Prizes and Scholarships

Departmental Awards

Arthur H. Compton Prize 

The Arthur H. Compton Prize in Physics, established in 1928, one year after his Nobel Prize in Physics, is awarded to the senior physics major attaining the highest standing in that subject.

2023-2024: Luke Wilson
2022-2023: Raisa Raofa
2021-2022: Ben Stern
2020-2021: Carlos Owusu-Ansah, Ariel Xie
2019-2020: Abigail Ambrose, Adam Deeley
2018-2019: Haidar Esseili
2017-2018: Avi Vajpeyi
2016-2017: Robin Morillo, Preston Pozderac
2015-2016: Maggie Lankford, Paroma Palchoudhuri
2014-2015: Joseph Smith, Amanda Steinhebel
2013-2014: Deepika Sundarraman
2012-2013: Andrew Blaikie
2011-2012: Norman Israel, Margaret Raabe
2010-2011: Roger Klein
2009-2010: Heather Moore
2008-2009: M. Roseberry, H. Timmers, M. Gorski
2007-2008: John Gamble, Kelly Patton
2006-2007: Daniel Shai, Stephen Poprocki
2005-2006: Kathleen McCreary
2004-2005: Austin Carter
2003-2004: Tom Spears, Katherine Frato
2002-2003: Jeff Moffitt
2001-2002: Joshua Martin
2000-2001: Amy Lytle, Scott Hughes
1999-2000: Sean English, Geoff Bonvallet
1998-1999: Josh Bozeday, Manon Grugel
1997-1998: Woodrow Shew
1996-1997: Christopher Ditchman
1995-1996: Ali Ozgenc, Salman Saeed
1994-1995: Anne Flewelling, Priyavadan Mamidipudi
1993-1994: William Antel
1992-1993: Joshua Fagans, Nikfar Khaleeli
1991-1992: Erich Ippen
1990-1991: Jon Partee
1989-1990: Karen McEwen
1988-1989: Bryan Johnson
1987-1988: Sergio DeSouza-Machado
1986-1987: Kevin Andrews
1985-1986: Solomon Ngubane
1984-1985: Charles Partee
1983-1984: Doug Iams
1982-1983: Jeff Parker
1981-1982: June Tveekrem
1979-1980: David Kaiser
1978-1979: John Fitch
1977-1978: Mark Barr
1976-1977: John Redfield
1975-1976: Ed Davila
1974-1975: Brent Warner
1973-1974: Thomas Kirkman III
1972-1973: Thomas Sanborn
1971-1972: Craig Peebles
1970-1971: Ed Mikkelson
1969-1970: William Vote
1968-1969: Robert James Nordstrom
1967-1968: Thomas George Hammer
1966-1967: Donald Carl Hanasen
1965-1966: Kent Allan Reed
1964-1965: Donald F. Collins
1963-1964: Christian Bruce Wenger
1962-1963: Bruce Clayton Cogan
1961-1962: William Clayton Verr
1960-1961: Kenneth Raymond Hoffman
1959-1960: John Lyman Fanselow
1958-1959: Gregory Gardner Seaman
1957-1958: John David Musselman
1956-1957: Oren Allan Wasson
1955-1956: Bruce Owen Stuart
1954-1955: Robert William Huff
1953-1954: Thomas Edgar Springer
1952-1953: Gerald P. Calame
1951-1952: Richard Bert Kuhn
1950-1951: John Hubert Atkinson
1949-1950: Richard Eugene Rouse
1948-1949: William E. Mott, Harry M. Landis
1947-1948: Harry M. Landis
1945-1946: Donald Fluke
1943-1944: William Nelson Coffey, Albert Paul Linnell
1942-1943: Julian Frank Johnson
1941-1942: Marcus A. Naylor, James A.E. Harkett
1940-1941: Donald Jones Grove
1939-1940: Robert C. Hirt, Richard G. Stoudenheimer
1938-1939: William Howard Beamer
1937-1938: George Knapp Barrett, John W. Pocock
1936-1937: Dale Welling Rinehart
1935-1936: Ralph Sterling Henderson
1934-1935: Edward Staniford Foster Jr.
1933-1934: George Green Stoner
1932-1933: Joseph Packer Graham
1929-1930: Howard Lee Donley
1928-1929: Edgar David Monroe

Joseph A. Culler Prize

The Joseph Albertus Culler Prize in Physics, established in 1942is awarded to a first- or second-year student who has attained the highest rank in general physics.

The prize will be given at the annual Recognition Banquet

2024-2025: Jon Stowers
2023-2024: Caitlin O’Neil
2022-2023: Karmellah Buttler, Tali Lansing
2021-2022: Luke Wilson
2020-2021: Raisa Raofa
2019-2020: Teague Curless, Benjamin Stern
2018-2019: Xinchen (Ariel) Xie
2017-2018: Maya Lapp
2016-2017: Vincent Hui
2015-2016: Avi Vajpeyi, Justine Walker
2014-2015: Robin Morillo, Preston Pozderac
2013-2014: Maggie Lankford, Michael Bush
2012-2013: Joseph Smith
2012-2011: Danielle Shepherd
2010-2011: Andrew Blaikie
2009-2010: Margaret Raabe
2008-2009: Roger Klein
2007-2008: Heather Moore
2006-2007: Henry Timmers
2005-2006: Kelly Patton, John Gamble
2004-2005: Stephen Poprocki
2003-2004: Kathleen McCreary
2002-2003: Austin Carter
2001-2002: Thomas Spears
2000-2001: Jeff Moffitt
1999-2000: Joshua Martin, Derek Somogy
1998-1999: Scott Hughes, Amy Lytle
1997-1998: Geoff Bonvallet
1996-1997: Josh Bozeday
1995-1996: Jodee Jones
1994-1995: Christopher Ditchman
1993-1994: Ali Ozgenc
1992-1993: Angela Roy
1991-1992: Lori Damore
1989-1990: Josh Fagans
1988-1989: Karl Crandall
1987-1988: Patty Smanik
1986-1987: Chee Yong Beh
1985-1986: Andrew Yuen
1984-1985: Mike LaVilla
1983-1984: Olga Yiperaki
1982-1983: Mark Carlson, John Null
1981-1982: Bob Cohn, Dale Surbey
1980-1981: June Tveekrem
1979-1980: Lori Pederson
1978-1979: Alex Kondow
1977-1978: Bruce Gamble, Debbie Schwinn
1968-1969: Bruce Bartlett
1967-1968: George Corliss
1966-1967: Richard Hyde
1965-1966: Marita Mann
1964-1965: Kent Reed
1963-1964: Donald Collins Jr.
1962-1963: Firmin Deibel
1961-1962: James Becvar
1960-1961: William Kerr
1959-1960: Sandria Neidus
1958-1959: Kenneth Hoffman
1957-1958: Bruce Wenner
1956-1957: Gregory Seaman
1955-1956: Steward Evans Wright
1954-1955: James Herbert Loehlin
1953-1954: Robert William Huff
1952-1953:Betty Ann Lindsey
1951-1952: Raymond Andrew Sorensen
1950-1951: Richard Rowls Hatt
1949-1950: John Herbert Atkinson Jr.
1948-1949: Richard Eugene Rouse
1947-1948: Richard Eugene Rouse
1945-1946: Ralph S. Wolfstein
1942-1943: M. Guy Hardin Jr.

Mahesh K. Garg Prize

The Mahesh K. Garg Prize in Physics is awarded annually to an upper-class physics major who has displayed interest in and potential for applying physics beyond the classroom and is judged to have the traits for using science to serve society.
The prize will be given at the annual Recognition Banquet.

2024-2025: Aeralyn Flynn
2023-2024: Luke Wilson
2022-2023: Michael Scarberry
2021-2022: Raisa Raofa
2020-2021: Megan Fisher
2019-2020:  Abigail Ambrose

2018-2019: Chase Fuller
2017-2018: Zane Thornburg
2016-2017: Robin Morillo
2015-2016:  Michael Bush, Maggie Lankford
2014-2015:  Nico Istrate
2013-2014: Vanessa Logan
2012-2013: Lilliana Christman, Andrew Blaikie
2011-2012: Lorenzo Dumancas, Tyler Rhoades
2010-2011: David Simpson, Larry Markley
2009-2010: Heather Moore
2008-2009: Frank King, Henry Timmers
2007-2008: John Gamble
2006-2007: Nathan Utt
2005-2006: Daniel Tremblay
2004-2005: Austin Carter
2003-2004: Tom Spears
2002-2003: Ryan Hartschuh
2001-2002: Jeff Moffitt
2000-2001: Andrew Bouchard
1999-2000: Sean English

Karl T. Compton Scholarship

The Karl T. Compton Endowed Scholarship is the gift of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Consideration is based on the student’s performance as a first-year student, but the selection is made and awarded to the student during their sophomore year. Awardee must demonstrate ability in mathematics and/or physics and give evidence of continuing interest in these subjects.

2024-2025: Jon Stowers
2023-2024: Gustav Bourdon, Caitlin O’Neil, Juno Ryan
2022-2023: Karmellah Buttler, Tali Lansing, Madelyn Noll
2021-2022: Kelsey McEwen, Luke Wilson
2020-2021: Raisa Raofa
2019-2020: Teague Curless, Benjamin Stern
2017-2018: Carlos Owusu-Ansah

Ann C. Mowery Scholarship
The Ann C. Mowery Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 with a gift from Ann C. Mowery, a chemical physics major and member of the Class of 1982.  Ann established this endowment in honor of her parents.  First preference is given to a senior physics major who has demonstrated the most improvement and growth in analytical studies over their final years at Wooster, as judged by the Physics Department faculty. Income from this endowment will be awarded to a senior student who has demonstrated a genuine love of doing physics, creative thinking in a research project, and who intends to pursue a career in science, engineering, medicine, entrepreneurship or education. The scholarship will be given at the annual recognition banquet.

2024-2025: Aeralyn Flynn
2023-2024: Kelly Kim
2022-2023: Olivia Green
2021-2022: Jonathan Logan

Jonathan Logan and Ann Mowery on I.S. Friday.

2020-2021: Fish Yu, Katie Shideler
2019-2020: Abigail Ambrose

The Koontz Physics Endowment was established in memory of Philip Grant Koontz, a prominent experimental physicist. During his 36-year career, Dr. Koontz served as a member of University of Chicago’s Metallurgy Project (1942-1943), the Manhattan Project (1943-1946), the Critical Assembly Group at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 1955-1971), and as The College of Wooster’s Associate Professor of Physics (1946-1955). The scholarship will support a Wooster student to engage in an experimental physics research project during the summer. 

2023-2024: Abby Hovorka
2022-2023: Gus Thomas

National Awards

LeRoy Apker Award

The LeRoy Apker Award recognizes outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students, and provides encouragement to students who have demonstrated great potential for future scientific accomplishment. About six finalists are chosen each year (and two awards are presented, one to a student from a Ph.D. granting institution, and one to a student from a non-Ph.D. granting institution).

2016: Maggie Lankford
2007: Stephen Poprocki
2003: Jeff Moffitt

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship provides a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who are US citizens or permanent residents and intend to pursue careers in these fields. Awarded annually to about 300 college sophomores and juniors nationwide, colleges and universities are allowed to nominate only four of their undergraduate students per year.

2014: Joey Smith
2008: John Gamble
2007: Danny Shai
2006: Stephen Poprocki
2005 Ryan Hartschuh
2003: Jeff Moffitt
2003: Amy Lytle

NSF – GRFP Award

The purpose of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education.

2008: John Gamble
2007: Danny Shai
2005: Ryan Hartschuh
2003: Jeff Moffitt & Amy Lytle

Fulbright Scholarship

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program expands perspectives through academic and professional advancement and cross-cultural dialogue. Fulbright creates connections in a complex and changing world. In partnership with more than 140 countries worldwide, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers unparalleled opportunities in all academic disciplines to passionate and accomplished graduating college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals from all backgrounds. Program participants pursue graduate study, conduct research, or teach English abroad.

2022: Dylan Hamilton ’17, Spain

College Awards

Notestein Prize

The College of Wooster’s Notestein Prize is awarded for highest scholarship and is selected as commencement speaker for the graduating class.


Nobel Prize in Physics

In 1927, one of our graduates – Arthur Holly Compton ’13 – was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics