John F. Lindner
Articles Published

Red indicates undergraduate co-author
Light-Sensitive Diffusion Diodes for Reaction-Diffusion Waves, C. A. Fuller, D. Cohen-Cobos, J. F. Lindner, N. Manz, International Journal of Unconventional Computing, volume 19, number 1, pages 1-15 (2024)
Chemistry does general relativity: reaction-diffusion waves can model gravitational lensing, D. Cohen-Cobos, K. Sanders, L. DeGroot, H. Guarnera, C. Leary, J. F. Lindner, N. Manz, Frontiers of Physics, volume 11, pages 1-10 (2024)
Neuronal diversity can improve machine learning for physics and beyond, A. Choudhary, A. Radhakrishnan, J. F. Lindner, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, Scientific Reports, volume 13, pages 13962 (August 2023)
Solving two-dimensional quantum eigenvalue problems using physics-informed machine learning, E. G. Holliday, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, AIP Advances, volume 13, section 8, pages 85013 (August 2023)
Alien suns reversing in exoplanet skies, X. Xie, H. Bae, J. F. Lindner, Scientific Reports, volume 12 number 1, pages 8426 (May 2022)
Negotiating the separatrix with machine learning, S. T. Miller, J. F. Lindner, A. Choudhary, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, volume 12, number 2, pages 1-9 (April 2021)
Geographic Tongue as a Reaction-Diffusion System, M. K. McGuire, C. A. Fuller, J. F. Lindner, N. Manz, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, volume 31, pages 033118(1-9) (2021)
Forecasting Hamiltonian dynamics without canonical coordinates, A. Choudhary, J. F. Lindner, E. G. Holliday, S. T. Miller, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, Nonlinear Dynamics, volume 103 number 2, pages 1553-1562 (2021)
Disruption and recovery of reaction-diffusion wavefronts interacting with concave, fractal, and soft obstacles, Y. F. Yu, C. A. Fuller, M. K. McGuire, R. Glaser, N. J. Smith, N. Manz, J. F. Lindner, Physica A, volume 565, pages 125536(1-15) (1 March 2021)
The scaling of physics-informed machine learning with data and dimensions, S. T. Miller, J. F. Lindner, A. Choudhary, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X, volume 5, pages 100046(1-7) (2020)
Modeling and measuring the absorption-induced expansion of swellable organically modified silica, P. A. Bonvallet, J. F. Lindner, B. Corbin, D. Crow, R. Reffner, T. Albon Riedl, S. Y. Lehman, P. Edmiston, AIP Advances, volume 10, pages 065136(1-13) (June 2020)
Physics enhanced neural networks learn order and chaos, A. Choudhary, J. F. Lindner, E. G. Holliday, S. T. Miller, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, Physical Review E, volume 101, pages 062207(1-8) (June 2020)
Disruption and Recovery of Reaction-Diffusion Wavefronts Colliding with Obstacles, N. J. Smith, R. Glaser, V. W. H. Hui, J. F. Lindner, N. Manz, Physica A, volume 517, pages 307-320 (March 2019)
Hannay’s Hoop Beyond Asymptotics, H. Bae, N. Ali, J. F. Lindner, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, volume 28, pages 083107(1-6) (2018)
Implementing Boolean functions in hybrid digital-analog systems, V. Kohar, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, Physical Review Applied, volume 7, pages 044006(1-7) (2017)
A wind-powered one-way bistable medium with parity effects, T. Rosenberger, G. Schattgen, M. King-Smith, P. Shrestha, K. J. Maxted, J. F. Lindner, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, volume 27, pages 023114(1-5) (2017)
Nonlinear Dynamics as an Engine of Computation, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, Series A, volume 375, pages 20160222(1-13) (2017)
Dynamical Coupling Outperforms “Majority Wins” in Organizing Redundancy to Mitigate Noise, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, Nonlinear Dynamics, volume 87, pages 605-615 (2017)
Harvesting wind energy to detect weak signals using mechanical stochastic resonance, B. Breen, J. Rix, S. Ross, Y. Yu, J. Lindner, N. Mathewson, E. Wainwright, I. Wilson, Physical Review E, volume 94, pages 062205(1-4) (2016)
A Simple Nonlinear Circuit Contains an Infinite Number of Functions, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, volume 63, pages 944-948 (2016)
Superlinearly scalable noise robustness of redundant coupled dynamical systems, V. Kohar, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, Physical Review E, volume 93, pages 032213(1-9) (2016)
Role of network topology in noise reduction using coupled dynamics, V. Kohar, S. Kia, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, Nonlinear Dynamics, volume 84, pages 1805–1812 (2016)
Reduction of additive colored noise using coupled dynamics, V. Kohar, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 26, pages 1650005(1-9) (2016)
Simple nonlinear models suggest variable star universality, J. F. Lindner, V. Kohar, B. Kia, M. Hippke, J. G. Learned, W. L. Ditto, Physica D, volume 316, pages 16-22 (2016)
Nonlinear Dynamics Based Digital Logic and Circuits, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, volume 9, pages 00049 (2015)
Coupling reduces noise: applying dynamical coupling to reduce local white additive noise, B. Kia, S. Kia, J. F. Lindner, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 25, pages 1550040(1-12) (2015)
Strange nonchaotic stars, J. F. Lindner, V. Kohar, B. Kia, M. Hippke, J. G. Learned, W. L. Ditto, Physical Review Letters, volume 114, pages 054101(1-5) (2015)
Pulsation period variations in the RRc Lyrae star KIC 5520878, M. Hippke, J. G. Learned, A. Zee, W. H. Edmondson, J. F. Lindner, B. Kia, W. L. Ditto, I. R. Stevens, Astrophysical Journal, volume 798, article 42, 16 pages (2015)
Watch your step: Integrating nonlinear dynamical flows by stepping through space and time, B. Kia, J. F. Lindner, W. L. Ditto, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 24, pages 1450145(1-6) (2014)
Noise Tolerant Spatiotemporal Chaos Computing, B. Kia, S. Kia, J. F. Lindner, S. Sinha, W. L. Ditto, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, volume 24, pages 043110(1-7) (2014)
Simple and inexpensive stereo vision system for 3D data acquisition, S. E. Mermall, J. F. Lindner, American Journal of Physics, volume 82, pages 1005-1007 (2014)
Order and chaos in the rotation and revolution of two massive line segments, A. Blaikie, A. D. Saines, M. Schmitthenner, M. Lankford, R. D. Pasteur, J. F. Lindner, Physical Review E, volume 89, pages 042917(1-9) (2014)
Artificial Gravity Field, L. C. Markley, J. F. Lindner, Results in Physics, volume 3, pages 24-29 (2013)
Quantum Gravity on a Laptop: 1+1 Dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulation Simulation, N. S. Israel, J. F. Lindner, Results in Physics, volume 2, pages 164-169 (2012)
Electronic and mechanical realizations of one-way coupling in one and two dimensions, B. J. Breen, A. B. Doud, J. R. Grimm, A. H. Tanasse, S. J. Tanasse, J F. Lindner, K. J. Maxted, Physical Review E, volume 83, pages 037601(1-4) (2011)
Tracking Stars, Sun, and Moon to Connect with the Universe, T. C. McAlpine, C. Atwood-Stone, T. Brown, J. F. Lindner, American Journal of Physics, volume 78, pages 1128 – 1131 (November 2010)
Order and chaos in the rotation and revolution of a line segment and a point mass, J. F. Lindner, J. Lynn, F. W. King, A. Logue, Physical Review E, volume 81, pages 036208(1-10) (2010)
Demystifying decoherence and the master equation of quantum Brownian motion, J. K. Gamble, J. F. Lindner, American Journal of Physics, volume 77, pages 244-252 (March 2009)
Experimental observation of soliton propagation and annihilation in a hydromechanical array of one-way coupled oscillators, J. F. Lindner, K. M. Patton, P. M. Odenthal, J. C. Gallagher, B. J. Breen, Physical Review E, volume 78, pages 066604(1-5) (2008)
Invitation to embarrassingly parallel computing, B. J. Breen, C. E. Weidert, J. F. Lindner, L. M. Walker, K. Kelly, E. Heidtmann, American Journal of Physics, volume 76, pages 347-352 (April/May 2008)
Precession and Chaos in the Classical Two-Body Problem in a Spherical Universe, J. F. Lindner, M. Roseberry, D. Shai, N. Harmon, K. Olaksen, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 18, number 2, pages 455-464 (February 2008)
One-way coupling enables noise-mediated spatiotemporal patterns in media of otherwise quiescent multistable elements, J. F. Lindner, A. Bulsara, Physical Review E, volume 74, 020105(R)(1-4) (2006)
Coupling-induced cooperative behavior in dynamic ferromagnetic cores in the presence of a noise floor, A. Bulsara, J. F. Lindner, V. In, A. Kho, S. Baglio, V. Sacco, B. Ando, P. Longhini, A. Palacios, W. Rappel, Physics Letters A, volume 353, pages 4-10 (2006)
Potential energy landscape and finite-state models of array-enhanced stochastic resonance, J. F. Lindner, M. Bennett, K. Wiesenfeld, Physical Review E, volume 73, 031107(1-8) (2006)
Stochastic Resonance in the Mechanoelectrical Transduction of Hair Cells, J. F. Lindner, M. Bennett, K. Wiesenfeld, Physical Review E, volume 72, 051911(1-4) (2005)
Magnetic Avalanches: Josephson, Bean, Bak, K. Wiesenfeld, J. F. Lindner, Physica A, volume 340, pages 617-624 (2004)
Self-erasing perturbations of Abelian sandpiles, J. Moffitt, P. Macdonald, J. F. Lindner, Physical Review E, volume 70, 016203(1-6) (2004)
The Flux Creep Automaton, J. F. Lindner, S. Hughes, D. Miller, B. Thomas, K. Wiesenfeld, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 14, pages 1155-1175 (March 2004)
Optimal Exit: Solar Escape as a Restricted 3-body Problem, N. Harmon, C. Leidel, J. F. Lindner, American Journal of Physics, volume 71, pages 871-877 (2003)
The Pendulum Automaton, J. F. Lindner, K. Wiesenfeld, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 11, pages 3171-3178 (December 2001)
Monostable Array Enhanced Stochastic Resonance, J. F. Lindner, B. Breen, M. Wills, A. Bulsara, W. Ditto, Physical Review E, volume 63, 051107 (2001)
Noninvasive Control of Stochastic Resonance, J. F. Lindner, J. Mason, J. Neff, B. Breen, A. Bulsara, W. Ditto, Physical Review E, volume 63, 041107 (2001)
Pulse Enhanced Stochastic Resonance, J. Mason, J. F. Lindner, J. Neff, A. Bulsara, W. Ditto, M. Spano, Physics Letters A, volume 277, pages 13-17 (November 2000)
Nonlinearity and Computation: Implementing Logic as a Nonlinear Dynamical System, B. Prusha, J. F. Lindner, Physics Letters A, volume 263, pages 105-111 (December 1999)
Taming Chaos with Disorder in a Pendulum Array, W. Shew, H. Coy, J. F. Lindner, American Journal of Physics, volume 67, pages 703-708 (August 1999)
Noise Enhanced Propagation, J. F. Lindner, S. Chandramouli, A. Bulsara, M. Löcher, W. Ditto, Physical Review Letters, volume 81, pages 5048-5051 (7 December 1998)
Hearing the Shape of a Rod by the Sound of its Collision, F. Mascarenhas, C. Spillmann, J. F. Lindner, D. Jacobs, American Journal of Physics, volume 66, pages 692-696 (August 1998)
Can Neurons Distinguish Chaos from Noise?, J. F. Lindner, B. Meadows, T. Marsh, W. Ditto, A. Bulsara, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, volume 8, pages 767-781 (April 1998)
Optimal Disorders for Taming Spatiotemporal Chaos, J. F. Lindner, B. Prusha, K. Clay, Physics Letters A, volume 231, pages 164-172 (7 July1997)
Scaling Laws for Spatiotemporal Synchronization and Array Enhanced Stochastic Resonance, J. F. Lindner, B. Meadows, W. Ditto, M. Inchiosa, A. Bulsara, Physical Review E, volume 53, pages 2081-2086 (March 1996)
Removal, Suppression and Control of Chaos by Nonlinear Design, J. F. Lindner, W. Ditto, Applied Mechanics Reviews, volume 48, pages 795-808 (December 1995)
Taming Spatiotemporal Chaos Using Disorder, Y. Braiman, J. F. Lindner, W. Ditto, Nature, volume 378, pages 465-567 (30 November 1995)
Techniques for the Control of Chaos, W. Ditto, M. Spano, J. F. Lindner, Physica D, volume 86, pages 198-211 (1 September 1995)
Array Enhanced Stochastic Resonance and Spatiotemporal Synchronization, J. F. Lindner, B. Meadows, W. Ditto, M. Inchiosa, A. Bulsara, Physical Review Letters, volume 75, pages 3-6 (3 July 1995)
Self-Organized Criticality: An Experiment with Sandpiles, S. Grumbacher, K. McEwen, D. Halverson, D. Jacobs, J. F. Lindner, American Journal of Physics, volume 61, pages 329-335 (April 1993)
Chaotic Resonance: A Simulation, E. Ippen, J. F. Lindner, W. Ditto, Journal of Statistical Physics, volume 70, pages 437-450 (January 1993)