physics 83, 680-687 (2015).
- Lorenzo V. Dumancas*†, David E. Simpson*†, Don T. Jacobs Heat capacity anomaly in a self-aggregating system: Triblock copolymer 17R4 inwater, Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 174902 (2015).
- Cody C. Leary, M. Lankford* and Deepika Sundarraman*, Coupling of spin and orbital degrees of freedom in tunable Hong-Ou-Mandel interference involving photons in hybrid spin-orbit modes, Proceedings of SPIE: Optics and Optoelectronics – Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing (2015).
- C. A. Welling†, B. P. Miller, W. N. Brandt, D. M. Capellupo, R. R. Gibson, Broad Absorption Line Variability in Radio-Loud Quasars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440, 2474-2497 (2014).
- Cody C. Leary and Karl H. Smith*, Unified dynamics of electrons and photons via Zitterbewegung and spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Rev. A 89, 023831, (2014).
- Cody C. Leary, Thomas Gilliss* and Deepika Sundarraman*, “Bimodal Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference in Symmetric and Asymmetric Optical Systems”, proceedings of the Conference on Coherence in Quantum Optics, Optical Society of America, M6 05 (2013).
- Susan Y. Lehman, Elizabeth Baker†, Howard A. Henry*, Andrew J. Kindschuh*, Larry C. Markley*†, Megan B. Browning†, Mary E. Mills*†, R. Michael Winters IV*†, D. T. Jacobs, Avalanches on a conical bead pile: scaling with tuning parameters, Granular Matter 14, 553-561 (2012).
- Gerhardt Funk†, Deva O’Neil, and R. Michael Winters*, What the oblique parameters S, T,and U and their extensions reveal about the 2HDM: a numerical analysis, International Journal of Modern Physics A 27, 1250021, (2012).
- Hosanna Odhner† and Don T. Jacobs, Refractive index of liquid D2O for visible wavelengths, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 57, 166-168 (2012).
- Alison Huff*, Kelly Patton*, Hosanna Odhner†, D. T. Jacobs, Bryna C. CLover, Sandra C. Greer, Micellization and Phase Separation for Triblock Copolymer 17R4 in H2O and in D2O, Langmuir 27(5) 1707-1712 (2011)
- Barbara J. Breen, Aaron B. Doud, Jamie R. Grimm, Andrew H. Tanasse, Stuart J. Tanasse, John F. Lindner, Katsuo J. Maxted*†, Electronic and mechanical realizations of one-way coupling in one and two dimensions, Physical Review E 83, 037601(1-4) (2011)
- Tsang-Min Huang, Kathleen McCreary*†, Shila Garg, Thein Kyu, Induced smectic phases in phase diagrams of binary nematic liquid crystal mixtures, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 124508 (2011)
- Todd C. McAlpine, Corwin Atwood-Stone*†, Travis Brown*, John F. Lindner, Tracking Stars, Sun, and Moon to Connect with the Universe, American Journal of Physics 78, 1128-1131 (2010)
- John F. Lindner, Jacob Lynn†, Frank W. King*, Amanda Logue*†, Order and chaos in the rotation and revolution of a line segment and a point mass, Physical Review E 81, 036208(1-10) (2010)
- Kristin R. Domike, Eric Hardin†, Doug N. Armstead, Athene M. Donald, Investigating the inner structure of irregular β-lactoglobulin spherulites, Eur. Phys. J. E 29, 173-182 (2009)
- John F. Lindner, Kelly M. Patton*, Patrick M. Odenthal†, James C. Gallagher†, Barbara J. Breen, Experimental observation of soliton propagation and annihilation in a hydromechanical array of one-way coupled oscillators, Physical Review E 78, 066604(1-5) (2008)
- Barbara J. Breen, Christine E. Weidert, John F. Lindner, Lisa May Walker*, Kasey Kelly, Evan Heidtmann*†, Invitation to embarrassingly parallel computing, American Journal of Physics 76, 347-352 (2008)
- Iain Crawford, Shila Garg, John Neuhoff, Undergraduate Research as Faculty Development: The College of Wooster Experience, CUR Quarterly 28 (2008)
- John F. Lindner, Martha I. Roseberry*†, Daniel E. Shai*†, Nicholas J. Harmon*, Katherine D. Olaksen*†, Precession and Chaos in the Classical Two-Body Problem in a Spherical Universe, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 18(2), 455-464 (2008)
- Neil Bushong, John Gamble*, Massimiliano Di Ventra, Electron Turbulence at Nanoscale Junctions, Nano Letter 7(6), 1789-1792 (2007)
- Don T. Jacobs, Clinton I. Braganza*†, Andy P. Brinck*†, Adam B. Cohen†, Mark A. Lightfoot*, Christopher J. Locke*, Sarah J. Suddendorf*, Henry R. Timmers*†, Angela L. Triplett*†, Nithya L. Venkataraman*†, and Mark T. Wellons*, Universality in 8-arm star polystyrene and methyl cyclo hexane mixtures near the critical point, Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 124905 (2007)
- Nathan J. Utt*†, Susan Y. Lehman, and Don T. Jacobs, Heat capacity of the liquid-liquid mixture nitrobenzene and dodecane near the critical point, Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 104505 (2007).
- Jeremy N.A. Matthews, Peter B. Yim, Donald. T. Jacobs, Jeffrey G. Forbes, Necois D. Peters and Sandra C. Greer, The polymerization of actin: Extent of polymerization under pressure, volume change of polymerization, and relaxation after temperature jumps, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 074904 (2005)
- Jeffrey R. Moffitt*, Patrick Macdonald†, John F. Lindner, Self-erasing perturbations of Abelian sandpiles, Physical Review E 70, 016203(1-6) (2004)
- Shila Garg and Tom Spears*†, Dielectric Properties of a Nematic Binary Mixture, Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 409, 335-342 (2004)
- Amy Lytle*† and Don T. Jacobs, Turbidity determination of the critical exponent η in the liquid-liquid mixture of methanol and cyclohexane, Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 5709-5716 (2004)
- John F. Lindner, Scott B. Hughes*, David J. Miller*†, Bradley C. Thomas*, Kurt Wiesenfeld, The Flux Creep Automaton, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14, 1155-1175 (2004)
- Shila Garg, Kristin Purdy†, Erica Bramley*, I. Smalyukh and O. Lavrentovich, Electric-field induced nucleation and growth of focal conic and stripe domains in a smectic A liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals 30, 1377 (2003)
- Nicholas Johann Harmon*†, Christine Leidel†, John F. Lindner, Optimal Exit: Solar Escape as a Restricted 3-Body Problem, American Journal of Physics 71, 871 (2003)
- Rachel M. Costello*†, K.L. Cruz†, Christie Egnatuk*†, Don T. Jacobs, Matthew C. Krivos*, Tim Sir Louis*, Rebecca J. Urban*†, Hanna Wagner†, Self-Organized Criticality in a Bead Pile, Physical Review E 67, 041304 (2003)
- A. Christine Rauch*†, Shila Garg, and Don T. Jacobs, Phase Transitions in a nematic binary mixture, Journal of Chemical Physics 116, 2213-228 (2002)
- Clinton I. Braganza* and D.T. Jacobs, Turbidity of the liquid-liquid mixture perfluoroheptane and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane near the critical point, Int. J. Chem. Phys. 117(21), 9876 (2002).
- John F. Lindner, Barbara J. Breen, Meghan E. Wills*†, Adi R. Bulsara, William L. Ditto, Monostable Array Enhanced Stochastic Resonance, Physical Review E 63, 051107 (2001)
- A. W. Nowicki*, M. Ghosh*, S. M. McClellan†, D. T. Jacobs, Heat Capacity and Turbidity Near the Critical Point of Succinonitrile-Water, Journal of Chemical Physics 114, 4625 (2001)
- E.R. Oby†, D.T. Jacobs, Heat capacity of the liquid-liquid mixture per- fluoroheptane and 2,2,4-trimethylpentance near the critical point , Journal of Chemical Physics 114, 4918 (2001)
- Krishna S. Pendyala, S.C. Greer and D.T. Jacobs, Poly (α-methylstyrene) in methylcyclohexane: Densities and viscosities near the liquid-liquid critical point, J. Chem. Phys. 115(21), 9995 (2001)
- Krishna S. Pendyala, Xiangyun Gu, Kevin P. Andrews, Karen Gruner, D.T. Jacobs and S.C. Greer, Living poly(α-methylstyrene) near the polymerization line: VIII. Mass density, viscosity, and surface tension in tetrahydrofuranin, J. Chem. Phys. 114(9), 4312 (2001)
- D.T. Jacobs, S.M.Y. Lau†, A. Mukherjee*, C.A. Williams*†, Measuring Turbidity in a Near-Critical, Liquid-Liquid System: A Precise, Automated Experiment, International J. of Thermophys. 20, 877 (1999)
- Shila Garg, Christopher Ditchman*, Nathan Schiffrik*†, U.D. Kini, Electric Field Induced Transient Effects in a Nematic Liquid Crystal in the Presence of a Stabiliz
- ing Magnetic Field, Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 328, 581 (1999)
- Woodrow L. Shew*, Hanna A. Coy†, John F. Lindner, Taming Chaos With Disorder in a Pendulum Array, American Journal of Physics 67, 703 (1999)
- Shila Garg, Erica Bramley*†, U.D. Kini, Electric Field Induced Walls in the Bend Geometry of a Nematic Liquid Crystal, Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 325, 209 (1998)
- John F. Lindner, Sridhar Chandramouli*†, Adi R. Bulsara, Markus Löcher, William L. Ditto, Noise Enhanced Propagation, Physical Review Letters, 81, 5048 (1998)
- Paul F. Rebillot*†, D.T. Jacobs, Heat Capacity Near the Critical Point of Aniline-Cyclohexane, Journal of Chemical Physics, 109, 4009 (1998)
- Shila Garg, Steven Wild†, Ben Zurn†, Salman Saeed*†, U. D. Kini, Frequency Variation of Periodic Distortion Thresholds in a Nematic, Liquid Crystals, 24, 501 (1998)
- Francesca M.F. Mascarenhas*, C.M. Spillmann*, John Linder and D.T. Jacobs, Hearing the shape of a rod by the sound of its collision, Am. J. Phys. 66(8), 692 (1998)
- John F. Lindner, Bryan S. Prusha*†, Kimberly E. Clay†, Optimal Disorders for Taming Spatiotemporal Chaos, Physics Letters A, 231, 164 (1997)
- Shila Garg, Salman Saeed*, Steven Wild†, Erica Bramley*†, U. D. Kini, Frequency dependent threshold in bend geometry of 5CB, Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals,302, 379 (1997)
- Anne C. Flewelling*†, Rohan J. DeFonseka*, Nikfar Khaleeli*, J. Partee*, Don T. Jacobs, Heat capacity anomaly near the lower critical consolute point of triethylamine-water, Journal of Chemical Physics, 104 , 8048 (1996)
- Donald T. Jacobs, Turbidity of a Binary Fluid Mixture: Determining η, NASA Conference Publication (1996)
- D.T. Jacobs, D.E. Kuhl* and C.E. Selby*, Coexistence curve of perfluoromethylcyclohexane-isopropyl alcohol, J. Chem. Phys. 105(2), p. 588 (1996)
- D.T. Jacobs and S.C. Greer, Amplitude of the anomaly in the mass density near a liquid-liquid critical point, Phys. Rev. E 54(5), 5358 (1996)
- Shila Garg, Salman Saeed*, and U.D. Kini, Effect of a Stabilizing Magnetic Field on the Electric Field Induced Freedericksz Transition in 5CB, Physical Review E 51, 5846 (1995)
- Shila Garg, K. Crandall*, and A. Khan*, Bend and Splay Elastic Constants of Diheptylazoxybenzene, Physical Review E 48, 1123 (1993)
- S.K. Grumbacher*, K.M. McEwen*, D.A. Halverson*, D.T. Jacobs and J. Lindner, Self-organized criticality: an experiment with sandpiles, Am. J. Phys. 61, 3 (1993)
- Lori W. DaMore* and D.T. Jacobs, Turbidity of deuterated isobutyric acid and heavy water in the one-phase region near the critical solution point, J. Chem. Phys. 97(1), 464 (1992)
- S.G. Stafford*, A.C. Ploplis* and D.T. Jacobs, Turbidity of Polystyrene in Diethyl Malonate in the One-Phase Region near the Critical Solution Point, Macromolecules 23(2), 470-475 (1990)
- Sergio De Souza-Machado*, R.W. Rollins, D.T. Jacobs and J.L. Hartman, Studying chaotic systems using microcomputer simulations and Lyapunov exponents, Am. J. Phys. 58(4), 321 (1990)
- D.T. Jacobs, Critical point shifts in binary fluid mixtures, J. Chem. Phys. 91(1), 560 (1989)
- W.V. Andrew*, T.B.K. Khoo* and D.T. Jacobs, Testing the Lorentz-Lorenz relation in the near-critical binary fluid mixture isobutyric acid and water, J. Chem. Phys. 85(7), 3985 (1986)
- A.C. Ploplis*, P.S. Wardwell* and D.T. Jacobs, Coexistence Curve of Methanol-Isooctane, J. Phys. Chem. 90(19), 4676 (1986).
- D.T. Jacobs, Turbidity in the binary fluid methanol-cyclohexane, Phys. Rev. A 33(4), 2605 (1986)
- S.B. Ngubane* and D.T. Jacobs, Undergraduate Ecperiment in critical phenomena. II. The coexistence curve of a binary fluid mixture, Am. J. Phys. 54(6), 542 (1986)
- R.H. Cohn* and D.T. Jacobs, Acetone impurity effects on the binary fluid mixture methanol-cyclohexane, J. Chem Phys 80, (2) (1984)
- J.L. Tveekrem and D.T. Jacobs, Impurity Effects in a near-critical binary-fluid mixture, Phys. Rev. A 277(5), 2273 (1983)
- A.C. Mowery* and D.T. Jacobs, Undergraduate Experiment in critical phenomena: light scattering in a binary fluid mixture, Am. J. Phys. 51(6), 542 (1983)
- D. T. Jacobs, Coexistence Curve of a Nonpolar Binary Fluid Mixture. Perfluoroheptane-Carbon Tetrachloride, J. Phys. Chem. 86, 1895-1898 (1982)
- D.T. Jacobs, A Precise Real Time Clock, Digital Design (1982)
- D.T. Jacobs and S.C. Greer, Dielectric-constant anomaly near the critical solutions point in polystyrene + cyclohexane, Phys. Rev. A 24(4), 2075, (1981)
- D.T. Jacobs and S.C. Greer, Capacitance cell for liquids, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 51(7), 994 (1980)
- S.C. Greer and D.T. Jacobs, Thermal Expansion near the Upper Critical Solution Polnt for Polystyrene-Cyclohexane, J. Phys. Chem. 84, 2888-2890, (1980)
- B.A. SCHEIBNER, C.M. SORENSEN, D.T. JACOBS, R.C. MOCKLER and W.J. O’SULLIVAN, Thermal Expansion of Methanol + Cyclohexane Near the Critical Solution Point, Chemical Physics 31, 209-216 (1978)
- D.T. JACOBS, D. J. ANTHONY, R.C. MOCKLER and W.J. O’SULLIVAN, Coexistence Curve of a Binary Mixture, Chem Phys 20,219-216 (1977)
- D.T. Jacobs, R.C. Mockler and W.J. O’Sullivan, Critical-Temperature and Coexistence-Curve Measurements in Thick Films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37(22), 1471 (1976)