John F. Lindner
Talks Given

- Mastering Chaos with Physics Savvy Neural Networks
North Carolina State University, Physics Colloquium
24 February 2020
- Strange Nonchaotic Stars
University of Washington, Astronomy Colloquium
11 May 2017 - Invitation to Wooster Summer Research: The Surprising Dynamics of Hannay’s Hoop
(with Hwan Bae)
Lorraine County Community College
27 January 2017
- Theology & Science
Medina Presbyterian Church
14 March 2016
- Quantum Reality
Wooster Rotary Club
14 December 2015 - Strange Nonchaotic Stars
Faculty at Large
17 November 2015 - Strange Nonchaotic Stars
Science Round Table
23 October 2015 - Unveiling Pluto: New Horizons Flyby of the Pluto-Charon Double Planet
Wooster Science Café
17 September 2015 - Do All Golden Stars Have Norwegian Scaling?
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Institute for Astronomy, AstroCofee Talk
1 May 2015 - Strange Nonchaotic Stars
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Physics Colloquium
12 February 2015
- Quantum Reality
Philosophy Roundtable
17 April 2014 - Chaos, Cosmos, Mythos, Theos
Mythology of the Ancient World
28 March 2014
- Artificial and Quantum Gravity
John Carroll University, Physics Seminar
11 April 2013 - Artificial and Quantum Gravity
Science Round Table
11 March 2013
- /. Body Problem
Ohio Wesleyan University, Physics Seminar
5 March 2012
- /. Body Problem
Kenyon College, Physics Seminar
29 April 2011 - /. Body Problem
Denison University, Physics Seminar
1 March 2011 - 20 Years of Computational Physics at Wooster
AAPT Winter Meeting, Invited Talk
Jacksonville, Florida
11 January 2011
- Newtonian Dances, Celestial Trackers, and One-way Coupling
Science Round Table
10 September 2010 - Science, Theism, and the Nature of Reality
University of Portland, Physics Seminar
21 April 2010 - Time Machines
University of Portland, Physics Seminar
21 January 2010
- Quantum Reality
University of Portland, Physics Seminar
30 September 2009 - Novel Nonlinear Dynamics of One-way Coupling
Ohio Northern University, Physics Seminar
7 January 2009
- Novel Nonlinear Dynamics of One-way Coupling
Ohio Wesleyan University, Physics Seminar
7 October 2008 - Can Noise Improve Hearing? Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells
Oberlin College, Physics Seminar
6 March 2008
- Can Noise Improve Hearing? Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells
Marietta College, Physics Seminar
9 November 2007 - Can Noise Improve Hearing? Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells
Ohio Wesleyan University, Physics Seminar
1 March 2007
- 1, 2, 3, …, ∞ : Variations on the Classical 3-Body Problem
Science Round Table
8 December 2006 - Can Noise Improve Hearing? Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells
Kenyon College, Physics Seminar
24 March 2006
- Can Noise Improve Hearing? Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells
Science Round Table
11 November 2005 - Can Noise Improve Hearing? Stochastic Resonance in Hair Cells
Faculty Lunch Seminar
26 October 2005
- Exploiting Noise & Disorder
Oberlin College, Physics Seminar
8 April 2004 - U. S. Space Initiative to Extend Human Presence Across the Solar System
Pursuing Scientific Interests
23 February 2004
- Providence, Coincidence, or Multiverse: Are the Laws of Physics Fine-Tuned for Our Existence?
Philosophy Roundtable
30 October 2003 - Exploiting Noise & Disorder
Cleveland State University, Physics Seminar
11 September 2003 - CoW CPP: The College of Wooster Computational Physics Project
Innovative Science Teaching: Enhancing Learning with Technology
DePauw University, Keynote Address
31 May 2003 - Time Machines
Faculty at Large
25 February 2003
- CoW CPP: The College of Wooster Computational Physics Project
Workshop on Teaching, Technology, and Collaboration
21 September 2002 - Time Machines
Science & Humanities Program, Andrews Hall
24 April 2002 - Exploiting Noise & Disorder
Denison University, Physics Seminar
18 April 2002 - Climbing Kilimanjaro
Society of Physics Students
11 April 2002
- Chaos and the 3-Body Problem
Pursuing Scientific Interests
3 December 2001 - Proposed Astronomy Laboratory for The College of Wooster
(with Jennifer Goetz)
Science Round Table
5 October 2001 - Physicists Redefine Reality
Science & Humanities Program, Douglass Hall
10 April 2001
- Exploiting Noise & Disorder
Science Roundtable
17 November 2000 - A Physicist Tours the Galápagos Islands
Pursuing Scientific Interests
23 October 2000
- Humans on Mars
Science & Humanities Program, Douglass Hall
2 November 1998 - Chaos in the Clockwork
Faculty Lunch Seminar
25 March 1998 - The Conscious Universe
Women In Science
23 February 1998
- The Cassini Mission to Saturn
Science & Humanities Program, Douglass Hall
15 October 1997 - Physics and Biology Until the End of the World
Science Round Table
18 April 1997 - Physics and Biology Until the End of the World
Science & Humanities Program, Douglass Hall
7 April 1997
- Noise and Disorder Can Organize Spatiotemporal Nonlinear Dynamics
Women In Science
30 September 1996 - Noise and Disorder Can Organize Spatiotemporal Nonlinear Dynamics
Ohio University, Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar
8 May 1996 - Noise and Disorder Can Organize Spatiotemporal Nonlinear Dynamics
Physics Seminar
25 April 1996 - Quantum Reality
Science & Humanities Program, Douglass Hall
8 April 1996 - Quantum Reality
Philosophy Seminar
4 April 1996
- Dynamics of Nonlinear Arrays
Georgia Tech, Physics Seminar
21 September 1994
- We Are Alone
Parent’s Day Seminar
19 October 1991
- Chaotic Billiards
Science Round Table
26 October 1990 - We Are Alone
Science Round Table
6 April 1990
- We Are Alone
Science & Humanities Program, Douglass Hall
13 November 1989
- Spectral Gaps from Ordered to Disordered Systems
Caltech, Mathematical Physics Seminar
19 April 1988 - Random Schrödinger Operators
Physics Seminar
25 February 1988